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• Any of the more than
100 known types of
• An element is
designated based on
its atomic number
(number of Protons)
• Common elements of
organic compounds
are H, C, N, O, P, and S
• A substance formed by
the chemical union of
two or more elements
• Compounds can only
be broken apart by a
chemical reaction
• Mixtures, in
comparison, can be
separated without
breaking any bonds
Covalent Bond
• A chemical bond that
involves sharing a pair
of electrons between
atoms in a molecule
• Covalent bonds are the
strongest natural
• Organic compounds
are held together by
covalent bonds
Ionic Bond
• A chemical bond in which
one atom loses an
electron and the other
atom gains an electron
• Ionic bonds are weaker
than covalent bonds
• Once the electron is
passed from one atom to
the other, the two
separate easily and are
now electrically charged
Hydrogen Bond
• A bond created by the
weak attraction of a
slightly positive hydrogen
atom to a slightly negative
portion of another
• Hydrogen bonds aren’t
really bonds at all; just
magnetic attractions
• They hold the two sides of
DNA together, but can be
separated fairly easily
• A compound made up of
carbon, hydrogen, and
oxygen atoms and
includes all sugars and
• Carbohydrates are the
most efficient source of
• Sugars supply immediate
energy, whereas starches
must first be broken down
to sugars
• Energy-rich organic
compounds, such as fats,
oils, and waxes, that are
made of carbon, hydrogen,
and oxygen
• Saturated fats are solid at
room temperature (butter);
Unsaturated are liquid (oils)
• Lipids store much more
energy than carbohydrates
because they are larger and
have more bonds
• A compound that contains
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,
and nitrogen needed by
tissues for repair and
• Proteins are made of
unique combinations of 20
amino acids
• Proteins make up all
Enzymes, which are
essential in speeding up
chemical reactions
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