* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
ANATOMY OF AVIAN THE MIDDLE SKULL: EAR REGION OF THE SPHENISCIFORMES EDWARD SAIFF WHEN I reviewedthe literature on the middle ear regionof birds (Saiff 1974), it became obvious that few anatomical studies have been made on this regionin birds, penguinsin particular. Watson's (1883) report on the anatomyof the Sphenisciformes lacksany detailson the middleear. Walker (1888) studiedquadratemorphology in a large variety of birds includingSphenisciformes. Pycraft (1898) describedthe skullof penguins but passedover the middle ear region save for a few brief statementsre- gardingthe quadrate,basitemporalplatform, eustachiantube, and the trigeminalforamen. Shufeldt (1901) also failed to go into detailsof the middleear regionin his osteological studyof the penguins.More recently, in a study of the evolutionof penguins,Simpson(1946) describedthe skullof Paraptenodytes antarcticus,a fossilpenguin.This studytheorized a close relationship between the penguins and the Procellariiformes. Crompton(1953) made a further study on penguinsand did an extensive developmental studyof the chondrocranium. An analysisof middleear anatomy of Procellariiformes, includinga glossaryof avian middle ear characters,appearsin Saiff (1974). Recently Frost et al. (1975) describedthe circulatorysystemin the head o/ Spheniscus demersusin an effort to describeheat-exchangesystemsin penguins. Obviouslacunaeexistin the studyof the middleear of birds,including Sphenisciformes. This study describesthe anatomyof the middle ear and basicraniaof the Sphenisciformes and where possiblemakes comparisonswith Procellariiformes. MATERIALS AND METItODS This study is based on an analysisof charactersof specimensborrowed from the Bird Department of the American Museum of Natural History. Peters (1931) was usedas the basisfor the genericclassificationand Wetmore (1930) for the higher taxa. I studied the following specimens:dried skull: Aptenodytes/orsteri AMNH 3745. A. patagonicaAMNH 1623, 2611, 3139, 4630, 4383, 4382. Eudyptes chrysolophus AMNH 5974. E. crestatusAMNH 3854, 5398, 5972. E. pachyrhynchusAMNH no number. E. schlegeliAMNH 5399. Eudyptula rainor AMNH 5314, 5620, 6257. MegadyptesantipodesAMNH 5613, 5615. PygoscelisadeliaeAMNH 5041. P. papua A.MNIt 3196, 4361, 5373, 5766, 5973. Spheniscus deraersus AMNH 1625, 1310, 3875, 4042, 4069, 4942. S. huraboldtiAMNH 2768, 4920, 4921. S. raendiculusAMNH 3648, 3772. Dissected: S. deraersus AMNH 4548. 749 The Auk 93: 749-759. October 1976 750 EDWARDSA• ANATOMICAL [Auk, Vol. 93 DESCRIPTIONS EXTERNAL.--Theexternalauditory meatusis on the samehorizontal plane as the gape. The meatus lies on the border of a white band of feathersthat runs first over and then behind the eye and a dark feather patch that extendsposterior to the gape onto the throa region. The feathers that cover the external meatus grow only from its anterior rim. The meatus rangesbetween 2.4 to 3.5 mm tall and 1.9 to 2.1 mm wide (2 ears). The rim of the meatusdoesnot appearto be sopliableas to close completely. The external auditory canal is directedposteroventrally.No ridges appear on the inner membranouslining of the canal. Ridges do appear with somedegreeof consistency in Procellariiformes (Saiff 1974) although the presenceor absenceof suchridgesmay be an effect of preservation. Upon removal of the m. depressormandibulac, the oater membrane coveringof the external auditory canal becomesvisible and when this is dissectedopen the tympanicmembranecomesinto view. The tympanic membraneis roughly circular in shape, mildly protubcrant, and faces posterolaterad.It is composed of a tough, thick outer layer that is quite elasticand a thinner but equally tough inner layer. The outer layer of the tympanic membrane is a continuationof the lining of the external auditory canal while the inner layer is continuouswith the epithelium lining the middle ear cavity. The inferior processof the extra-columella, coveredby its ligament,lies embeddedwithin the inner tympaniclayer. Here the tympanic membrane is thickened. The tympanic membrane separatesthe externalauditory canal from the middle ear cavity. ANATOMY O1' THE MIDDLE EAR REGION. The middle ear of all six generaof penguinsis characterizedby a conicaltympanic cavity as seen