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Hormonal Regulation of Liver
Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
David J. Waxman and Thomas K.H. Chang
1. Introduction
Sex differences in hepatic drug metabolism
have been known for more than 30 years, based on
the early studies of Kato, Conney, Gillette, and
others^~^. In rats and certain other species, the rate
of drug metabolism is often several-fold higher
in males as compared to females as revealed by
in vivo pharmacokinetics and as demonstrated
in vitro by assaying prototypic phase I c5^ochrome
P450 drug substrates, such as ethylmorphine,
benzo[a]pyrene, or hexobarbital using isolated
liver microsome preparations (Figure 9.1). This
sex-dependence of P450 metabolism is most striking in the rat, where sex differences in metabolic
rates can be as high as 5-fold with some drug substrates. This finding was initially unexpected,
because measurements of total liver P450 content
indicated that the overall P450 levels in rat liver
tissue are only —20% higher in males compared
to females (Figure 9.1). Research carried out during the 1980s resolved this discrepancy with the
finding that there are multiple liver-expressed
P450 enzymes^' ^, each of which is encoded by a
separate gene, and only some of which are
expressed in a sex-dependent manner.
Based on the recently published human
genome sequence, we now know that there are
57 ftinctional human cytochrome P450 genes,
grouped into 17 distinct gene families^. Many of
these P450 enzymes catalyze the biosynthesis of
physiologically important endogenous substances,
such as steroid hormones, whereas others are primarily involved in metabolism of environmental
chemicals and other xenobiotics, notably drugs.
From the perspective of foreign compound metabolism, the most important cytochrome P450
("CYP") genes are those in the CYPl, CYP2, and
CYP3 families. These three families encompass
— 15-20 different cytochrome P450 enzymes, and
collectively carry out essentially all of the phase I
cytochrome P450 metabolic reactions in mammalian liver^^. As individual liver P450 enzymes
were purified and characterized, and subsequently,
when their genes were cloned from multiple
species, it became apparent that in certain species,
such as the rat and mouse, a subset of these drugmetabolizing liver P450s is expressed in a sexdependent fashion and subject to endocrine
control^ ^ Human liver P450 enzyme levels and
their associated drug metabolism activities may
also be determined, in part, by age, sex, and hormone status^^~^^. Studies of the underlying mechanisms governing the endocrine regulation of rat
liver P450 enzymes may thus be of general importance for our understanding of the hormonal
David J. Waxman • Division of Cell and Molecular Biology, Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston,
Thomas K.H. Chang • Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Cytochrome P450: Structure, Mechanism, and Biochemistry, 3e, edited by Paul R. Ortiz de Montellano
Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, New York, 2005.
David J. Waxman and Thomas K.H. Chang
2. Steroid Hormones as
Substrates for Sex-Dependent
Liver P450s
i li 1. L
Figure 9.1. Sex-differences in rat hepatic microsomal
drug metabolism. Data shown are based on enzyme
assays in rat liver microsomes using the three indicated
xenobiotic substrates: ethylmorphine (EM)"*, benzo[a]
pyrene (BP)^, and hexobarbital (HB)^. Ethylmorphine
A^-demethylase and benzo[(3]pyrene hydroxylase
activities are expressed as nmol product formed per
minute per mg microsomal protein, whereas hexobarbital hydroxylase activity is expressed as nmol
product formed per 30 min per g liver. Also shown is
hepatic microsomal total cytochrome P450 content,
which is expressed as nmol per mg microsomal protein (values multiplied by 10)^. The data are shown as
mean ± SD for 4 or 5 rats, except for ethylmorphine
A^-demethylase and total P450 which are based on a pool
of 6 livers.
regulation of liver-expressed genes in both rodent
models and in man. Endocrine-regulated steroid
hydroxylase P450s contribute in an important way
to foreign compound metabolism in the liver, and
studies of their hormonal control may shed light
on the underlying basis for the influence of hormone status on a broad range of P450-catalyzed
drug metabolism and carcinogen activation
This chapter reviews studies leading to the
identification of the key endocrine regulatory
factors and the underlying mechanisms through
which these factors operate to control the expression of liver cytochrome P450 enzymes. Primary
emphasis is given to studies on the hormonally
regulated P450s expressed in rat liver, the beststudied model system. Also discussed are environmental and pathophysiological factors that can
perturb hormonal status and the impact of these
factors on the expression of sex-dependent
cytochromes P450.
The precise physiological function of the
endocrine-regulated rodent liver P450s is unclear;
however, steroid hormones are metabolized by
liver P450 enzymes with a higher degree of
regiospecificity and stereoselectivity than many
foreign compound substrates^ ^ suggesting that
these endogenous lipophiles serve as physiological P450 substrates. The physiological requirements with respect to steroid hormone
hydroxylation differ between the sexes, and not
surprisingly, several steroid hydroxylase liver
P450s are expressed in a sex-dependent manner^ ^' ^^.
Rat P450 enzymes CYP2C11 and CYP2C12 are
prototypic examples of sex-specific liver P450
enzymes, and they have been a major focus of
studies of the underlying endocrine factors, as
well as the cellular and molecular regulatory
mechanisms that govern sex-specific liver gene
expression. CYP2C11 is the major male-specific
androgen 16a- and 2a-hydroxylase in adult rat
liver, and is induced at puberty in males but not
females •^' ^^ under the influence of neonatal
androgenic imprinting (programming)^ ^ By
contrast, the steroid sulfate 15p-hydroxylase
CYP2C12 is expressed in a female-specific
manner in adult rats^'' ^^.
3. Developmental Regulation of
Sex-Dependent Rat Liver
Multiple rat liver cytochrome P450 enzymes
are expressed in a sex-dependent manner, subject to complex developmental regulation and
endocrine control (Table 9.1). CYP2C11, the
major male-specific androgen 2a- and 16ahydroxylase of adult liver, is not expressed in
immature rats but is induced dramatically at
puberty (beginning at 4-5 weeks of age) in male
but not female rat liver^^' ^^. A similar developmental profile characterizes three other malespecific rat liver cytochromes P450, CYP2A2
(refs [27], [36]), CYP2C13 (refs [28], [37]), and
CYP3A18 (refs [25], [38]). By contrast, another
Hormonal Regulation of Liver Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
Table 9 . 1 .
Hormonal Regulation of Sex-Dependent Rat Liver P450 Enzymes
Hormonal regulation^
CYP enzyme^
/. Male-specific
2a, 16a
6^, 15a
6(3,2(3, 15P, 16a
(see footnote g)
//. Female-specific
///. Female-predominanf
Thyroid hormone^
''P450 gene designations are based on the systematic nomenclature of ref. [23]. Table is modified from ref [24].
