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Final Test Review - Evolution
1. What are the statutes of the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE)? (There are 5)
2. If all conditions of the HWE are met, what does this say about the population?
3. What is the HWE? What do the letters mean?
4. If a population is in HWE and 34% of the population expresses the recessive trait,
what are the allelic frequencies and the phenotypic frequencies?
5. If another population is in HWE and 16% of the population is homozygous dominant,
what are the allelic and phenotypic frequencies of this population?
6. What has happened to a population who has had changes in the allelic frequencies
over time?
7. What is the difference between a vestigial structure and an analogous structure? Give
an example of both.
8. Contrast Convergent and Divergent evolution.
9. What is Natural Selection and who was the founding father?
10. What are two other terms we can use that mean a population is undergoing divergent
11. At what point does a population undergoing speciation become 2 new species?
12. What is the difference between adaptation (response to the environment) and
13. What is the difference between immigration and emigration?
14. What is the significance of immigration and emigration in terms of evolution?
15. Draw a graph for stabilizing selection, disruptive selection, and directional selection.
16. Distinguish between gene flow, genetic drift & a bottleneck effect. What are all these
processes of?
Complete each statement:
17. The wings of a butterfly and a bat are ________ structures.
18. Natural selection is also known as ____________.
19. The number of times an allele occurs in a gene pool compared with the number of
times other alleles for the same gene occurs is ________.
20. All individuals of the same species in a given area form a __________.
True/False – make the statement correct if it is false by changing the underlined word.
21. Genetic drift alters the gene pool of a small population.
22. The blending of peppered moths into their background is an example of mutation.
23. The variations upon which natural selection depends are gene mutations and gene
24. Gene pools can change in the absence of natural selection.
Short Answer –
The following questions refer to the following real-life situation:
Industrial melanism is the term used to describe the adaptation of an organism in
response to industrial pollution. One example of rapid industrial melanism occurred in
the peppered moth, Biston betularia, in the area of Manchester, England from 1845 to
Before the Inducstrial Revolution, the trees in the forest around Manchester were
light grayish-green due to the presence of lichens (moss) on their trunks. Peppered
moths, which lived in the area, were light with dark spots. The coloring served as
camouflage against predators. As the Industrial Revolution progressed, the trees became
covered with sulfur dioxide, thruning the trunks dark. Over the 45 year period, the
peppered moth changed to a predominantly dark species, with only a few light-colored
individuals remaining.
25. In which type of selection are the very light-colored and the very dark-colored moths
26. Which type of selection acts against the intermediate-colored butterflies and favors
the light-colored and dark-colored moths?
27. Suppose artificial selection greatly increases the number of dark-colored moths.
Which type of selection curve will occur among the moths?
28. Which type of selection occurred among the peppered moths of England following
the Industrial Revolution that stained London’s tree trunks dark brown?