in Fig. 1 that opensto the rear of the skull medial to the quadrate. Watson (1883) clearly figured this region but did not label it. The dorsal,ventral,and anteriorwall of the tympaniccavity is a curvedplate of bonethat extendslaterally to touchthe rear of the dorsalend of the quadrate; the ventral edgeof this plate is bent backwardhorizontallyto form, alongwith a lateral extensionof the basitemporal plate, the ventral wall of the tympaniccavity. The tympanicmembrane(seendriedin placein someskullsas well asin situ in AMNH 4548) is stretchedacrossthe rear apertureof the tympanic cavityfrom themetoticprocess to the quadrate.On the medialwall of the tympanic cavity is the fenestraovalis, posteriorto which is a pneumatic foramen. Ventral to thesetwo structuresis the recessus scalaetympani. The seventh nerve foramen varies among the specimensexamined. A facial foramenopeningwithin the tympaniccavity is lackingin Eudyptes, October1976] PenguinMiddleEar Region VlI FR 751 AQF U/TR C I // / •X !..... PA ET BP MP CF H M Fig. 1. Spi•eniscus demersus (AMNH 4042) obliqueventralview of the left middle ear regionwith quadrateremoved:AQF, anteriorquadratefacet;BP, basitemporal platform;C, columella; CF, carotidforamen; ET, entrance to eustachian canal;FP, foramenprooticum;H, hypoglossal foramen;IX, glossopharyngeal foramen;•I, metoticprocess; MP, mammillaryprocess of basitemporal platform;OF, foramenfor occipital vein;P, pneumatic foramen; PA, foramen for palatineartery;SF, stapedial arterialforamen;TC, tympaniccavity;UTR, uppertympanicrecess; VCL, exitpoint from skullof venacapirislateralis;VIIp, foramenfor palatinebranchof facialnerve; X, vagal foramen. Eudyptula, Megadyptes, andSpheniscus. Crompton (1953) studiedthedevelopmental process involvedin this arrangement in Spheniscus. The palatinenerveentersthe carotidcanalthrougha foramenon its dorsomedialsurface in orderto runforwardalongwiththecarotidartery.The sectionof the carotidcanalwherethe palatinenerveand carotidartery traveltogetherrepresents the parabasal canal.At the anterolateral edge of the parabasalcanal is a foramen for the forward continuationof the palatinenerve. Justanteriorto thispalatinenerveforamenis a larger foramenfor the palatine artery. The hyomandibularbranch of the facial nerveexits from a foramenlocatedposterodorsal and lateral to 752 Et)w^a• S^•v [Auk, Vol. 93 the fenestraovalisand then leavesthe middleear regionwith the stapedial artery throughthe stapedialarterial foramen. One specimenof Eudyptula (AMNH 5314) I examinedhad a foramenonly on the right side of the inner wall of the tympaniccavity. This foramenis coveredover by a membraneand is probably pneumatic. Aptenodytes has a facial foramen. Dorsal and lateral to the facial foramen is an overhang of bone that is a forward continuation of the lateral wall of a canal that curvesposterodorsally above the fenestra ovalis and opensposteriorlyinto the middle ear cavity. The posterior openingis directed toward the foramenhousingthe stapedialartery. It seemsreasonableto assumethat the hyomandibularnerve travels within this bony canalup to the stapedialcanal and leavesthe middleear region via the stapedialcanal and the stapedialarterial foramen. Anteroventral to the facial foramena foramenentersthe carotidcanalfrom the tympanic cavity. Presumably the palatine nerve travels along the wall of the tympanic cavity to enter the carotid canal throughthis foramen. The presenceof a facial foramen opening into the middle ear of Pygosceliscannot be determined without a dissection. Anterolateral to the fenestraovalis in Pygoscelisare two fossaeseparatedby a vertical ridge of bone. On this ridge is a foramenthat is patent only on the left side in one of the specimensexaminedhere (AMNH 5766) and in none of the others. It is not possibleto tell whether this foramen is for the facial nerve, and if so, for which branch. It is doubtful, though,that the palatinebranchwould exit from this foramen. If it did, it wouldhave to travel posteriorlyfor almost the entire length of the tympanic cavity in order to enter the carotid canal as there is no foramen that leads into the carotid canal from the tympaniccavity as is presentin Aptenodytes. All speciesexaminedhad a bony canal for the stapedialartery dorsal to the columella,deep to the