^The major sites of testosterone hydroxylation catalyzed by the individual P450 proteins are shown. Testosterone
metabolites specific to the P450's activity in rat liver microsomal incubations are underlined. Based on refs [8], [11],
[21], [25], [26] and references therein.
cu_|_ _)_» in(jjcates a positive effect on adult enzyme expression, while "
" indicates a suppressive effect. "—" indicates a lesser degree of suppression, while " + / - " indicates no major effect. ND—^not determined in a definitive
'^For further details see refs [27]-[29].
^Based on refs [30]-[34].
^Purified CYP2C13 exhibits high testosterone hydroxylase activity in a reconstituted enzyme system, but this
enzyme makes only marginal contributions to liver microsomal testosterone hydroxylation^^.
^CYP4A2 catalyzes fatty acid co-hydroxylation, but does not catalyze testosterone hydroxylation.
^15P-hydroxylation of steroid sulfates. CYP2C12 also catalyzes weak testosterone 15a- and la-hydroxylase
'Liver expression of these enzymes is readily detectable in both male and female rats, but at a 3-10-fold higher level
in females as compared to males.
adult male-specific liver P450, the steroid 6|3hydroxylase CYP3A2, is expressed in prepubertal
rat liver at similar levels in both sexes, but is selectively suppressed at puberty in females^ ^' ^^"^^ The
steroid sulfate ISP-hydroxylase CYP2C12 is
expressed at a moderate level in both male and
female rats at 3 ^ weeks of age. Beginning at
puberty, however, CYP2C12 levels are further
increased in females while they are fully suppressed in males^^' '^^. Several other female-predominant liver enzymes have also been shown to
increase at puberty in adult female rats. These
include: CYP2C7 (refs [37], [42]), which catalyzes
retinoic acid 4-hydroxylation'^^; CYP3A9 (ref
[44]), which catalyzes steroid 6p-hydroxylation^^;
and steroid 5a-reductase, which is not a
cytochrome P450 enzyme but plays an important
role in steroid metaboHsm in adult female rats^^' ^^.
Finally, CYP2A1 is a female-predominant steroid
7a-hydroxylase that is expressed in both sexes
shortly afler birth, but is suppressed at puberty to a
greater extent in male than in female rat liver^^' ^^' ^^
(Table 9.1). Each of these sex-dependent P450
enzymes is primarily expressed in liver, although
low-level extrahepatic expression may occur in
some cases"^^^^. Studies of liver P450 expression
during senescence have revealed a general loss of
gender-dependent enzyme expression that reflects
a decrease in male P450 levels and an increase in
expression of female-predominant P450 enzymes
in aging male rats^^' ^^. This appears to be related
to the age-dependent reduction in the secretion of
growth hormone (GH) releasing factor and the
changes in plasma profile of GH^^, which is a
major regulator in the sex-dependent expression of
liver CYP enzymes (see Section 4.2).
4. Hormonal Control of Liver
P450 Expression
4.1. Regulation by Gonadal
Initial studies on the endocrine regulation of the
liver P450 enzymes demonstrated that the gonadal
steroids play an important role in regulating
enzyme expression, but only indirectly. Gonadal
steroids do not act directly on the liver to confer
the sex-dependent pattern of hepatic steroid and
drug metabolism and P450 expression, but rather,
act indirectly via the hypothalamus, which regulates the pituitary gland and its secretion of the
polypeptide hormone, GH (see Section 4.2).
4.1.1. Testosterone
David J. Waxman and Thomas K.H. Chang
exposure is thus sufficient to "imprint" or irreversibly program the male rat to express these
P450 enzymes later on in adult life. These effects
of neonatal androgen on male-specific P450
enzymes are very similar to the androgenic
imprinting effects observed in earlier studies of
liver microsomal steroid hydroxylase activities'^'
54, 55^ several of which can be associated with
specific liver P450 forms^^
However, neonatal testosterone given to birthcastrated male rats only partially restores
CYP2C11 (refs [21], [53]) or CYP2C13 (ref [28])
to normal adult male levels, indicating that neonatal androgen alone is insufficient for full adult
expression of these male-specific P450s. Consistent with this observation, the combination
of neonatal androgen treatment with adult androgen exposure results in complete restoration of
normal adult male expression of the male-specific
P450s (ref [28]). Moreover, testosterone treatment of adult male rats that were castrated either
neonatally or prepubertally, can substantially
increase the expression of CYP2C11 (refs [29], [53],
[56], [57]) and CYP2C13 (ref [28]). However, in
contrast to the irreversible imprinting effects of
neonatal androgen treatment, the effects of adult
androgen exposure are likely to be reversible, as
evidenced by the partial loss of CYP2C11 in male
rats castrated at adulthood^^' ^' and by the reversal
of this loss by the synthetic androgen methyltrienolone^^. Similarly, the continued presence of
testosterone at adulthood is also required to maintain normal adult expression of CYP3A2, since
castration at 90 days of age reduces hepatic
CYP3A2 mRNA levels by >80%, but this can be
restored by subsequent administration of testosterone to the adult rat^^. Thus, while neonatal
testosterone imprints the rat for expression of the
male-specific P450 enzymes beginning at
puberty, a time when the demand for P450dependent liver steroid metabolism is increased,
the additional presence of androgen during the
pubertal and postpubertal periods is required to
maintain full enzyme expression during adult Distinct
androgen and adult androgen. Gonadal hormones play an essential role in determining the
expression of the major sex-specific rat liver P450
forms at adulthood. In the case of testosterone,
there are two distinct postnatal developmental
periods of hormone production, neonatal and postpubertal, and each period makes a distinct contribution to the expression of the sex-dependent
liver P450s at adulthood. Castration of male rats at
birth eliminates both periods of androgen production, and this in turn abolishes the normal adult
expression of each of the male-specific P450s:
CYP2A2 (ref [27]), CYP2C11 (refs [20], [21], [29],
[37], [53]), CYP2C13 (ref [28]), and CYP3A2
(refs [21], [29], [53]). CYP2C13 mRNA levels^^
are also abolished in birth-castrated rats, indicat- life^O'^i.
ing that enzyme expression is regulated at a pre4.1.1.2. Testosterone
translational step. Treatment of birth-castrated female enzymes. In contrast to the positive regmale rats with testosterone during the neonatal ulation by testosterone of the male-specific
period leads to a partial restoration of the expres- enzymes, testosterone suppresses expression of
sion of these male-specific P450 forms at adult- the female-specific CYP2C12 as well as the
hood^^' ^^' ^^. A brief period of neonatal androgen female-predominant enzymes CYP2A1 and
Hormonal Regulation of Liver Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
steroid 5a-reductase. Hepatic CYP2C12 content
is reduced in intact, adult female rats exposed
chronically to testosterone^^ or to the synthetic
androgen methyltrienolone^^. Similarly, treatment
of neonatally or prepubertally ovariectomized rats
with testosterone, either neonatally or pubertally,
results in a major decrease in microsomal steroid
5a-reductase activity^^' ^^. Birth castration of male
rats increases the adult levels of hepatic CYP2A1,
but testosterone administration to these animals
re-masculinizes (i.e., decreases) the levels of
this P450 (ref [62]). Androgens thus exert a suppressive effect on liver CYP2A1 expression.
