Download Presbycusis/Acoustic Neuroma

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Case 1 History
57 y/o male
 Worker’s compensation insurance
 Fell from tractor and caused laceration
to right external ear, feels that TM is
 Sudden awareness of hearing problem
directly after blow to head/ear
Dried blood in right ear canal, taken out,
both TM’s visualized and normal
Bilateral sensorineural loss can either
be from noise exposure, age or a
combination of the two
Acoustic Neuroma
Case 1 History
58 year old female
 Diagnosed with enhancing internal
auditory canal lesion 2 years prior
 MRI shows no growth of lesion since
previous MRI
Case 2 History
46 y/o female
 One evening while running errands she heard
a pop and then loud tinnitus began
 Both ABR and ENG results were within
normal limits
 A CT scan showed a 4 mm acoustic neuroma
in the right internal auditory canal
Case 3 History
52 year old female
 History of right acoustic schwannoma
 Multiple surgical resections between
1972 and 1977
 Reports headache and ear pain
Case 4 History
49 year old woman
 Underwent resection of a
cerebellopontine angle meningioma 7
months prior
Case 5 History
67 year old female
 Sudden hearing loss on right side
 Accompanied by violent vertigo two
years ago
 History of CVA one year ago on left side