tympaniccavity. Posteriorto entry into the middle ear, the stapedialcanal runs medial to a vertical bar of bone (the lateral edge of the metotic process) connectingthe rear of the paroccipitalprocessto the rear of the basitemporalplatform. Running anteriorly in the ventrolateralportion of the tympaniccavity are two bony canals: a lateral canal for the eustachiantube, and a more dorsomedialcarotid canal. These two canals are separatedby a thin plate of bone referredto by Pycraft (1898) as a downgrowthfrom the alisphenoidwing of the parasphenoid.Anteriorly, the tympaniccavity is blind. The blind area presumablyrepresentsthe presphenoidsinus of several Procellariiformes, Pelecaniformes, and Ciconiiformes(Salff 1973). In all penguinsexaminedthe carotid artery enters the carotid canal throughthecarotidforamen,whichis locatedventromedial to the tympanic October 1976] Penguin Middle Ear Region 753 cavity. The carotidartery is neverexposed within the tympaniccavity. Just beforeenteringthe middleear, the carotidartery givesoff a dorsal branch,the stapedialartery, which lies dorsalto the columella.Deep to the stapedialartery, and alsodorsalto the columellais the venacapitis lateralis. Togetherthe stapedialartery complexof vesselsand that of the vena capitis lateralis form arete mirabile locatedlateral to the foramen prooticum. The vena capitis lateralis leaves the middle ear through a notch in the anterodorsaledgeof the tympaniccavity just deep to the quadrate. In Megadyptesand Aptenodytesa large dorsallydirectedpneumatic foramen enters into the braincaseposterior to the dorsal rim of the tympaniccavity and deepto the point of entry of the stapedialartery into the middle ear. None of the other generahas such an opening. All formshave a foramenjust anterior to the articulatorysurfacefor the headof the quadratein the paroccipitalprocess.This foramentakes the form of an elongateslit and appearsto be the true upper tympanic recess.Anterior to the upper tympanicrecessis an openingin much the positionof theuppertympanicrecess of the Diomedeidae andProcellariidae (Saiff 1974); this openingin penguinsentersthe brain cavityand appears to bepneumatic.In theProcellariiformes, Pelecaniformes, Sphenisciformes, and Ciconiiformes, the true uppertympanicrecessis separatedfrom the brain cavity by an imperforatewall of bone (Saiff 1973). Ventral to the perforationinto the brain cavity and anterior to the tympaniccavity is the foramenprooticum.Pycraft (1898) describedthe morphologyof the foramenprooticumas well as that of the pneumatic foramen dorsal to it. At the base of the skull posterior to the tympanic cavity are the glossopharyngeal, vagal,andhypoglossal foramina,whichCrompton(1953) described.The glossopharyngeal and vagal foraminaare locatedin the metotic process.Pycraft (1898) describedthe posterioraspectof the skulland the basitemporal platform,the formerbeingvariableamongthe generawhilethe latter is constant.The basitemporal platformas seenfrom belowis triangularand concave.The eustachiantubes make the lateral edgescurl ventrally,hencethe concavity.At the rear of the basitemporal platform on each side is a weak mamillary process."In all generabut Spheniscus there is a well-markedprecondylarfossa"(Pycraft 1898). In all respects, savethe mamillaryprocess, the basitemporal platform(Table 1) of Sphenisciformes is verysimilarto that of Procellariiformes, especially Diomedea (Saiff 1974). In all the generaof penguinsthe eustachiantubesare at least partly coveredby bone. In Eudyptes,Spheniscus, and Megadyptesthe bony coveringextendsto near the anteriorend of the basitemporal platform 754 EDWARD SAIFF [Auk, Vol. 93 October 1976] PenguinMiddle Ear Region 755 while in Eudyptula, Aptenodytes,and Pygoscelis it coversonly the posterior half of the eustachian tube. QUADRATE ANDITS RELATIONTO THE MIDDLEEAR.