Studies of the effect of testosterone on the expression of the female-predominant CYP2C7 are
inconclusive^^' ^^. Mechanisms
regulation. The mechanisms by which neonatal
testosterone imprints the expression of liver P450
enzymes during adulthood are only partially
understood. Testosterone's primary effects on liver
P450 profiles are mediated by the hypothalamicpituitary axis^"^ and its control of the sex-dependent pattern of pituitary GH secretion^^' ^^.
Consistent with this conclusion, testosterone has
only minor effects on liver enzyme profiles in
hypophysectomized rats in most^^ but not all^^' ^^
instances. As discussed in Section 4.2, pituitary
GH secretory patterns play a key role in regulating
the expression of the sex-dependent P450 forms.
4.1.2. Estrogen
Whereas testosterone has a major positive regulatory influence on the male-specific P450
forms, estrogen plays a somewhat lesser role in
the expression of the female-specific and the
female-predominant liver P450 enzymes. Ovariectomy at birth reduces, but does not abolish,
expression of hepatic CYP2C7, CYP2C12, and
steroid 5a-reductase in adult female rats^^' ^^' ^^ and
normal adult enzyme levels can be restored by
estrogen replacement. Ovariectomy during adulthood^^ or neonatal administration of an estrogen
receptor antagonist, tamoxifen^ \ reduces hepatic
CYP3A9 expression in adult female rats. The
reduced expression of CYP3A9 in ovariectomized
rats can be restored by estrogen^^. By contrast,
estradiol suppresses hepatic CYP2C11 in both
intact and castrated male rats^^' ^^. However, the
absence of CYP2C11 in adult female rats is not
due to a negative effect of estrogen. Thus, ovariectomy alone does not lead to CYP2C11 expression
in female rats^^' ^^' ^^. In male rats, the suppression
of CYP2C11 by estradiol may be irreversible, as
demonstrated by the major loss of this P450 in
adult male rats exposed to estradiol during the
neonatal period or at puberty. However, this effect
is not a consequence of a direct action of estradiol
on the liver, since estradiol does not impact on
hepatic CYP2C11 levels in hypophysectomized
rats^^. Rather, the effects of estradiol on liver P450
expression involve the hypothalamo-pituitary
^^jg64,72^ ^j^^ j^Qg^ likely result from an estrogendependent increase in the interpeak baseline levels
of plasma GH^"^' ^^. This effect of estradiol may be
sufficient to alter the sex-specific effects of the
GH secretory pattern since, as discussed in greater
detail below, recognition of a "masculine" GH
pulse by hepatocytes requires an obligatory recovery period during which there is no plasma GH
and hence no stimulation of hepatocyte GH receptors (GHRs)^^. In addition, estrogen may antagonize the induction of CYP2C11 by testosterone as
suggested by the absence of androgen imprinting
of this P450 in intact female rats treated with
neonatal or pubertal testosterone^^' ^^. Indeed, the
stimulatory effect of testosterone on pulsatile GH
secretion can be blocked by the presence of intact
ovaries in female rats^^. Interestingly, prepubertal
treatment of intact (i.e., non-ovariectomized)
female rats with tamoxifen enhances the induction
of CYP2C11 and CYP3A2 protein expression by
pubertal and postpubertal androgen^^. The precise
neuroendocrine mechanisms responsible for the
antagonistic effects of estrogen on androgen
imprinting remain to be elucidated.
4.2. Regulation by Growth
4.2.1. Sex-Dependent GH Secretory
In many species, the pituitary gland secretes
GH into plasma in a highly regulated temporal
fashion that differs between males and females.
This sex-dependent secretion of GH is most striking in rodents^"*"^^, but key features are conserved
in humans^^"^^. In the rat, GH is secreted by the
pituitary gland in adult males in an intermittent, or
David J. Waxman and Thomas K.H. Chang
pulsatile, maimer that is characterized by high
peaks of hormone in plasma (150-200 ng/ml)
each 3.5-4 hr followed by a period of very low or
( < 1-2 ng/ml)
(Figure 9.2(A)). By contrast, in the adult female
rat, GH is secreted more frequently (multiple pituitary secretory events per hour) and in a manner
such that the plasma GH pulses overlap and the
I I I I" I I I I I I I I I' I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
Figure 9.2. Sex-dependence of plasma GH profiles in adult rats. Shown are plasma GH profiles measured during
the course of an 8 hr day in unrestrained and unstressed male (panel A) and female rats (panel B). Data shown are
fromref [73].
GH Pulse Induction oiCYPICll:
Pulse Frequency Dependence
Male Hx + GH
1 2
B Continuous GH Feminization
W 3A2
7 8
P + GH
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11
Figure 9.3. Role of GH secretory profiles in the expression of sex-dependent rat hepatic GYP mRNAs. Shown are
Northern blots probed with oligonucleotide probes specific to each of the indicated GYP RNAs. Panel A shows
the male (M) specificity of GYP2G11, its absence in hypophysectomized rats (Hx) and its induced expression in
either male or female (F) hypophysectomized rats given either 2 or 6 pulses (P) of GH/day for 7 days. Data based
on ref [73]. Panel B shows the effects of continuous rat (r) or human (h) GH infusion in male rats (lanes 6-10) on
the expression of CYPs 4A2, 2G11, and 3A2 (all male-specific; lanes 1, 2, 11 vs lanes 3-5), as well as the induction
of GYP2G12. Tubulin RNA is shown as a loading control. Data based on ref [32].
