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By: Susan M. Pojer
Horace Greeley H.S. Chappaqua, NY
EDITED: Mr. Stonehill - THHS
The Geography of Greece
• What seems to be the main “areas” of the
Classical Greek world?
• Where might potential enemies/rivals of
Greece arise from?
Bronze Age Greece
Crete: Minoan Civilization
(Palace at Knossos)
Knossos: Minoan Civilization
Minoan Civilization
The Mycenaean Civilization
Homer: The “Heroic Age”
The Mask of Agamemnon
• What features of Archaic Greek culture do
we associate with Western culture?
ATHENS: Yesterday & Today
Piraeus: Athens’ Port City
• Why is a port city necessary for Athens?
Early Athenian Lawgivers
$ Draco – initial dictator
 “draconian”
$ Solon “law giver”
$ Cleisthenes
 created the first
Persian Wars: 499 BCE – 480 BCE
Persian Wars: Famous Battles
Marathon (490 BCE)
 26 miles from Athens – Greeks
defeat Persians
Thermopylae (480 BCE)
 300 Spartans at the
Mountain pass – eventually
Xerxes conquers Athens, burns
it and leaves
Salamis (480 BCE)
 Athenian navy victorious over
Persians leading to “stalemate”
Athens - Golden “Age of
460 BCE – 429 BCE
Great Athenian Philosophers
$ Socrates
 Know thyself!
 question everything
 only the pursuit of goodness
brings happiness.
$ Plato
 The Academy
 The world of the FORMS
 The Republic  philosopher-king
Great Athenian Philosophers
$ Aristotle
 The Lyceum
 “Golden Mean” [everything in
 Logic.
 Scientific method.
Athens: The Arts & Sciences
$ DRAMA (tragedians):
Pythagoras - mathematician
Democritus  all matter made up of
small atoms.
Hippocrates  “Father of Medicine”
Architecture - Phidias’ Acropolis
The Acropolis Today
The Parthenon
The Agora
The Classical Greek “Ideal” – emphasis on human
body – accuracy in art as well
Olympia – human sport and the emphasis of what
the human body can achieve
The Ancient Olympics:
Athletes & Trainers
Olympia: Temple to Hera
The 2004 Olympics
• What aspects of Athenian culture would
you consider Western Culture?
• Define art (how does it work, its materials,
its subject matter, how does it look, etc.) in
the Golden Age of Athens.
Helots  Messenians enslaved by the
Peloponnesian Wars
Macedonia Under Philip II
• How was Sparta and its allies able to
defeat Athens and the Delian League?
• How was Macedonia able to conquer the
rest of Classical Greece?
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great’s Empire
Alexander the Great in Persia
The Hellenization of Asia
Pergamum: A Hellenistic City
The Economy of the Hellenistic World
Hellenistic Philosophers
$ Cynics  Diogenes
 ignore social conventions &
avoid luxuries.
 citizens of the world.
 live a humble, simple life.
$ Epicurians  Epicurus
 avoid pain & seek pleasure.
 all excess leads to pain!
 politics should be avoided.
Hellenistic Philosophers
$ Stoics  Zeno
 nature is the expansion of
divine will.
 concept of natural law.
 get involved in politics, not
for personal gain, but to
perform virtuous acts for the
good of all.
 true happiness is found in
great achievements.
Hellenism: The Arts & Sciences
$ Scientists / Mathematicians:
 Aristarchus  heliocentric theory.
 Euclid  geometry
 Archimedes  pulley
$ Hellenistic Art:
 More realistic; less ideal than
Hellenic art.
 Showed individual emotions,
wrinkles, and age!
The Breakup of Alexander’s Empire