--Pycraft (1898) describedthe quadrateof the penguins. The quadrate articulatesnear the anteriorendof theparoccipital process by two heads.The articulation is strengthened by a broadligamentconnectingthe paroccipitalprocess and the Jarera]edgeof the curvedarticu]atorysurfaceof the outermost headof the quadrate.A portionof this ligamentextendsto the dorsalmost lip of the tympanic cavity. The vena capiris]ateralis runs just deep to this portionof the ligament. The angieof articulationis approximately at right angleswith the long axis of the head. Posteriorto the point of articulationa ventral curveof the paroccipitalprocessextendsabout halfway down the ]eve] of the tympanic cavity. The quadrateitself exhibitsa deep capitu]argrooveseparatingthe prootic and squamosa]-opisthotic articu]ar headswith the paroccipital process.The facetsfor thesearticu]ar headsin the paroccipitalprocess are quite distinct from each other. A line drawn throughthese facets intersectsthe long axis of the skull at app,roximate]ya 45-degreeangie. The uppertympanicrecessis locatedanteriorto thesetwo facets. The penguinsshowsomeslight variability with regard to the orbital process. That of Eudyptula,Eudyptes,and Spheniscus is curvedslightly upward with the superiorborder sharper than the inferior. In Pygoscelisthe orbital processis similar in shape but longer. In Aptenodytesand Megadyptesthe orbital processis taller than thosedescribedabovealthoughof the sameapproximatelength as the Eudyptula grouping. The pterygoidarticulatorysurfacelies ventral and medialto the orbital process.The quadrato-jugalarticulatory surfaceis at the base of the quadrateshaft on its lateral aspectjust dorsalto the mandibulararticulatory surface.Little variability amongthe severalgeneraof Spheniscidae exists in the mandibular articulatory surface. Pycraft (1898) failed to describethis portion of the quadrate. The penguinhas a shallow trochleargrooveseparatingthe inner and outer condylarpairs and no grooveto distinguishthe two condylesof the outer condylarpair from each other save for a shallowdepressionin Eudyptula and Megadyptes. The two condylesof the inner condylarpair are distinctfrom eachother but the groove separatingthem is much shallowerthan in Diomedea (Saiff 1974). The quadrateof penguinslacksa pneumaticforamen. DISCUSSION PRESPI-IENOID SINus.•The anatomical literature makes little mention of this structure. Watson (1883) figured it in his description of the 756 Et)w^,al> S^•w [Auk, Vol. 93 osteology of the penguinsand Pycraft (1898) madesomementionof it. There seemslittle doubt that the presphenoidsinus is pneumatic. In the Sphenisciformes it is shallow,poorlydeveloped, and directedanteromedially. Its lateral wall fusesventrallywith the free edgeof the basitemporal platformandis in closecontactposteriorly with thequadrate shaft. The downward extensionoffers lateral protection to the carotid artery and eustachian tube (Table 1). Suchprotectionis absentin the Diomedeidaealthoughit is presentto varying degreesin other Procellariiformes(Saiff 1974). Only in Daption capensis amongthe Procellariiformesdoesthe hind portion of the lateral wall of the presphenoid sinus come into contact with the quadrate, a condition also seen in penguins. Uvw• T¾•rVA•iCR•c•ss.--The positionof the entranceto the upper tympanicrecesswith respectto the facetsfor the headof the quadrate has beenusedas a taxonomiccharacterin birds (Lowe 1926, Saiff 1974). All the Sphenisciformes have a small, slit-shapedentranceto the upper tympanic recessthat lies anterior to the paired quadrate facets. In the Diomedeidae, Pelecanoididae, and Procellariidae of the Procellariiformesthe entranceis muchlarger than in the penguinsbut the position with respectto the quadratefacetsis the same.The entranceto theupper tympanic recess in the Hydrobatidae of the Procellariiformes is smalland locatedbetweenthe quadratefacetsandnot anteriorto them(Saiff 1974). FACIALFo•AMEN.--Aptenodytes is the only Sphenisciform that has a facial foramenopeningwithin the middle ear. The palatine ramuscontinues forward to the parabasalcanal; the hyomandibularramuspasses througha foramenin the ventral wall of a canal that continuesposterodorsallyto join thestapedialarterialcanal.Presumably thehyomandibular nervepasses into the stapedialarterialcanaland thenleavesthe middle ear throughthe stapedialarterial foramen. Crompton(1953) gave an accountof the early development of the chondrocranium of Spheniscus demersus includinga description with figuresof the ontogeny of the facial foramen, its subsequent closing over,andthepathultimatelytakenby the facial nerve. ME:ro:rxcP•ocEss.