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CH. 23 (A): EVOLUTION of _________________
[combining the work of ____________ with _____________!]
 Recall, EVOLUTION does not act on ________________, but ______________
_______________ DOES ACT on ________________!
 SO, as natural selection acts on individuals, those with adaptations
__________ for their environment or environmental changes, will survive &
________________, therefore affecting the ALLELES present in the ________
_________ of a particular __________________!
 MACROEVOLUTION: the larger level at which we can study _______________
change on a __________ level of a whole ___________.
 MICROEVOLUTION: the smallest level at which we can study
_____________________ change.
As _____________ in the genetic makeup of a __________________ occurs from
__________________ to ________________.
 What makes EVOLUTION possible?  ________________________
 Caused through:
 _________________
o produces the variation in ___________ ___________ that contributes to the
individual heritable differences in a ___________________.
 GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION: a type of _______________ _________________
(between ___________________) when organisms of the same __________ exhibit
_____________/______________ especially when separated into different &
separate _________________.
 MUTATIONS: originate from changes in the _________________ sequence of
_________, resulting in _________ genes & _________ alleles.
o can have a significant impact on _________________.
"POINT MUTATION": a change of as little as ____ base in a gene.
o Mutation rates tend to be ________ in plants & animals.
o But __________, especially those with RNA, have much higher
mutation rates.
 Can result in drug-resistant __________, like HIV.
 SEXUAL RECOMBINATION: (as a result of sexual ___________________)
o almost all _________________ variations based on genetic differences result
from ___________________ shuffling of the existing alleles in a ___________
Ex: _______________ & ____________ have high _______________ rates
& extensive _________________.
 produces _________________ that make adaptation possible...
 ...BUT, does NOT create new alleles/genes & doesn't change their frequency,
ONLY "re-shuffles" the alleles in the _________ _________ of a population.
 Recall, individual organisms DO ______ EVOLVE!!!...but ___________ DO!!!
o Although, _____________ ______________ does act on individuals, because each
individual's ___________ affect it’s ______________ & reproductive success
compared to other individuals...
o ...BUT, the EVOLUTIONARY IMPACT of natural selection is ONLY apparent in
the changes in a POPULATION (____________) of organisms over __________!
o EX: Cuban tree snails (Fig.23.1)
They have _______________ ________________ (__________________ among
individuals within a _____________) as a result of genetic differences....
....suppose they live in an environment of red grasses...causing snails
with more _______ colored patterns (better camouflaged against their
surroundings = “more ______”) to be _________ likely to survive, THUS, the
proportion of snails with that color pattern will tend to ______________
from one _________________ to the next...
...BUT, _________________ CANNOT evolve themselves to survive (snails
cant "decide" to change their patterns to the more red-color)...
...THUS, the ________________/____________, NOT its _______________
members, EVOLVES over time, as some traits become _________ common
within the population, and others become _________ common.
Studies the _________________ changes in _________________ over ___________.
o Individuals in a population must have _______________ ________________ in order
for _________________ to occur (via _________________ ________________), BUT, does
the presence of genetic variation, guarantee evolution will occur???
 _________...WHY? ______________________________________________________
 POPULATION: a localized group of _________________ that are capable of
___________-_______________ & producing ____________/____________ offspring
= same ____________, same ___________, & can ________________ & produce
_____________ offspring! [see Fig.23.3]
o The same ___________ can have different ________________ because they are
________________ from each other, thus rarely exchange
__________/______________ by breeding.
 GENE POOL: a population’s genetic ______________.
the "pool" of available genes/_____________ present within a population (in an
__________) at any one time; consists of all the possible, available
 ALLELE FREQUENCY: the frequency/proportion/”__________________” of certain
alleles within a specific ___________________.
The frequency of specific alleles can vary within different _________________.
For example: Cuban snails…
o In red-grass areas, the alleles for ________-patterns are found at
_______________ frequencies/__________ common within that particular
___________________, while the alleles for other patterns are found at
_______________ frequencies/__________ common within that particular
o In green-grass areas, the alleles for ____________-patterns are found at
_______________ frequencies/__________ common within that particular
___________________, while the alleles for other patterns are found at
_______________ frequencies/__________ common within that particular
 The events & trends that occur within _________________ GENETICS, leads to
___________________ of a species as a whole, over ___________...SO, to study &
understand EVOLUTION, you have to study-understand __________________
o Recall, we answered the question, “does the presence of genetic variation,
guarantee evolution will occur?” _______!
o One way to assess IF natural selection or other factors are causing evolution at a
particular LOCUS, is to determine what the genetic makeup of a _________________
would be if it were ________ evolving at that ___________...THEN, we COMPARE
that to a real ________________, & if there are _______ differences, then we can
conclude that the real population is NOT ____________...however, if there ARE
differences, then the real population IS ______________, & we can try to figure out
what are the causes…
 WHY are we looking at a particular LOCUS???
