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Chapter 10: Evolution
Describe how Charles Darwin came to the idea of evolution by natural selection. Explain
how the Galapagos finches and tortoise lead him to his theory.
Define the following
Explain the evidence for evolution
Fossil records
Animal breeding
Homologous structures (Pentadactyl limbs)
State how the age of fossil can be determined
Define artificial selection. Give two examples.
Explain species divergence
Explain adaptive radiation and explain two examples. (Include Galapagos finches)
Define niche. State the niche for a particular organism. For example: Give the niche of a
Explain gradual divergence in reference to a species that has a wide geographical
Define selective pressure
Define polymorphism and explain the peppered moth example.
Explain how stickleback fish have evolved in freshwater lakes in Alaska. Discuss how fish
from different lakes were different and discuss reasons why there are these differences.
Define natural selection.
List and explain the five steps/reasoning for natural selection
1. Overproduction
2. Natural variation
3. Struggle to survive
4. Differential survival
5. Reproduction
Explain why/how variation in a population can be positive.
Explain the problem with asexual reproducing organism in the terms of variation.
Discuss the mechanisms for variation in a population. Include the following.
Sexual reproduction
Define fit or fitness
Discuss the issue of antibiotic resistance. Include why antibiotic resistance has evolved, the
consequences to our health, and solutions to the problem.