--Crompton(1953) discussed muchof the literature concernedwith this structure,as well as its developmentin Spheniscus demersus.All the Sphenisciformes have a strong metotic processperforatedby vascularforaminaaswellasforaminafor the glossopharyngeal, vagus,and hypoglossal nerves. In many respectsthe metoticprocessof thepenguins is markedlydifferentfromthat of theProcellariiformes (Saiff 1974). The metoticprocess of the Diomedeidae is weakand lacksevena separateglossopharyngeal foramen.Also lackingare vascularforamina as in all the Procellariiformes I previouslyexamined(Saiff 1974). October 1976] Penguin Middle Ear Region 757 ENTRYor CIRCULATION INTO THE HEAD.--In the singlespecimenthat wasdissected,the relativepositionof the foramenmagnumwith respectto the basitempora] platform showsthat the carotid artery and vena capiris ]atera]is do not have to bend to enter the head from the neck. Frost eta]. (1975) figure this in their recentpaper. This is a different arrangement from that in the Proce]]ariiformes (Saiff 1974). Even so, the vena capiris ]atera]is,stapedia]artery, and carotid artery of penguinspassthrough foraminain the metoticprocess,as in the Pe]acaniformes (Saiff 1973), rather than enteringthe middle ear in front of the metoticprocessas in the Proce]]ariiformes. MIDDLEEAUARTERIES.--Thecarotid artery of the Sphenisciformes is completelyencasedin a bony tunnel as it traversesthe middleear. The stapedia]artery is alsoprotectedon its lateral, roedial,and ventral sides. This protectionresultsfrom the closeproximity of the quadrateand the lateral wail of the presphenoid sinus,whichform a canalfor the stapedial artery. RETEMII•mILE.--In this study I dissectedonly a singlespecimen,and it had arete mirabile. Frost et al. (1975) also found arete mirabile in his dissections of S. demersus.Saiff (1973) describedthe presenceor absence of the structure in several other birds. As far as can be determined no physiologicalor behavioralfeature distinguishesthe forms possessing arete mirabilefrom thosethat lack one. Frost et al. (1975) discussed the literature concerningretia mirabile as heat-exchange systems.Certainly further studies involving dissectionsof more speciesare in order. EUSTACI-IIANTu•E.--This structure runs from the anteroventral region of the middle ear cavity to a medianopeningin the rear of the palate, which it shares with its fellow from the other side of the head. The eustachiantube of the Sphenisciformes runs along the edge of the basitemporal platform in a long canal that is at least partly protected by boneon all sidesin all genera. Qu•ml•TE.--Pycraft (1898) and Shufeldt (1901) describedquadrate structurein penguins.The sphenisciform quadrateis at right angleswith respectto the long axis of the skull (in lateral view), and an extensive capitular groove separatesthe paired condylesof the quadrate head. Dorsal to the capitular groovein the paroccipitalprocessa wide ridge of bone separatesthe facets for the quadrate head. These facets are perpendicularto the long axis of the skull. The upper tympanicrecessis just anteriorto a line drawn betweenthe two facets. The orbital processof the severalspeciesof penguinsvaries a bit but noneis significantlydifferentfrom that of the albatross(Saiff 1973). The arrangementof condylesof the mandibulararticulatory surfaceis also as in Diomedea (Saiff 1973), but the condylesof the penguinsare 758 Eow^•o S^rvv [Auk, Vol. 93 separatedby groovesthat are quite a bit shallowerand lesselongatedthan in the albatross. CONCLUSIONS Althougha numberof authors,notably Murphy (1936), Murphy and Harper (1921), and Simpson(1946), have held the Sphenisciformes to be closelyrelatedto the Procellariiformes, the middleear givesno confirmation of it. Indeed, a cursoryexaminationof five of the characterscovered in this work indicatesthat the middle ear of the gull, Larus argentatus, comes closer to the penguins than do those of the Diomedeidae or Procellariidae(Table 1). At the same time severalother characteristics are sharedby severalProcellariiformes and Sphenisciformes, suchas ridges on the wallsof the externalauditorycanal,the presenceof arete mirabile, basitemporal platformsavethe mammillaryprocess, and positionof upper tympanic recesswith respectto the quadratefacets. Wetmore (1930), Peters (1931), Murphy (1936), Simpson(1946), and Storer (1960, 1971) agree that the Spheniscidae are composedof six genera, which