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Food, Cells,
Physical & Mental
Dada Rainjitananda
(revised by Dharmadeva)
The human body is
composed of countless
 There are two kinds of
 metazoic.
Human Physical Structure
 All
parts of the human body are composed of these
two types of cells.
 The entire human structure can be regarded as one
metazoic entity.
Human Beings
 Every
cell has also its own individual mind and
 Human beings also have their centralised
individual mind and own consciousness.
 This is so, even though the mind of cells is
different from the human mind and the collection
of cells go to make up the human body.
Human Mind
 The
human mind is:
 the
unit microcosm; plus
 the collection of the minds of the metazoic and
protozoic cells.
 The
unit mind is inseparably related to each of its
cells and the mind of the cells have a relation with
the unit mind.
Life of a cell
 Generally
a cell lives 21 days, dies and is replaced
by new cells.
 When you rub your body some dirt comes off,
even when the body is covered. These are actually
mostly dead cells.
 In old age the old cells decay and new cells are
produced in lesser number and get less
Formation of Cells
Cells grow out of light, air, water and the food we eat.
 The nature of food and drink we consume has its effect
on the cells and consequently on the human mind.
3 Types of Energy
 1.
 2. Mutative
 3. Static
3 Types of Food
1. Sentient
conducive for mental and physical well-being.
2. Mutative
good for body, and may or may not be good for mind
(but certainly not harmful).
3. Static
harmful for mind and may or may not be good for
The Human Mind
 Conscious
 Subconscious
 Unconscious
 Supramental
 Subliminal
 Causal
/ Superconscious
Nourish all levels of body and mind
 By:
 good
 yoga postures
 good exercise
 regular meditation
 incline the mind towards a spiritual outlook
 practice spirituality in daily life