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Learning Outcomes for Biological Level of Analysis
Physiology and Behavior
 Using one or more examples, explain effects of neurotransmission on human behavior (SAQ)
o Serotonin: Kasamatsu & Hirai (Sensory deprivation); Marazziti et al (Love)
o Acetylcholine: Martinez & Kesner (Learning and memory in rats)
 Explain one study related to localization of function in the brain (SAQ)
o Phineus Gage case study
o HM case study-memory
o LeDoux- fear and emotion
 Using one or more examples, explain functions of two hormones in human behavior (SAQ)
o Oxytocin: Love-Morhenn et al
o Melatonin: Sleep – Avery et al
o Adrenaline: Emotion – Schacter & Singer
 Examine two effects of environment on physiological processes (ESSAY)
o Melatonin: Seasonal Affective Disorder – Avery et al
o Enriched/Deprived Environments: Rosenzweig & Bennett (1972)
 Examine studies on one interaction between cognition and physiology (ESSAY)
o Meditation: Davidson (2004); Brefczynski-Lewis et al (2007)
 Discuss the use of brain imaging technologies (CAT, PET, fMRI) in investigating the relationship
between biological factors and behavior (ESSAY)
o PET: Meditation-Davidson (2004)
o fMRI: Meditation- Brefczynski-Lewis et al (2007)
Genetics and Behavior
 With reference to relevant studies, to what extent does genetic inheritance influence behavior
(cognitions, emotions, behavior)? (ESSAY)
o Intelligence: Bouchard & Mcgue (1981); Bouchard et al. (1990); Scarr & Weinberg (1977);
Horn et al. (1979)
o Bullying: Eley et al (1999); Lieu and Raine (2004); Olweus (1993)
 Examine one evolutionary explanation of behavior (ESSAY)
o Altruism: Kin Selection Theory or Reciprocal Altruism Theory
General Learning Outcomes
Utilize any of the studies listed above to support your arguments in the general learning outcomes.
Outline principles that define the biological level of analysis (SAQ)
Explain how principles of biological analysis are demonstrated in research (SAQ)
Discuss how and why certain research methods are used for biological analysis (ESSAY)
Discuss ethical considerations related to research studies at the biological level of analysis
Discuss ethical considerations in research into genetic influences on behavior (ESSAY)