Download Ch.3 Review Using Vocabulary a) A monomer is a simpler, smaller

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Ch.3 Review
Using Vocabulary
1. a) A monomer is a simpler, smaller molecule while a polymer is composed of monomers.
b) A functional group is a cluster of atoms that influence the characteristics of the molecules
they compose while macromolecules are large polymers.
c) A monosaccharide is a monomer of a carbohydrate, or a simple sugar, while a disaccharide
is a double sugar composed of two monosaccharides.
d) Polypetides are very long chains of amino acids and proteins are composed of one or more
e) A nucleic acid is a very large and complex organic molecule that stores and transfer
important information in the cell; DNA and RNA are made p of thousands of linked monomers
called nucleotides.
2. a) A triglyceride is composed of three molecules of fatty acid joined to one molecule of
b) Enzyme reactions depend on a physical fit between the enzyme molecule and its specific
substrate, which is the reactant being catalyzed.
3. Monomers link to form polymers in a chemical reaction known as condensation reaction;
polymers are broken down by water in a hydrolysis reaction.
4. An organic compound is made primarily of carbon atoms; most matter in living organisms that
is not water is made of organic compounds.
Understanding Key Concepts
5. Organic compounds are made primarily of carbon atoms while inorganic compound don’t
contain carbon atoms.
6. A carbon atom has four electrons in its outermost energy level therefore it readily forms four
covalent bonds with the atoms of other elements and it may also bond with itself which
results in an enormous variety of organic compounds.
7. Functional groups influence the characteristics of the molecules they compose.
8. Organic compounds are built from smaller, simpler molecules called monomers that link to
form polymers or macromolecules in a chemical reaction known as condensation reaction;
polymers are broken down by using water in a hydrolysis reaction.
9. Life processes require a constant supply of energy which is available to cells in the form of
certain compounds that store a large amount of energy, like adenosine triphosphate or ATP.
10. Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids.
11. Carbohydrates are organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a ratio
of one carbon atom to two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom.
12. Isomers are compounds with a single chemical formula but different structural forms.
13. Simple sugars, or monosaccharides, contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a ratio of 1:2:1
while a double sugar is a combination of two monosaccharides and a polysaccharide is a
complex sugar molecule composed of three or more monosaccharides.
14. There are 20 different amino acids with a similar basic structure but different R groups which
give the proteins very different shapes and allow them to carry out many different activities in
living things.
15. An amino acid contains a central carbon atom covalently bonded to four other atoms or
functional groups. A single hydrogen atom bonds at one site, a carboxyl group at a second site,
an amino group at a third site, and a side chain called the R Group bonds at the fourth site.
16. Two amino acids bond to form a dipeptide in a condensation reaction while two
monosaccharides combine in a condensation reaction to form a disaccharide.
17. In the induced fit model of enzyme action, the enzyme can attach only to a substrate
(reactant) with a specific shape. The enzyme then changes and reduces the activation energy
of the reaction so the reactants can become products.
18. Saturated triglycerides are composed of saturated fatty acids; they tend to be hard at room
temperature, while unsaturated triglycerides are composed of unsaturated fatty acids and are
usually soft or liquid at room temperature.
19. Triglycerides are composed of three molecules of fatty acid joined to one molecule of glycerol,
phospholipids have two fatty acids attached to a molecule of glycerol and a phosphate group
attached to the third carbon of the glycerol, and steroids are molecules composed of four
fused carbon rings with various functional groups attached to them.
20. Steroids are composed of four fused carbon rings with various functional groups attached to
them while other lipids are composed of different numbers of fatty acids joined to various
functional groups.
21. Waxes are waterproof and they form a protective coating on the outer surfaces of plants and
also form protective layers in animals; like ear wax in humans which prevents microorganisms
from entering the ear canal.
22. DNA contains information that determines the characteristics of an organism and directs its
cell activities while RNA stores and transfers information from DNA that is essential for the
manufacturing of proteins.
23. A nucleotide is made of three main components: a phosphate group, a five-carbon sugar, and
a ring-shaped nitrogenous base.
25. C3H6O3
26. In a cellulose molecule, thousands of glucose monomers are linked in long, straight chains
which tend to form hydrogen bonds with each other. Thus, its structure is strong and can only
be broken down by hydrolysis under certain conditions.
27. The organic molecule is alanine, an amino acid composed of one carboxyl group, in green, an
amino group, in yellow, and a side chain called the R Group in red.
28. This substance might be the polysaccharide made by plants and called cellulose which is rarely
broken down by hydrolysis reactions.
29. We believe lipids would be best suited for the birds’ energy storage because they are the
organic molecule that stores the most amount of energy.