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Systemic Anatomy Exam I
Prepared especially for the trimester one class, summer 2004
Please place the single best answer in the space provided (unless designated by the letters MACA, which in this
case mark all correct answers that apply) on your scantron sheet. The faculty will not answer any of your
questions (unless you find a typo) once the exam begins, as interpretation of the question is a part of the
examination. Good luck.
For the first group of questions, please match the word on the left with its correct definition listed on the right. Each
question has only one correct answer and each answer may only be used once.
1) facet
a) a hollow cavity in a bone
2) foramen
b) a small bump on a bone
3) meatus
c) a flattened articular surface
4) trochanter
d) a hole in a bone
5) tubercle
e) a large boney process found only on the femur
ab) a boney canal
ac) the rounded end of a long bone
ad) a shallow depressed area on a bone
6) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) hyperplasia - increase in the number of cells within a tissue
b) iatrogenic - a disease of unknown origin
c) metastasis - to spread to a distant site
d) alopecia - baldness
e) cicatrix - a scar
7) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) pruritus - itching
b) hypoxia - decreased oxygen to a tissue
c) brontophobia - fear of thunder
d) phlebotomy - surgical puncture into a visceral organ
e) hypocapnia - decreased CO2 levels in the blood
8) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) pediculosis - infestation with lice
b) contusion - a bruise
c) enuresis - internal unresolved conflict
d) lumen - the hollow portion of a tubular organ
e) gynecomastia - the abnormal development of enlarged breast in the male
page 1, SA Exam I, Q. # 1-8
9) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) auscultation - to listen
b) blepharospasm - twitching of the eyelid
c) nyctalopia - night blindness
d) mydriasis - constriction of the pupil
e) anosmia - loss of the sense of smell
10) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) -algia - pain
b) -dyne - pain
c) megaly - decrease in size
d) -oid - to resemble
e) -trohpy - nourishment
11) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) peri - around
b) syn - separate
c) ante - in front of
d) -lith - stone
e) poly - many
12) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) contralateral - on opposite sides
b) ipsilateral - on same side
c) supine - to lay face down
d) afferent - to conduct toward a central reference point
e) anterior - ventral
13) Wormian bones are ____.
a) also called irregular bones
b) found only in the appendicular skeleton
c) sutural bones
d) named after the French anatomist Rene Worm
e) formed after puberty in most patients
14) In the Haversian system, perforating canals _______.
a) run longitudinally in long bones
b) are small canals which connect lacunae with the central canal
c) are small spaces where osteocytes reside
d) are also called central canals
e) connect central canals to adjacent central canals
J5) Elevated C02 in the blood will cause the pH of the blood __.
a) to rise
b) to decrease
16) Which fontanel closes last?
a) anterior
b) posterior
c) anterolateral
d) posterolateral
page 2, SA Exam I, Q.# 9-16
17) The __ suture connects the bregma to the lambda.
a) coronal
b) sagittal
c) lambdoidal
d) metopic
18) Choose the INCORRECT match of bone and its associated anatomic structure.
a) frontal bone - roof of orbit
b) occipital bone - inion
c) parietal bone - temporal lines
d) occipital bone - mastoid process
e) frontal bone - glabella
19) Choose the INCORRECT match of bone and its associated anatomic structure.
a) temporal bone - internal acoustic meatus
b) sphenoid bone - pterygoid plates
c) ethmoid bone - crista galli
d) occipital bone - hypoglossal canal
e) vomer bone - superior aspect of nasal septum
2Q) Choose the INCORRECT match of opening and associated nerves that run through it.
a) jugular foramen - CNIX, X and XI
b) foramen rotundum - maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
c) stylomastoid foramen - CN VII
d) superior orbital fissure - CN II, III, CIV and a branch of V
e) foramen magnum - spinal cord and spinal roots of CN XI
21) What nerve innervates ihe skin of the face?
b) the facial nerve
c) trigeminal nerve
e) none of the above
22) Primary spinal curves ______.
a) are lordotic curves
b) are found in the cervical and lumbar regions of the spine
c) develop around 3 months of age
d) are posterior curves
e) two of the above are correct
23) Which of the following structures form the neural arch?
a) spinous process and pedicles
b) lamina and pedicles
c) body and pedicles
d) body, pedicles and lamina
e) superior vertebral notch and associated inferior vertebral notch
page 3, SA Exam I, Q. # 17-23
24) In the adult the last IVD is found between ___.
a) Cl and C2
c) L5 and SI
d) S1 and the coccyx
e) none of the above
25) The groove for the vertebral artery is found on what aspect of the atlas?
a) superior aspect of the posterior arch
b) inferior aspect of the posterior arch
c) superior aspect of the anterior arch
d) inferior aspect of the anterior arch
e) none of the above
26) Which of the following vertebra is considered typical?
