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Seventh Grade Science
1. Which explains why the light-colored Himalayan rabbit can survive in the snowy mountains while dark-colored rabbits
A. The light-colored Himalayan rabbit has no predators in the mountains.
B. Dark-colored rabbits taste better than light-colored rabbits to the wolves that eat them.
C. Light-colored rabbits absorb more heat and stay warmer in the winter than the dark-colored rabbits.
D. Predators can readily locate dark-colored rabbits in the snow but not light-colored rabbits.
2. A population of mosquitoes is sprayed with a new insecticide. Most of the mosquitoes are killed but a few survive. In
the next generation, the spraying continues, but still more mosquitoes hatch that are unaffected by the insecticide.
Which of the following best explains these results?
A. The insecticide caused a mutation in the genes of the immune mosquitoes.
B. The mosquitoes learned how to fight the insecticide.
C. A few mosquitoes in the first population were immune and passed this trait to their offspring.
D. The insecticide caused the mosquitoes to develop an immune response that was inherited.
3. To ensure the survival of a species, organisms must be able to
A. kill competitors
B. reproduce successfully
C. obtain enough food
D. maintain homeostasis
4. In a dense forest, some trees are very tall. The type of plant most likely to survive underneath these trees is one that
A. needs little sunlight
B. produces many seeds
C. can withstand the cold
D. can store water
5. One of the major elements of natural selection is that all species have
A. choices
B. similiarities
C. stability
D. variation
6. A change in the genetic make-up, appearance, and behaviors of a species over time is called
A. adaptation
B. natural selection
C. evolution
D. mutation
7. Suppose organge beetles and green beetles live in the same environment, struggling to survive. Green beetles are
harder to see on leaves, so birds eat primarily orange beetles. According to the theory of natural selection, orange
beetles will
A. move to a place without green beetles.
B. decrease in population size until they possibly become extinct.
C. breed with green beetles to create an orange-green beetle.
D. adapt by turning green.
8. The image shows four different finches Charles Darwin fouund while on the Galapagos Islands. Which of these would
be most adapted to eating small insects found in timy holes of trees?
A. Geospiza fortis
B. Geospiza parvula
C. Certhidea olivacea
D. Geospiza magnirostris
9. The above image shows four different finches that Charles Darwin found while on the Galapagos Islands. This
information led Darwin to develop his ideas for natural selection. According to Darwin, what would be the likeliest
reason their beaks are different?
A. They all ate different food.
B. They all lived in different areas.
C. Their beak size was different becasue of mutations, but they lived together and ate similiar foods.
D. Both where they lived and what they ate were different.
10. In any field of sunflowers, the heights of the plants vary. Birds first eat the seeds from the tallest plants. If this eating
pattern continues season after season, what would happen to the sunflowers over time?
A. they would get shorter
B. they would become extinct
C. they would begin to adapt asexually
D. they would stop producing seeds
11. A population of green iguanas lived on a tropical island. Originally, most of the iguanas had feet without webbing
between their toes and a long round tail. A few iguanas had webbed feet and a short, flat tail. As the years passed,
the island became smaller and smaller becasue of flooding. Even the land areas were dotted with ponds and pools.
The iguanas had a hard time finding the food they normally ate. To survive, the iguanas had to swim from island to
island to find food. How would you expect the iguanas to look many years after the island flooded and food became
harder to find?
A. The iguanas would look the same, but there would be less of them.
B. There would be more iguanas with webbed feet and flat tails.
C. There would be fewer iguanas with webbed feeet.
D. The iguanas would no longer be green, they would adapt by turning blue to match the color of the water.
12. If a characteristic such as dark color improves the moths ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment,
then the dark color is considered to be a(n)
A. dyhybrid.
B. adaptation.
C. dominant allele.
D. genotype.
13. Which of the following factors is necessary in order for natural selection to occur in a species?
A. genetic variation within a population
B. an abundance of food resources
C. a hospitable environment
D. a strong family structure
14. In the late 1700s most moths in England were light-colored. During the Industrial Revolution pollution from factories
darkened tree trunks. By 1886 dark-colored moths were common and light-colored moths were rare. What caused
this change in the moth population?
A. Dark-colored moths were attracted to the dark tree trunks.
B. Factory pollution killed the light-colored moths.
C. Dark-colored moths fed on the pollution.
D. Birds ate more light-colored moths because they were easy to spot.
15. Many animals in prehistoric times were much larger than those that exist today. How did a larger body size aid in
their survival during the colder climates of that time?
A. They needed less food.
B. They needed less water.
C. It helped them run faster.
D. It regulated body temperature.
A. Some of the birds have not evolved wings.
B. Their feathers are all constructed differently.
C. Some of the birds are not able to lay eggs.
D. Each beak is adapted to its food source.
17. When penicillin was first introduced, it was very effective in destroying bacteria. Today, certain varieties of
bacterium are resistant to penicillin. Which statement best describes the appearance of these resistant varieties?
A. Penicillin stimulated the bacteria to become resistant, and this resistance was passed to the offspring
B. Penicillin used today is not as strong as the penicillin used when it was first introduced
C. Penicillin strengthened the immune systems of resistant bacteria
D. Penicillin killed the susceptible bacteria, while naturally resistant varieties survived and reproduced
18. A spider may produce hundreds of eggs, only a few of which may survive. This is an example of
A. overproduction
B. speciation
C. genetic change
D. division
19. What evidence of natural selection is available today that was not available to Darwin?
A. Organisms inherit traits.
B. Differences in genes create variation.
C. Humans can breed organisms for specific traits.
D. There is great variation among organisms.
20. Darwin theorized that individuals having an advantage due to their traits or abilities will be more likely to survive and
reproduce. His theory is known as
A. genetics
B. speciation
C. adaptation
D. natural selection
The graph shows that changes in two populations of herbivores in a grassy field. A possible reason for these changes
is that
A. all of the plant populations in this habitat decreased
B. population B competed more successfully for food than population A did
C. population A produced more offspring than population B did
D. population A consumed the members of population B
22. The two diagrams show the limbs of two modern vertebrates that have descended from a common ancestor.
The difference in the structure of the limbs represents an adaptation to their
A. gender
B. environment
C. blood type
D. trophic level