Hormonal Regulation of Liver Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
expression of the male-specific liver enzyme
CYP2C11 (Figure 9.3(A)) and its associated testosterone 2a-hydroxylase activity^^' ^^' ^^' ^^. The stimulatory effects of intermittent GH stimulation on
this "class I" male P450 enzyme can be distinguished from the effects of GH pulses on a larger,
second group ("class II") male-specific liver P450s
(CYP2A2, CYP2C13, CYP3A2, CYP3A18, and
CYP4A2). In contrast to the class ICYP2C11, class
II male P450s are not obligatorily dependent on GH
pulses, as judged by their high level of expression in
the absence of GH, as shown in hypophysectomized
rats of both sexes27'28,38,4i,97,98,100,101. Nevertheless,
liver expression of the class II enzymes CYP2A2
and CYP3A2 is induced when intermittent GH
pulses are given to adult male rats that are depleted
of circulating GH by neonatal monosodium glutamate (MSG) treatment^^^.
(3) Continuous GH exposure exerts major
negative regulatory effects on liver P450 enzyme
expression, as revealed by the marked suppression
of each of the class I and class II male-specific rat
P450s following continuous GH treatment of
intact male rats (Figure 9.3(B)). In some cases this
effect can be achieved at fairly low GH levels, corresponding to only 3-12% of the physiological
GH levels present in intact female rats^^. The high
level expression of class II P450 mRNAs seen in
the absence of GH pulses, that is, in hypophysectomized male rats, is also suppressed by continuous GH, indicating that continuous GH actively
suppresses P450 gene expression, and does not
simply abolish the stimulatory pulsatile plasma
hormone is continually present in circulation at
significant levels (~15^0ng/ml) at nearly all
times^'' (Figure 9.2 (B)). Hypophysectomy and
GH replacement experiments carried out in several laboratories have demonstrated that these sexdependent plasma GH profiles are, in turn,
responsible for establishing and for maintaining
the sex-dependent patterns of liver P450 gene
expression in rats^^' ^^' ^^' ^^' ^^ and mice^"^' ^^ (for
earlier reviews, see refs [24], [86]). Clinical studies in humans also demonstrate a role for GH^^~^^
and its sex-dependent plasma secretory patterns^^
in regulating P450-dependent drug metabolism.
Studies in the rat model reveal three distinct
responses of liver P450s to plasma GH profiles
(Figure 9.3).
(1) Continuous plasma GH, a characteristic
of adult female rats, stimulates expression of female
specific enzymes, such as CYP2C12 and steroid
5a-reductase^^' ^^, and female-dominant liver
enzymes, such as CYP2A1, CYP2C7, and CYP3A9
(refs [31], [62], [93], [94]). Hepatic levels of
CYP2C12 and steroid 5a-reductase are undetectable in hypophysectomized female rats but can
be restored to near-normal female level by continuous GH replacement^^' ^^~^^. This restoration can be
achieved with as little as 12-25% of the physiological levels of GH^^. Higher levels of GH are required
to induce expression of CYP2C12 and steroid 5areductase in hypophysectomized male rats^^.
(2) Intermittent plasma GH pulses, which
are characteristic of adult male rats, induce
Table 9.2.
Response of Sex-Specific Rat CYPs to GH
Intact rats
Hypophysectomized rats
(Male class I)
(Male class II)
MSG-treated rats
+ 4-
+ 4-
F, female; M, male; GH^^j^^, continuous GH; GHj^^j, intermittent (pulsatile) GH.
"+ + " indicates a positive effect, "—" indicates a suppressive effect, or absence of expression, and "+/—" indicates no major effect.
''Data are based on refs [20], [73], [97], [98], [100], [101], [104]-[110].
^Data are based on refs [27], [97], [98], [100], [101], [104], [109]-[111].
'^Data are based on refs [95], [97], [98], [104], [107], [109]-[111].
GH pattern. GH suppression is also a key determinant of the lower responsiveness of female rats
to phenobarbital induction of CYP2B1 (refs
[102], [103]), and probably also the lower responsiveness of the females to the induction of CYP4A
enzymes by peroxisome proliferators such as
The response of the class II male P450 genes
to hypophysectomy of female rats, which derepresses, that is, increases liver enzyme levels to
near-normal intact male liver levels, demonstrates
that the class II male liver P450s are subject to negative pituitary regulation in female rat liver, where
their expression is strongly repressed by the near
continuous pattern of plasma GH exposure. These
patterns of hormonal regulation are summarized in
Table 9.2, which presents the responses of representative sex-specific liver CYPs to continuous and
intermittent GH treatment applied to intact, hypophysectomized and neonatal MSG-treated rats.
4.2.2. Transcriptional Effects of GH on
CYP Genes
GH regulates liver P450 steady-state mRNA
levels (e.g.. Figure 9.3) in parallel with P450
protein and P450 enzyme activity levels, all but
ruling out major regulation by translational and
post-translational mechanisms, such as GH regulation of P450 protein turnover. Induction of
CYP2C12 mRNA by continuous GH requires
ongoing protein synthesis^ *^, suggesting either an
indirect induction mechanism or a requirement for
one or more protein components that may have a
short half-life. Analysis of liver nuclear RNA
pools demonstrates that unprocessed, nuclear
CYP2C11 and CYP2C12 RNAs respond to circulating GH profiles in a manner that is indistinguishable from the corresponding mature,
cytoplasmic mRNAs^^^. Consequently, transport
of CYP2C11 and CYP2C12 mRNA to the cytoplasm, and cytoplasmic P450 mRNA stability are
unlikely to be important GH-regulated control
points for sex-specific P450 expression. Moreover, nuclear run-on transcription analyses have
established that GH regulates the sex-specific
expression of the CYP2C11 and CYP2C12
genes at the level of transcript initiation^^^' ^^^.
Transcription is also the major step for regulation
of the male class II CYP2A2 and CYP2C13
David J. Waxman and Thomas K.H. Chang
mRNAs^^^' ^^^, whose male-specific expression is
primarily a consequence of the suppressive effects
of continuous GH exposure in adult female rats^^.
Thus, transcription initiation is the key step at
which the three distinct effects of GH outlined in
Section 4.2.1 are operative: stimulation of 2C11
expression by pulsatile GH, suppression of both
class I and class II male-specific P450s by continuous GH, and stimulation of CYP2C12 expression by continuous GH^^^.