27) What forms the vertebral canal?
a) spinous processes all stacked together
b) neural rings all stacked together
c) the spinal cord
d) the meninges and spinal cord
e) the IVD's
28) Choose the INCORRECT match as to vertebra and its associated anatomic structure.
a) C2 - transverse foramen
b) T12 - inferior articular facets face anterolateral
c) C7 - bifid spinous process
d) T10 - transverse costal facets
e) L5 - mammillary process
29) Which vertebra has the largest neural ring?
d) LI
30) There are ____ intervertebral disc in the adult human.
a) 12
d) 26
page 4, SA Exam I, Q. # 24-30
31) Which vertebra is called the epistropheus?
c) the fused sacral vertebrae
32) Choose the INCORRECT match of vertebra to the number of articular surfaces present on that vertebra.
b) C2 - 7
c) T5 - 10
d) L5 - 6
e) Cl - 5
33) Which of the following ligaments attaches the inion to the spinous process of C7?
a) ligamentum flavum
b) tectorial membrane
c) interspinous ligament
d) occipitocervical ligament
e) nuchal ligament
34) The subscapular fossa is on the __ side of the scapula.
a) anterior
b) posterior
35) Which of the following bones does NOT have a styloid process?
a) temporal bone
b) scapula
c) radius
d) ulna
36) The __ epicondyle of the humerus is typically larger that the __ epicondyle.
a) medial; lateral
b) lateral; medial
37) Which carpal bones articulate with the radius?
a) lunate, capitate
b) scaphoid, hamate
c) capitate, hamate
d) scaphoid, lunate
e) none of the above do
38) Which of the following bones contribute to the formation of the acetabulum?
a) ileum, ischium, pubis
b) pubis, ischium, femur
c) ischium, ileum, femur
d) pubis, ileum, ischium, femur
e) none of the above
39) The base of the patella is located on the ____ aspect.
a) inferior
b) superior
page 5, SA Exam I, Q. # 31-39
40) Gerdy's tubercle is located on the __ aspect of the femur.
a) distal, anterior and lateral
b) distal, anterior and medial
c) distal, posterior and lateral
d) distal, posterior and medial
e) none of the above as it is not located on the femur
41) How many phalanges are there in the adult human body?
a) 14
c) 30
42) Choose the INCORRECT statement concerning ossification centers in vertebra.
a) each typical vertebra has 3 primary ossification centers
b) 5 secondary ossification centers develop during puberty in each typical vertebra
c) secondary ossification centers become fused by age 25
d) lumbar vertebra have secondary ossification centers for mammillary processes as well
e) the axis has 2 primary ossification centers and 5 secondary ossification centers
43) The semilunar notch is on the __ aspect of the ulna.
a) proximal, anterior
b) proximal, posterior
c) distal, anterior
d) distal, posterior
44) There are __ tarsal bones in the adult human.
a) 4
c) 8
45) The linea aspera is on the __ aspect of the femur.
a) anterior
b) medial
c) lateral
d) posterior
46) The adductor tubercle is on the __ aspect of the femur.
a) proximal, medial
b) distal, medial
c) proximal, lateral
d) distal, lateral
47) The hallux is ____.
a) the thumb
b) the 5th MT bone
c) the first digit of the foot
d) the fifth digit of the foot
e) the only digit with 4 phalanges
page 6, SA Exam I, Q.# 40-47
48) To tell a bone was right ulna, the radial notch would be located _____ on the bone in question.
a) proximal and right lateral
b) proximal and left lateral
c) proximal and right medial
d) proximal and left medial
49) To tell a right patella, with the articular surface on the table and the apex pointed away from you, which side is
closer to the table?
a) right
b) left
50) The angle of Louis is also called the ____.
a) sternoclavicular joint
b) lumbosacral angle
c) manubriosternal joint
d) acromioclavicular joint
e) two of the above
page 7, SA Exam I, Q.# 48-50
The end of exam one. Your grades will be emailed to you by the end of the school day. If you have questions
concerning your grade you need to come by and see me within one week of this date. I will not discuss exam
grades on individual exams after this week grace period.
Answers SA04su1a
1. C
2. D
3. AB
4. E
5. B
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. C
11. B
12. C
13. C
14. E
15. B
16. A
17. B
19. E
20. D
21. C
22. D
23. B
24. C
25. A
26. E
27. B
28. C
29. A
30. C
31. D
32. C
33. E
34. A
35. B
36. A
37. D
38. E
39. B
40. E
41. D
42. E
43. A
44. D
45. D
46. B
47. C
48. A
49. A
50. C