my data confirm. The Sphenisciformes are easily distinguishedfrom the Procellariiformes(Saiff 1973, 1974) and the Pelecaniformesand Ciconiiformes(Saiff 1973) by the penguins'wide presphenoid sinus,which has a lateral wall that fusesto the basitemporalplatform and is in closecontactwith the medial edgeof the quadrateshaft, thoughthe presphenoidsinus extendsonly a short distancerostrad. All the penguinssaveAptenodyteslack a facial foramen. Perhapsthis is another characterindicatingthe primitivenessof that genusamongthe Sphenisciformes.Many workers have studied the ancestry of extant penguinsand do not agreeon which genusis the mostprimitive and nearest to the ancestral form. Pycraft (1898) favored Eudyptula based on his osteologicalanalysis of temporal fossae,upper jaw, quadratojugalbar, sternum and pectoral limb, while Wilson (1907), basedon color char- actersof the head plumage,believedAptenodytesclosestto the primitive form. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Much of the data presentedhere was part of a thesis at Rutgers University done under the supervisionof Samuel B. McDowell. Iohn Maroney, Charles O'Brien, Alan O'Conne]], Dean Amadon, Waiter Bock, and Wesley Lanyon kindly allowed me to study specimens under their care. The Ramapo College Graphics Center prepared Fig. 1. SUMMARY The osteologyand soft anatomy of the middle ear regionof the skull are describedfor the Sphenisciformes with particularemphasis on the foramina for nervesand blood vessels.Also discussed is the morphologyof the October 1976] PenguinMiddle l•ar Region 759 basicranium and the quadrate. Comparativeanalysisof the characters are usedto assess taxonomicconclusions. Little supportis addedto the theorythat the penguinsare closelyrelatedto the Procellariiformes. The paper is part of a seriesthat attemptsto allow an assessment of evolutionaryrelationships within the Avesbasedon the anatomyof the middle ear region. CRO2VIPTOl•, A. W. 1953. The developmentof the chondrocraniumof Spheniscus demersuswith specialreferenceto the columellaauris of birds. Acta Zool. 34: 71-146. FROST,P. G. H., W. R. Sx•mmx•D,A•m P. J. Gm•E•WOOD.1975. Arterio-venous heat exchangesystemsin the JackassPenguin Spheniscusdemersus.J. Zool. London 175: LOWE, P. 231-241. 1926. More notes on the quadrate as a factor in avian classification. Ibis 12, 2nd Set.: 152-189. MvRPa¾, R. C. 1936. Oceanicbirds of South America. New York, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. MvRPa¾, R. C., A•rDF. HARPER. 1921. A review of the diving petrels. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 44: 495-554. P•T•RS, J. L. 1931. Check-list of the birds of the world, vol. 1. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard Univ. Press. P¾CP, A•?T,W. P. Proc. Zool. 1898. Contributions to the osteologyof birds. Part II, Impennes. Soc. London 1898: 958-989. SAtin?,E.I. 1973. The middle ear of the skull of the avian orders Procellariiformes, Pelecaniformes,Sphenisciformes,and Ciconiiformes. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers Univ. S^rvF, E.I. 1974. Anatomy of the middle ear of birds, The Procellariiformes. Zool. J. Linnean Soc. London 54: 213-240. S•rm?•DT, R.W. 1901. Osteologyof the penguins. J. Anat. Physiol. 15: 39•405. Sx•xPSO•r,G. G. 1946. Fossil penguins. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 87: 1-99. STOR•R, R. W. 1960. A classification of birds. Pp. 57-93 in Biology and com- parative physiologyof birds, vol. 1 (A. J. Marshall, Ed.). New York, Academic Press. STOR•R,R. W. 1971. Classification of birds. Pp. 1-18 in Avian biology, vol. ! (D. S. Farner and J. R. King, Eds.). New York, Academic Press, WAlKeR, M. L. 1888. On the form of the quadrate bone in birds. Studies Mus. Zool. Univ. Coil. Dundee. 1888: 1-18. WATSO•r,M. 1883. Report on the anatomy of the Spheniscidaecollectedby H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Report of the scientific results of the H.M.S. Challenger 1873-76. Zoology 7: 1-243. WET:VroR•,A. 1930. A systematic classificationfor the birds of the world. Proc. U.S. Natl. Wrr•so•r, E. Mus. 76: 1-8. 1907. Aves. Brit. Natl. Antarct. Exped. 1901-1904. 2, Zool. part 2: 1-121. Schoolo/ Theoreticaland Applied Science,Ramapo Collegeo/ New Jersey,Mahwah, New Jersey07430. Accepted15 April 1975.