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Computing In The Modern World
Course Number 11.41300
Liberty County High School
Teacher(s): Mr. K. Warner
Email:[email protected]
Fall/Winter 2011
Textbook(s) Discovering Computers 2009
Career Pathway:
Interactive Media
Department Philosophy: The Business and Computer Science Department at LCHS
believes that our most basic function it to provide all students with the skills needed to
succeed in both the post-secondary and career pathways.
The goal of this course is to provide all students with an introduction to the principles of
computer science and its place in the modern world. This course should also help
students to use computers effectively in their lives, thus providing a foundation for
successfully integrating their own interests and careers with the resources of a
technological society.
In this course, high school students can acquire a fundamental understanding of the
operation of computers and computer networks and create useful programs implementing
simple algorithms. By developing Web pages that include images, sound, and text, they
can acquire a working understanding of the Internet, common formats for data
transmission, and some insights into the design of the human-computer interface.
Exposure to career possibilities and discussion of ethical issues relating to computers
should also be important threads in this course.
Required Items For Class: 1” Notebook, Paper, pen or pencil, portable jump drive
Textbook: Discovering Computers 2009 Complete
Textbook: Alice
Software: Alice, Scratch, Microsoft Office 2003
Pico Crickets
FBLA: The development of positive qualities and leadership is a vital component in
career success. In this course that development is achieved through a variety of methods,
which include Future Leaders of America (FBLA). FBLA is a student organization that
provides career and leadership development through peer interactions, adult mentoring,
and competition based on knowledge and skills learned in the classroom.
Course Schedule:
Careers in Computing
History of Computing
Hardware Components
Software Components
Web Design
Data Structures
Limits of Computing
Georgia Performance Standards: Performance standards provide clear expectations
for assessment, instruction, and student work. The performance standards isolate and
identify the skills needed to problem solve reason, communicate, and make connections
with other information.
Standards Covered in This Course:
BCS-CMW-1. Students will explore the different careers available in the field of computing.
BCS-CMW-2. Students will identify key developments and individuals relating to the history of computing
and explore emerging technologies.
BCS-CMW-3. Students will examine the professional and ethical issues involved in the use of computer
BCS-CMW-4. Students will describe the major hardware and software components of a computer and their
BCS-CMW-5. Students will compare and contrast computer features.
BCS-CMW-6. Students will demonstrate an understanding of how numbers and characters are represented
in a computer.
BCS-CMW-7. Students will demonstrate an understanding of how pictures, sounds, and video are
represented in a computer.
BCS-CMW-8. Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic components of computer networks.
BCS-CMW-9. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the issues involved in connecting a computer to a
BCS-CMW-10. Students will demonstrate an understanding of key issues in data transmission.
BCS-CMW-11. Students will demonstrate knowledge of networking trends and issues.
BCS-CMW-12. Students will demonstrate the ability to search for information and evaluate search results.
BCS-CMW-13. Students will examine Internet security issues and recognize the importance of working in
a secure environment.
BCS-CMW-14. Students will evaluate, compare, and contrast Web sites.
BCS-CMW-15. Students will design and create a basic Web site.
BCS-CMW-16. Students will discuss examples that identify the broad interdisciplinary utility of computers
and algorithmic problem solving in the modern world.
BCS-CMW-17. Students will apply strategies to solve various problems.
BCS-CMW-18. Students will apply algorithmic thinking to solve problems.
BCS-CMW-19. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the basic steps in algorithmic problem
BCS-CMW-20. Students will demonstrate an understanding of basic programming concepts.
BCS-CMW-21. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the limitations of algorithms.
BCS-CMW-22. Students will identify limits on computing imposed by the laws of physics.
BCS-CMW-23. Students will show the ability to use an ordered data structure.
Work Ethic
Work ethic is important in any endeavor. A good work ethic for students can be
characterized by good attendance, completion of work assignments in a timely manner,
exhibiting appropriate conduct in the classroom, and cooperating with the teacher.
Students will receive a work ethic grade
Tests, Quizzes, Lab Projects—55%
Daily, Homework, Work Ethics- 45%
Make-up Work
Work missed due to an absence should be made up before or after school within three (3)
days after the student returns to class. An extended period of absence may require a
longer make-up period and is left to the discretion of the teacher.