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Egypt Unit Review Study-Guide Sanford 2016 Name ________________________________________
Date _____________________
Class Period ___________________________________
Directions: Use your notebook and textbook to answer the following questions.
C5L1 the Nile River
1. On what continent is Egypt located? Africa
2. Describe the geography of the Nile River. 4000 miles long, flows NORTH to the Mediterranean Sea,
sources Blue Nile from Ethiopian Highlands, White Nile from central Africa, Series of cataracts and the
deserts and marshes helped protect Egypt.
3. How was it possible to travel in both directions on the Nile River? River flows NORTH / Wind blows
to the SOUTH
4. Explain how Upper and Lower Egypt were united; Narmer invades Lower Egypt and conquers the
land thus UNITING Egypt
5. What did the Nile River provide the Egyptians with? Water for; drinking, bathing, irrigation,
transportation, FOOD=fish and waterfowl, SILT for farming
6. Why were the Nile’s yearly floods helpful to the Egyptians? Brought SILT (rich fertile soil) to farm and
softened the land for planting
7. What was the most important geographic feature of Egypt? The NILE RIVER!!!!
8. What was papyrus and what was it used for? Reed like plant, used for PAPYRUS (an early type of
PAPER), boats, sandals, baskets, mats ….
9. In what ways did the Nile River help the farmers of Egypt? Water to soften the land for planting,
brought SILT (rich fertile soil), provided water for irrigation
10. How did the deserts of Egypt actually help the Egyptians? Deserts protected Egypt from foreign
C5L2 Life in Ancient Egypt
11. What did the Egyptians value? UNITY! This is one reason they would follow the pharaoh’s rule.
12. What influenced every aspect of Egyptian life? RELIGION Pharaoh is a GOD-King
Belief in an afterlife
13. What was a pyramid and what was its purpose? Tomb for Pharaoh, Protected his body for the
14. How did the Egyptians view the Pharaoh and how would you describe his power? GOD-King
Absolute power over everyone
15. Why could the Egyptian government be described as a THEOCRACY? Pharaoh did two important
jobs, Political Leader=PHARAOH=Religious Leader. He was a GOD/KING.
C5L3 Egypt’s Empire
16. Why is the Middle Kingdom in Egyptian history called the “Golden Age” ? Time of wealth and
17. What happened when the wealthy nobles tried to take the Pharaoh’s power? Civil war weakened
18. Which Pharaoh began the New Kingdom? Ahmose
19. How did Hatshepsut expand the Egyptian Empire? Peacefully/through TRADE
20. How did Thutmose III expand the empire? His armies conquered lands: WAR
21. How did Akhenaton change Egypt? Made religion monotheistic
22. Who was the most successful Pharaoh of the New Kingdom? Ramses II: He retook lands and built
23. How did TEMPLES during the New Kingdom affect the economy? Employed People, Banks, Storage
of valuables
24. What caused Egypt to finally fall? Repeated Foreign attacks
Content Vocabulary:
Cataracts: dangerous fast moving waters, rock filled rapids in a river,
Delta: fan shaped, triangular area of land where a river flows into a sea
Irrigation: bringing water to crops using ditches, canals, buckets…
Shadoof: a bucket on a long pole used to move water for irrigation
Papyrus: a reed like plant that grows along the Nile, an early form of
Hieroglyphs: an early form of picture writing
Dynasty: a line of rulers from one family
Silt: rich fertile soil deposited by the flooding of a river
Theocracy: government with same person as a religious and political
Pharaoh: ancient king of Egypt
Pyramid: stone tomb for Egyptian pharaoh and royals, four triangular
shaped sloping walls
Polytheistic: belief in many Gods
Regent: an adult who rules for a royal child
Religion: belief in a divine power, worship and ritual
Monotheistic: belief in one god
Culture: people’s way of living including customs beliefs and values
Government: the system of rules and shared services and the people who
administer them within a community
Tribute: money paid by a smaller state or nation to a larger one
Deity: god or goddesses