Consistent with the finding that GH regulates
sex-dependent liver CYPs by transcriptional
mechanisms, the 5'-flanking DNA segments of
the CYP2C11 (ref [115]) and CYP2C12 genes^^^
both contain specific DNA sequences that interact
in a sex-dependent and GH-regulated manner with
DNA-binding proteins (putative transcription factors) that are differentially expressed in male vs
female rat liver nuclei^^^' ^^^. These DNA
sequences are hypothesized to include GH response elements that contribute to the sex-specific
transcription of the CYP2C11 and CYP2C12
genes. Two negative regulatory elements
("silencer elements") were also identified in the
CYP2C11 promoter; however, their significance
with respect to GH regulation and sex-specific
P450 expression is as yet unclear^ ^^. Functional
studies of the sex-specific CYP promoters
and their interactions with liver-enriched and
GH-responsive transcription factors are discussed
4.2.3. Cellular Mechanisms of
GH Signaling
The cellular mechanisms whereby pituitary GH
secretory profiles differentially regulate expression of the sex-dependent liver P450s are only
partially understood. GH can act directly on the
hepatocyte to regulate liver P450 expression, as
demonstrated by the responsiveness of primary rat
hepatocyte cultures to continuous GH-stimulated
expression of CYP2C12 mRNA; however, these
effects do not involve IGF-I, a mediator of several
of GH's physiological effects on extrahepatic
tissues'^^' ''^. Discrimination by the hepatocyte
between male and female plasma GH profiles is
likely to occur at the cell surface, where a higher
level of GHRs (see below) is found in female as
compared to male rats'^^. This sex difference in
Hormonal Regulation of Liver Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
cell surface GHR abundance may, at least in part,
be due to differential effects of intermittent vs
continuous GH stimulation^^^ and could play a
role in the activation of distinct intracellular signaling pathways by chronic (female) as compared
to intermittent (male) GH stimulation. Significance
fi^equency. Studies have been carried out to determine which of the three descriptive features of a
GH pulse—^namely, GH pulse duration, GH pulse
height, and GH pulse frequency—is required for
proper recognition of a GH pulse as "masculine."
Direct measurement of the actual plasma GH
profiles achieved when GH is administered to
hypophysectomized rats by twice daily s.c. GH
injection (i.e., the intermittent GH replacement protocol most commonly used to stimulate CYP2C11
expression) has revealed broad peaks of circulating
GH, which last as long as 5-6 hr^^. These sustained
GH "pulses" are effective in stimulating expression
of the male-specific CYP2C11, provided that they
are not administered in close succession. It is thus
apparent that physiological GH pulse duration (<2
hr) is not required to elicit a male CYP response.
Studies carried out in GH-deficient rat models
(either dwarf rats or rats depleted of adult circulating GH by neonatal MSG treatment) demonstrate
that GH pulse height is also not a critical factor for
stimulation of CYP2C11 expression^^^' ^^^. This
finding can be understood in terms of the K^ of
the GH-GHR complex, which at 10"^^ M (~2
ng/ml)^^^, is only 1% of the peak plasma hormone
level in adult male rats. In contrast, GH pulse frequency is a critical determinant for GH stimulation
of a male pattern of liver P450 expression, as
shown in hypophysectomized rats given physiological replacement doses of GH for 7 days by intermittent intravenous injections at frequencies of 2,4,
6, or 7 times per day^^. Analysis of liver CYP2C11
levels in these rats revealed a normal male pattern
of liver CYP2C11 gene expression in response to 6
GH pulses per day (which approximates the normal
male plasma GH pulse frequency), as well as in
response to GH pulses given at lower frequencies, 2
or 4 times per day (e.g., Figure 9.3). However,
hypophysectomized rats are not masculinized by
7 daily GH pulses, indicating that the hepatocyte
does not recognize the pulse as "masculine" if GH
pulsation becomes too frequent. Hepatocytes thus
require a minimum GH off time (—2.5 hr in the
hypophysectomized rat model used in these
studies), which implies the need for an obligatory
recovery period to effectively stimulate CYP2C11
expression. This condition is not met in the case of
hepatocytes exposed to GH continuously (female
hormone profile). This recovery period may serve
to reset the cellular signaling apparatus, for example, by replenishing GHRs at the cell surface (see
below). RoleofGH
receptor (GHR). The
effects of GH on hepatocytes and other responsive
cells are transduced by GHR, a 620 amino acid
cell surface transmembrane protein^^^ belonging
to the cytokine receptor superfamily^^"^. GHR is
comprised of a 246 amino acid extracellular
domain that binds GH, a single transmembrane
segment, and a 350 amino acid intracellular
domain that participates in the intracellular signaling events stimulated by GH^^^' ^^^. X-ray crystallographic and other studies establish that a single
molecule of GH binds in a stepwise manner to
two GHR molecules to yield receptor dimers:
GH + GHR -> GH-GHR -> GH-(GHR)2 ^^^^ ^^7
(Figure 9.4).
The four helix bundle protein GH is proposed
to initially bind to a single receptor molecule by
contacts that involve amino acids comprising
GH's Site 1, followed by binding of a second
molecule of GHR, which interacts with Site 2
on the GH molecule to give a heterotrimeric
GH-(GHR)2 complex. GH-induced receptor
dimerization is reversible, and the equilibrium
may be shifted in favor of monomer formation
in the continued presence of excess GH:
GH-(GHR)2^2GH-GHR. Other, more recent
studies suggest that GH may bind to, and thereby
activate a preformed receptor dimer at the cell surface ^^^' ^^^. Independent of whether the receptor
dimer is preformed, however, it is clear that the
conformational changes that accompany formation of the active GH-(GHR)2 complex are necessary, and probably sufficient, for stimulation of
GH-induced intracellular signaling events ^^^
(Figure 9.4). Although GHR dimerization is thus
required for most GH responses, some GH
responses might not require receptor dimerization^^ ^ and indeed, might be mediated by
monomeric GH-GHR complexes. Conceivably,
the distinct patterns of liver P450 gene expression
induced by continuous plasma GH (female GH
pattern; CYP2C12 expression) as compared to
David J. Waxman and Thomas K.H. Chang
Physiological [GH]
High [GH]
Signaling via
Protein Tyrosine
Figure 9.4. Activation of GHR by GH-induced sequential dimerization mechanism. GHR is shown localized in
the plasma membrane, and sites 1 and 2 of the GH molecule (see text) are as indicated. The active receptor dimer
dominates at physiological GH concentrations. Model based on data presented in ref [128].
pulsatile GH (male GH pattern; CYP2C11
expression) might, in part, arise from distinct GH
signaling pathways perhaps stimulated by
monomeric (GH-GHR) as compared to dimeric
(GH-(GHR)2) hormone-receptor complexes. GH
mutants and analogs that bind GHR without
effecting fiinctional receptor dimerization'^^~^^^
could be used to test this hypothesis.
