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Muscular System
By :Angel, Joselyn and Alex
Table Of Contents
The role of the muscular system in the human body
Major organs in the muscular system
How the organs work together
How the muscular system connected to the other system
Levels of organization in humans
Common diseases that affect the muscular system
How to maintain a healthy system
2 professions that work with the muscular system
Did you know facts
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Role Of The Muscular System
The role of the muscular system
in the human body is that the
muscular system mainly controls
movement. It gives us the ability
to move our limbs and bones.
This system also holds our body
together ( for example the
skeletal muscle attaches onto the
bones and holds them in place).
The muscles are 40 % of our
entire body weight.
Major organs in the muscular system
The muscular system is made up of three types of muscle:
• Smooth muscle
• Cardiac muscle
• Skeletal muscle
Smooth muscle
Smooth muscle if found in the walls of the stomach, urinary bladder, and in
the bronco of the lungs. The smooth muscle has no striations therefor we
cannot control the muscle with our own will. The smooth muscle functions
to propel substances along definite tracks. Smooth cells are spiral shaped
and are arrayed in layers. They change their size and shape when they
contract and relax.
Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal muscle is striped, long, large and cigar shaped.
Skeletal muscle is voluntary because it is the only muscle
conscious to our constant control.
The skeletal muscle holds the skeleton in place. The
skeletal muscle bends and straightens the parts of the body
to help you move.
Cardiac Muscle
Cardiac muscle is ONLY found in the heart. This muscle is
striated and involuntary. Cardiac cells are cushioned by small
amounts of connective tissue. Cardiac muscle is arranged in a
spiral, branching cells that form tight junctions.
Cardiac muscle allows the heart activity to be closely coordinated.
It also ensures hearts efficiency as a pump that regulates the heart
The cardiac muscle helps the heart to pump the blood into
the bloodstream and into the circulatory system.
Then smooth muscle contracts and propels the blood flow
to all the arteries, muscles, cells and organs that need
blood. The smooth muscle cells carry or direct the blood
on a definite track.
All of out veins have a little or no amount of smooth cells,
so our blood must go up against the gravity to get back to
the heart. This is done with much help from the skeletal
muscle cells. When the skeletal muscle contract the blood
is pushed upward towards the heart
Muscular system connected
to other systems
Circulatory system
The heart is the only organ that contains cardiac muscle. The
cardiac muscle is branching cells that form tight junctions,
allowing the heart to be closely coordinated. This also ensures
the hearts efficiency . The cardiac muscle also helps to pump
the blood therefore the muscular system is connected to the
circulatory system.
Digestive system
The movement of food through the digestive system is “house
keeping” done by smooth muscle cells, from the muscular
The smooth cells propel the food through the digestive system in
a definite track or pathway. Therefore the muscular system and
the digestive system are connected
Levels of organization in
the human body
System: muscular system-the muscular
system has one organ; the heart and is
responsible for the body's movement.
Organ: heart – the heart is made up of
cardiac muscle and smooth muscles along
with others
Tissue: cardiac muscle tissue-is made up of
long tube like cells that are joined at the
Cell: cardiac muscle cells- the cells are
joined end to end, and are like long tubes
with a nucleus in the center of the cell.
Diseases of the muscular system
Muscular Dystrophy
Muscular dystrophy is caused by errors in your genes that have to do with
muscle function. It is a genetic disorder. The effects of this disorder is
progressive weakness. It takes away your control of the voluntary
muscles. Then muscle tissue weakens and wastes away, being replaced
by fatty and connective tissue. This also damages muscle fibers, and
takes away your mobility and coordination
There is no cure for this disease yet, and treatment or medicines only
slows the process
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy impacts your posture, it takes away your balance and
motor functions. Your muscles no longer function. Cerebral Palsy also
breaks down your nervous system.
This disease cannot be cured , variety of treatment can only help with
symptoms and improve quality of life, physical treatment is the main
treatment to help minimize symptoms
Maintaning a healthy muscular
Maintaining a healthy muscular system starts with a healthy diet. Muscles
convert glucose into energy in to their energy source.
Eating fruit, dairy and carbohydrates such as whole grains provide your body
with sugars that your muscles use as energy. Protein is also needed for a
strong and healthy muscular system. Such as meats like fish beef are all apart
of proteins.
You also need to exercise to use up the energy instead of storing it and it
becoming fat.
Professions that work with the muscular
A chiropractor is a professional that works with the muscular
system. A chiropractor relives pain caused by your muscles (
mostly skeletal muscle). A chiropractor applies pressure to reline
your spine. Also to help muscles and their problems.
a chiropractor usually would work in a doctors office or a home
business, more like a clinic.
A masseuse is also another profession that works with the muscular
system. A masseuse would relax your muscles to reduce stress,
apply techniques to make your muscles feel good.
A masseuse would usually work in spas
Interesting facts
1. Under the surface of the outer layer of skin ( epithelial cells)
the body is covered in around 600 muscle cells.
2. Triggered by the messages sent from the brain the muscles
( often working in what are known as antagonistic pairs) work
to make all of our movement.
3. Muscles in all forms, is one of the most remarkable tissues in
the body. They take up almost HALF of our whole body
mass. They have a unique characteristic that makes them
different from any other tissue; the contract and change their
shape( shorten or stretch)
Interesting facts
4. The muscular system does not have organs but three distinct
5. When muscles are herd people often think “movement”; but
the mobility of the body as a whole reflects only on the skeletal
muscles. Skeletal muscles are the only muscles that we can control.
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Essentials Of Human Anatomy written by laine N.Marieb
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