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1. Vocab term meaning the development of a variety of interests and activities
outside the sphere of religion. Secularization
2. During what century did Population drop to 1/3 of its former size? 14th
3. Name 1 disasters of the fourteenth century Black Death, Hundred Years War,
Great Schism [ok Babylonian Captivity
4. Name 2nd __________________
5. Name 3rd _________________
6. What two countries fought in the Hundred Years War?
7. What famous saint is associated with France’s victory in the Hundred Years War?
Joan of Arc
8. What government institution in England widened its powers after the Hundred
Years War? Parliament
9. Both Edward I of England and Philip the Fair of France made enemies of the
church when they imposed what? Taxes on the land of the clergy
10. What Pope claimed that outside of the church, there was no salvation? Boniface
11. The pope was moved from Rome to what city, leading to the Babylonian
Captivity? Avignon, France
12. What started the Great Schism? The College of Cardinals elected two popes
13. List one consequence of the black death: peasant insurrection
14. Second? Rise of wages
15. Third? Food shortages
16. What is the main way both jacqueries and Wat Tyler’s rebellion are similar? They
are both peasant insurrections after the Black Death
17. What happened to the power of the Church as a result of the disasters of the
fourteenth century?
18. What are flagellants? Religious people who wandered through towns beating
themselves to appease the wrath of God
19. The purpose of the meeting of church Councils, or Conciliar movement, was to
reunite Roman Catholicism, get rid of heresy, and reform the church from top to
20. John Wycliff, Jan Huss and the Hussites complained about what? Corruption in
the church
21. What does the term Quattrocento mean? Fifteenth Century
22. The word that means rebirth of the ideals and culture of Greco-Roman civilization
23. What area of Europe had the most active of towns that appeared in Europe in the
Middle Ages? Italy
24. What class rose in importance as trade rose at the end of the Middle Ages?
Merchant or middle
25. Besides selling goods, what other business activity allowed Florentines to make
their fortunes?
26. Where did the Renaissance begin? Italy
27. How was the government of Italy different than the government in most of
Europe? Independent city states, no kings
28. What city in Italy was the center of the Renaissance? Florence
29. The family that unofficially ruled Florence was the? Medici
30. Name two important leaders from the Medici family: a. Cosimo and
31. b. Lorenzo
32. How were the Medici different than other kings or rulers of Europe? They made
their fortune through trade, manufacture and banking
33. Explain the concept of virtu. The quality of being a man and shaping his own
destiny in a world governed by fortune.
34. Name three Italian Renaissance artists mentioned in the text: Leonardo,
35. b. Raphael,
36. c.Michelangelo, Bellini
37. What cultures served as the new source of inspiration for Italian painters and
architects? Became free-standing, favored subjects were human beings, more use
of the nude
38. How did sculpture change from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance? (Became
39. The key literary movement of Renaissance Italy is? Humanism
40. The Divine Comedy by Dante was written in what language? Italian
41. Which humanist proved that the pope’s claim to earthly, or temporal, powers was
a forgery? Lorenzo Valla [Donation of Constantine
42. What Florentine writer is called the “first man of letters?” Petrarch
43. What attitude developed among humanists like Bruni and Salutati that made them
get involved in public affairs? Civic consciousness
44. Schools during the Renaissance changed because students became grouped by
social ranking rather than age or level of achievement.
45. How was the education of girls in Renaissance Italy different than the education
of boys? No universities or academies
46. The Book of the Courtier by the author, Castiglione, believed that the ideal
Renaissance man should be extremely well-rounded.
47. How did Castiglione think that the courtier acquired the ideal attitudes and skills?
Through education/training
48. How was marriage in Renaissance Italy different than today? It was usually
based upon the negotiations of parents hoping to enhance the political and
economic standing of their family
49. Who was the author of The Prince? Macchiavelli
50. How was The Prince different than other writings on politics? Based not on
theology but on the observation of real politicians
51. What did Machiavelli think were the most successful states of Europe when he
wrote his book? New Monarchies
52. What was the most important difference between the Renaissance in Italy and the
Renaissance outside of Italy?
53. What were two fields in which the Northern Renaissance was more influential
than the Italian Renaissance? Sciences,
54. b.medicine, mathematics (2)
55. What invention spread literacy throughout the north first and later Italy? printing
56. Nicholas of Cusa, Meister Eckhart and Thomas a Kempis are all examples of
what tendency in the north? Mysticism
57. How were the Sisters and the Brothers of the Common Life different from
ordinary groups of nuns and monks? Thy took no vows, wore ordinary clothing,
and were free to leave at will
58. How does Holbein’s portrait of Erasmus depict Erasmus as a scholar and as a
person? Holding a pen, with books, intent on his work, not on external or divine
59. What aspect(s) of religion did Erasmus satirize? The ambitious and worldly
clergy; their ignorance and sloth; moral and financial corruption of the clergy
60. Who laid the foundations for a mathematical conception of the universe and may
have been the most influential scientist of the 15th century? Regiomontanus
61. What new idea did Copernicus come up with? The earth moves around the sun
62. Who is credited with revolutionizing medicine at the University of Basel?
63. What figure in literature came to symbolize the ambitions of modern people? Dr.
64. What is the difference between a lay person and the clergy? The former is not
65. Why isn’t daVinci considered to be an influential scientist of the 15th century?
People did not know his ideas