In intact male rat liver, GHR internalizes to an
intracellular compartment coincident with its
stimulation by plasma GH pulses, and then reappears at the cell surface at the time of the next hormone pulse'^^' '^^. Other studies suggest that GHR
undergoes endocytosis constitutively, that is, in a
ligand-independent manner. GHR internalization
involves coated vesicles and ultimately takes the
receptor to lysosomes for degradation. GHR endoC5^osis and degradation both require (a) an intact
ubiquitin conjugation system, which targets a specific 10 amino acid-long cytoplasmic GHR tail
sequence, and (b) 26S proteasome activity, as evidenced by the inhibitory effects of the proteasome
inhibitor IVIG132. Interestingly, although cellular
ubiquitination activity is required for receptor
endocytosis, GHR itself does not need to undergo
ubiquitination, as shown using a mutant GHR
devoid of its cytoplasmic lysine residue targets for
ubiquitination'^''' '^^. Thus, the ubiquitin-proteasome system is a major regulator of intracellular
GHR trafficking.
4.2.4. Role of STAT5b in Sex-Dependent
CYP Expression GH signaling pathways involving
STAT transcription factors. How does GH
impart sex-dependent transcriptional regulation to
liver P450 genes? To answer this question, we may
consider the following hypotheses: (a) that cell surface GHRs can discriminate between the two temporally distinct patterns of plasma GH stimulation,
and (b) the receptors can then transduce this information to the nucleus, where both pulse and
Hormonal Regulation of Liver Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
continuous GH-stimulated transcriptional events
occur. Presumably, GH-activated GHR accomplishes this by activating two distinct pathways of
intracellular signaling, one in response to GH pulses
and the other in response to continuous GH stimulation (Figure 9.5). Studies of GH-induced signal
transduction pathways^^^^^^ have highlighted the
importance of the GH-bound receptor dimer in activating JAK2, a GHR-associated tyrosine kinase that
initiates several downstream pathways of intracellular protein tyrosine phosphorylation (Figure 9.4).
Other studies have shown that a distinct pattern of
nuclear protein tyrosine phosphorylation is
induced in rat liver when the effects of the male
pulsatile plasma GH hormone profile are compared to those of the female pattern of continuous
GH stimulation^^^. This led to the discovery that
an intracellular signaling protein and transcription
factor, termed STATSb, is present in its nuclear,
tyrosine phosphorylated form at a substantially
higher level in male rat liver than in female rat
liver^^^. STATs are latent cytoplasmic transcription factors that are activated by tyrosine phosphorylation induced by a variety of cytokines and
growth factors, and were first discovered as signal
mediators that carry transcription signals into the
nucleus in the interferon signaling pathway^"^^.
In hypophysectomized rat liver, where there is
no endogenous GH signaling, there is little or no
tyrosine phosphorylated STATSb protein in the
nucleus; essentially all of the STAT5b protein is
found in the C3^osolic fraction, where it resides in a
3.5 hr
Male-specific CYP
Steroid OHases
Female-specific CYP
Steroid OHases
Figure 9.5. Distinct intracellular signaling pathways induced by GH are proposed to be activated by plasma GH
pulses, leading to male-specific CYP expression (left), and by continuous GH stimulation, leading to female-specific
CYP expression (right).
latent, inactive (non-tyrosine phosphorylated)
form. However, when a hypophysectomized rat is
injected with a single pulse of GH, STATSb protein
appears in the nucleus in its active, tyrosine phosphorylated state within 10-15 min^^^' ^"^^ This tyrosine phosphorylation reaction occurs on STATSb
tyrosine residue 699, enabling two STATSb molecules to dimerize via mutual interactions between
the phosphotyrosine residue on one STATSb molecule and the SH2 domain (a protein module that
recognizes and binds specifically to phosphotyrosine residues) on a second STATSb molecule. The
STATSb-STATSb dimer that is thus formed quickly
enters the nucleus, where it binds with high affinity
to DNA sites upstream of genes that are transcriptionally activated in response to the initial GH
stimulus (Figure 9.6).
STATSb is not present in the nucleus at all
times in male rat liver. Rather, STATSb is repeatedly activated in concert with the onset of each
David J. Waxman and Thomas K.H. Chang
male plasma GH pulse. It thus undergoes repeated
cycles of translocation from the cytoplasm into the
nucleus, and then back out to the cytoplasm^^^' ^'^^.
For example, if the liver is excised from a rat killed
at the peak of a plasma GH pulse, then STATSb is
tyrosine phosphorylated and localized to the
nucleus, whereas if the liver is excised from a rat
killed at a time point between successive plasma
GH pulses, STATSb is inactive and cytoplasmic.
Moreover, in female rats there is generally a much
lower level of active, nuclear STATSb protein
(~S-10% that of the peak male liver level) ^'^^. This
close temporal linkage between plasma GH pattern
and the state of liver STATSb activation has been
confirmed in intact male rats killed at times shown
to be specifically associated with spontaneous
peaks or troughs of the plasma GH rhythm^"^"^. The
key difference between male and female rat liver is
that STATSb is repeatedly, and efficiently, activated by plasma GH pulses in the case of the
Figure 9.6. Role of complex formed by GH, GH receptor, and the tyrosine kinase JAK2 in activation of STATSb
by tyrosine phosphorylation. JAK2 tyrosine phosphorylates itself and multiple tyrosines on the cytoplasmic tail of
GHR. Several of these sites serve to recruit STATSb to the receptor-kinase complex. STATSb is then tyrosine
phosphorylated, whereupon it dimerizes, translocates to the nucleus, and binds to DNA regulatory elements upstream
of target genes.
Hormonal Regulation of Liver Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
males, but is inefficiently activated by the more
continuous GH profile of the females. The relatively weak STATSb activation pathway in female
rat liver appears to reflect a partial desensitization
of this signaling pathway in response to the chronic
presence of GH in plasma (Figure 9.7)^'*^. STATSb gene knockout
model. The proposal that STATSb is a critical
factor in mediating GH-regulated liver P450 gene
expression is strongly supported by studies carried
out in mice that are deficient in STAT5b (STATSb
knockout mouse model) ^"^^ (see ref [147] for a
review). Disruption of the STAT5b gene results in
two striking phenotypes (Figure 9.8). These
phenotypes are seen in STATSb-deficient males
but not in corresponding females. First, there is a
global loss of GH-regulated, male-specific liver
gene expression, including male-specific P450
Activation of STATSb by Plasma GH Pulses
Proposed Role in Male-specific Liver Gene Transcriptionl
Transcriptional Activation:
Male-specific LiverCVP Genes
Figure 9.7. Proposed cycle for STATSb activation and deactivation in response to sexually dimorphic plasma GH
profiles. GH pulses, but not continuous GH, induce robust STAT5b tyrosine phosphorylation (pTyr). Nuclear
STATSb is dephosphorylated by a tyrosine phosphatase and then returned to the cytoplasm, where it may undergo
a subsequent round of activation/deactivation.