(RE-READ section in bk!)
o Describes a ______________ whose __________ ___________ is NOT ____________.
o the principle that states that the frequencies of ____________ and genotypes in a
population (___________ ___________) remains ______________ from generation to
generation, provided that only Mendelian segregation (including random
fertilization) and recombination of alleles are at work…such a gene pool is said to
be in _______________________________________________.
(RE-READ section!)
o the condition describing a non-______________ _________________; population is in
______________ _________________.
 Instead of thinking about what possible genetic combinations can result from only
____ cross (____________ ____________), we must now consider _______ the possible
genetic ________________ that can result within an entire ________________!
 SEE Fig.23.6 AND 23.7
 If a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium & its members mate randomly
generation after generation, alleles & genotype frequencies would remain
 The system operates somewhat like a deck of cards: no matter how many times
you shuffle the deck and deal out hands/or pairs (alleles). The cards in the
amount and types of cards in the deck remains the __________ (_________
___________; allele frequency); aces won’t magically change into another card.
 In the same way, the “shuffling” of a population’s _________ __________ over the
generations cannot, in itself, ___________ the frequency of alleles present in the
gene pool.
 The HARDY-WEINBERG THEOREM is used to statistically ____________ allele
frequency of certain __________ within a specific ________________.
 CONDITIONS for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium:
o the Hardy-Weinberg theorem describes a _________________ population that is
_______ evolving…
o …BUT, in real populations, allele and genotype frequencies ______ change over
o …this is because the 5 conditions required for non-evolving populations
(i.e.___________-______________ _________________) are ___________ met for long in
1) Extremely large population size. The smaller the population, the greater the
role played by chance fluctuations in allele frequencies from one generation
to the next, known as _____________ __________.
2) No gene flow. Gene flow, the transfer of alleles between _______________ can
alter allele frequencies.
3) No mutations. By introducing or removing genes from chromosomes or by
changing one allele into another, ________________ modify the __________
4) Random mating/random fertilization. If individuals preferentially choose
__________ with certain genotypes, including close relatives (inbreeding),
random mixing of gametes does not occur.
5) No natural selection. Differential survival and _______________ success of
individuals carrying different genotypes will alter ____________ frequencies.
 in order for a population to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, these 5
conditions must be met, which is _______ likely in nature…
 …SO, IF these 5 conditions are NOT met, which is ___________, then
__________________ occurs!!!
 Though natural populations rarely if ever are in true Hardy-Weinberg
________________, the rate of evolutionary change in many populations is so
__________ that these populations ____________ to be close to equilibrium. This
enables us to obtain approximate estimates of ____________ & _______________
 Recall, natural populations rarely, if ever, are in true Hardy-Weinberg
________________...but because evolutionary change occurs so slow, populations
can appear to be close to equilibrium…
 thus, the H-W-theorem & equation enables us to obtain approximate estimates
of ____________ & _______________ frequencies.
o SEE “Population Genetics & Human Health” section as an example
 APPLICATION: the H-W equation can be used to ________________ the % of
the population carrying an _____________ for an inherited disease.
 GENETIC DRIFT: unpredictable fluctuations in allele ________________ from 1
generation to the next because a population is finite in size (not infinite).
o can result in loss of alleles by ____________.
o over time, drift tends to ____________ genetic variation through losses of alleles
from the ___________ ___________
o 2 situations can increase the likelihood that genetic drift will have a large
impact on a population: bottleneck effect & founder effect
BOTTLENECK EFFECT: a type of genetic drift that results from a sudden
change in the environment, i.e. a ____________ ______________ or even
____________ ____________, like a flood or fire...that reduces the size of a
_________________, and the surviving population's __________ __________ may
not be reflective of the original population's gene pool.
o by chance, some alleles may be more common among the survivors,
while others are less common or even eliminated altogether.
FOUNDER EFFECT: a type of genetic drift that occurs when a few
individuals become isolated from a larger population (i.e. island formation),
with the result that the new population's gene pool is not reflective of the
original population.
 A Summary of the EFFECTS of GENETIC DRIFT:
1) ________________________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________________________
3) ________________________________________________________________________
4) ________________________________________________________________________
 GENE FLOW: genetic additions to or subtractions from a population resulting
from the _______________ of fertile individuals or gametes.
o tends to reduce the ________________ between populations.
 the 3 major factors that can alter allele frequencies & cause
the most evolutionary change are ______________
_______________, GENETIC DRIFT, & GENE FLOW.
 RE-READ "A Closer Look at Natural Selection" + "Evolutionary Fitness" or
"Relative Fitness"
 RE-READ "The Key Role of Natural Selection in Adaptive Evolution!!!
 RE-READ “Case Study: Impact of Genetic Drift on the Greater Prairie
 RE-READ “Sexual Selection”
 RE-READ “Why Natural Selection Cannot Fashion PERFECT ORGANISMS”