David J. Waxman and Thomas K.H. Chang
Loss of Male-Characteristic
Body Weight Gain
GH Signaling
in Liver
Suppression of MaleSpecific Gene Expression
Stimulation of Female-Specific
Liver Gene Expression
Loss of
of Pituitary GH Release
Pertubation of
Sexually Dimorphic
Plasma GH Pattern
Figure 9.8. Impact of STAT5b loss in knockout (KO) mice. Shown in the box at right are the major effects of
STAT5b deficiency. These effects all are a direct result of the loss of GH-induced liver STAT5b signaling (model I),
rather than an indirect response to impaired feedback-inhibition of pituitary GH release (model 11), as demonstrated
by the lack of responsiveness of hypophysectomized STATSb-deficient male mice to GH pulses^^^.
gene expression. Thus, in the absence of STATSb,
the liver does not express the male-specific P450s.
Moreover, the expression of female-specific, GHregulated liver P450s is increased to near-normal
female levels in STAT5-deficient male mice.
Thus, the overall pattern of sexually dimorphic
liver gene expression is critically dependent on the
presence of STATSb. The elevated expression in
STATSb-deficient males of female-specific P4S0s
indicates that STATSb can serve as a negative regulator of female-specific liver P4S0s, in addition
to its positive regulatory effects on male-specific
P4S0 genes.
A second phenot3^e exhibited by STATSbdeficient mice is that the male pubertal growth
spurt is absent^"^^. This growth deficiency does
not emerge until the beginning of puberty, and
is not seen in STATSb-deficient females. A maleenhanced pubertal growth spurt is characteristic
of all mammals, including humans. In the case of
rodents, the pubertal growth spurt is augmented
by the strong growth stimulatory effects of the
male pattern of pulsatile GH secretion, which
explains why this growth response is enhanced in
the males. The two major phenotypes that characterize STATSb knockout mice are also seen in
STATSa/STATSb double knockout mice^"^^ but are
not seen in mice where the disruption is limited to
the STATS a gene^'*^' ^^^, whose protein-coding
sequence is ~90% identical to that of STATSb^^^
Hypophysectomy and GH pulse replacement studies establish that both major phenotypes of
STATSb-deficient mice are a direct response to
the loss of STATSb-dependent GH signaling in the
Hver, as opposed to indirect effects of the loss of
STATSb on the overall pattern of GH secretion by
the pituitary gland'^^ (Figure 9.8). Interaction
CYP promoters with GH-activated STATSb.
The strong, repeated pulses of nuclear GHactivated STATSb that occur in adult male rats
have been proposed to induce binding of STATSb
directly to STATS response elements found in promoters of STATS target genes, which may include
sex-dependent P4S0 genes, and thereby mediate GH pulse-stimulated gene transcription^ ^^.
Consistent with this hypothesis, STATS response
elements matching the consensus sequence
TTC-NNN-GAA have been found upstream of
several male-specific rat liver P4S0 genes, including CYPs 2C11, 2A2, and 4A2 (ref. [1S2]). GHstimulated CYP promoter-luciferase reporter
activity has been demonstrated using the corresponding isolated STATS response elements,
although the magnitude of the GH- and STATSbdependent gene induction is small, generally only
~2-3-fold'^^' '^^. Moreover, although pulsatile
STATSb signaling is first seen in young male rats
at ~S weeks of age, when liver CYP2C11 expression is first detected, precocious activation of
Hormonal Regulation of Liver Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
STAT5b, achieved in 3-week-old male rats given
pulsatile GH injections, does not lead to precocious CYP2C11 gene induction^'^^. These and
other findings suggest that STAT5b may in part
act in an indirect manner, by regulating the transcriptional activity of liver-enriched transcription
factors (HNFs, hepatocyte nuclear factors) that
cooperate with STAT5b to control the expression
of sexually-dimorphic liver P450 genes^^^' i^^-^^e Interactions between STAT5b and
liver transcription factors regulating sexspecific
CYPs. Liver-enriched transcription
factors are key determinants of the liver-specific
expression of many hepatic P450s (ref. [157]),
including sex-dependent P450s. Functional
analysis of sex-specific liver CYP proximal promoters has led to the identification of the liver
transcription factors HNFla and HNF3p as
strong ^ra«5-activators of CYP2C11 (ref. [152]).
By contrast, HNFSp and HNF6 serve as strong
^ra«^-activators of CYP2C12 (refs [155], [158]),
with synergistic interactions between these two liver
transcription factors leading to an overall ~300-fold
activation of CYP2C12 promoter activity^ ^^. Other
studies indicate a role for C/EBPa^^^' ^^^ and
HNF4^56 in the regulation of CYP2C12 transcription. Interestingly, two of the factors regulating
CYP2C12 expression, HNF6 and HNF3P, require
GH for maximal expression in liver, with HNF6
being expressed at 2-3-fold higher levels in female
compared to male rat liver^^^. This sex difference in
HNF6 levels is too small to account for the
>50-fold higher level of CYP2C12 in female compared to male liver. Similarly, the STAT5b-responsiveness of male CYP promoter-derived regulatory
elements^^^' ^^^ is too weak to account for the
high degree of male-specificity (> 100-fold) that
characterizes male-specific CYP expression.
Accordingly, additional factors and GH regulatory
mechanisms are likely to be required for the sexspecific pattern of gene expression seen in vivo.
One such mechanism may involve an as yet
uncharacterized "regulator of sex-limitation"
("Rsl"), which has been defined genetically and
appears to repress certain GH-regulated, sexdependent liver CYP genes in female mouse liver
in a manner that is independent of GH action^^^.
Another possible mechanism for GH-regulated
sex-specific CYP expression involves interactions
between STAT5b and HNFs. For example, studies
of the CYP2C12 promoter have shown that
STAT5b can substantially block the induction
of promoter activity by HNF3P and HNF6
(ref. [152]). This inhibitory action of male GH
pulse-activated STAT5b on HNF3P- and HNF6stimulated CYP2C12 transcription is consistent
with the de-repression (i.e., upregulation) of certain female-specific, GH-regulated mouse P450
genes seen in male STAT5b-deficient mice^"^^' ^^^.
The synergistic interaction between HNF6 and
HNF3P in stimulating CYP2C12 promoter activity illustrates how small differences in the levels
of these factors in liver cells in vivo (cf. the 2-3fold higher expression of HNF6 in females) might
lead to much larger differences in CYP2C12 gene
expression, particularly when coupled to the
inhibitory action of GH pulse-activated STAT5b
in males. Other studies point to additional complexities, based on the potential of STAT5b to
upregulate CYP2C12 gene transcription via an
upstream pair of STAT5 response elements^^^, and
the potential role of an inhibitory, COOH-terminal
truncated STAT5 form^^^ Downregulation
STAT5b signaling. Other issues relating to GH
and the STAT5b signaling pathway that are of current research interest include how the cycle of
STAT5b activation is turned off at the conclusion
of each GH pulse, and how STAT5b is subsequently returned to the cytoplasm in an inactive
form, where it apparently waits for ~2-2.5 hr until
it can be re-activated by the next pulse of GH
(Figure 9.7)^^^. Another important question is why
robust activation of the STAT5b signaling pathway is not achieved in female liver. The answer to
these questions may, in part, involve an intriguing
family of inhibitory proteins, referred to as SOCS
and CIS proteins, which turn off signals to various
hormones and cytokines, including GH^^^' ^^^. In
the case of GH signaling, SOCS proteins bind to
the GHR-JAK2 tyrosine kinase complex,
enabling them to inhibit GH signaling by a complex series of interrelated mechanisms ^^^. One of
these inhibitory factors, CIS, may be induced to a
higher level by the continuous (female) GH pattern than by the pulsatile (male) GH pattern. This
inhibitor of STAT5b signaling has been implicated
in the downregulation of GH-induced STAT5b
signaling in liver cells exposed to the female GH
4.3. Regulation by Thyroid
4.3.1. Cytochromes P450
Although GH is the major regulator of specific
liver P450s, thyroid hormone also plays a critical
role. The major thyroid hormones, T3 and T4, positively regulate some^^' ^^ but not alP^ of the
female-predominant liver P450 enzymes, while
they negatively regulate several of the malespecific enzymes^^'^"^ (Table 9.1). These effects
of thyroid hormone are operative at the level of
mRNA expression, and are independent of the
indirect effects that thyroid hormone has on liver
P450 levels as a consequence of its effects on liver
GHRs^^^ and its stimulation of GH gene transcription and GH secretion by the pituitary^^^.
Molecular studies of these effects of thyroid hormone have not been carried out.
4.3.2. NADPH-Cytochrome P450
Thyroid hormone is also required for full
expression of NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, a flavoenzyme that catalyzes electron transfer
to all microsomal P450s. P450 reductase is an
obligatory, and oflen rate-limiting electron-transfer
protein that participates in all microsomal P450catalyzed drug oxidation and steroid hydroxylase
reactions *^^' '^^. This thyroid hormone dependence
of P450 reductase enzyme expression is evidenced
by the major decrease (>80% reduction) in liver
microsomal P450 reductase activity and P450
reductase mRNA levels that occurs following
hypophysectomy'^^ or in response to methimazoleinduced hypothyroidism^'''. It is further supported
by the reversal of this activity loss when thyroxine
(T4), but not GH or other pituitary-dependent factors, is given at a physiological replacement
dose'^^' ^^K Restoration of liver P450 reductase
activity in vivo by T4 replacement also effects a
substantial increase in liver microsomal P450
steroid hydroxylase activities. A similar effect can
be achieved when liver microsomes isolated from
hypophysectomized rats are supplemented with
exogenous, purified P450 reductase, which preferentially stimulates steroid hydroxylation catalyzed
by microsomes prepared from thyroid-deficient
David J. Waxman and Thomas K.H. Chang
animals^'^^. The induction of rat hepatic P450
reductase by thyroid hormone in rats occurs by
transcriptional ^^^ and post-transcriptional mechanisms ^^^ and appears to involve enhanced protein
stability in hyperthyroid rat liver* ^'^. P450 reductase
levels are also modulated by thyroid hormone status in several extrahepatic tissues*^^ Conceivably,
interindividual differences in P450 reductase levels
may occur in response to physiological or pathophysiological differences in circulating th)Toid hormone levels and could be an important contributory
factor to individual differences in P450 reductase/c54ochrome P450-catalyzed carcinogen metabolism and carcinogen activation reactions.
5. Alteration of Liver P450
Expression by Hormonal
As discussed earlier in this chapter, many,
although not all, liver P450s are under hormone
regulatory controls. An individual's circulating
hormonal profile can, however, be altered under
certain situations, including drug therapy, exposure
to chemicals found in the environment, and disease
states such as diabetes and liver cirrhosis. The
resultant changes in circulating hormone levels or
alterations in hormone secretory dynamics could,
therefore, influence the expression of specific liver
P450s. The following sections describe some of
the factors that are known to cause hormonal perturbation and discuss the impact of these changes
on liver P450 expression and on P450-dependent
drug and xenobiotic metabolism and toxicity.
5.1. Modulation by Drugs
The anticancer drugs cisplatin'^^' ''^^, cyclophosphamide''^^' '^^, and ifosfamide'^^ alter the
profile of P450 enzyme expression in liver and
perhaps other tissues, at least in part due to the hormonal perturbations that these cytotoxic agents
induce. Treatment of adult male rats with a single
dose of cisplatin depletes serum androgen, and this
effect persists for up to 28 days after drug administration'^^. Serum androgen depletion by cisplatin is
associated with a feminization of hepatic liver
enzyme expression. Thus, cisplatin-treated male
rats have elevated levels of the female-predominant
Hormonal Regulation of Liver Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
CYP2A1, CYP2C7, and steroid 5a-reductase, but
have reduced levels of the male-specific CYP2A2,
CYP2C11, and CYP3A2 (refs [175], [176]). The
effects of cisplatin on androgen levels may result
from the drug's action on the testes^^^' ^^^; however,
effects on the hypothalamus are also suggested to
contribute, both to the observed depletion of circulating testosterone and the resultant alteration in
liver P450 expression^ ^^. Cisplatin treatment of
adult female rats severely decreases circulating
estradiol levels and significantly reduces the
expression of the estrogen-dependent CYP2A21,
CYP2C7, and CYP2C12 (ref [176]).
Serum testosterone is also depleted in adult
male rats treated with cyclophosphamide^^^' ^^^^^^^
or ifosfamide^^^ and this depletion is associated
with feminization of liver enzyme profiles^^^' ^^^ in
a manner similar to that produced by cisplatin.
While endogenous androgen secretion can be
stimulated in cyclophosphamide-treated rats by
the luteinizing hormone analog chorionic
gonadotropin, the resultant increase in serum
testosterone does not reverse the loss of hepatic
CYP2C11 expression^^^. This observation is analogous to the earlier finding that the suppression of
CYP2C11 by 3,4,5,3',4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyli82
is not causally related to the associated depletion
of serum testosterone ^^^. Consequently, modulation of liver enzyme expression by cyclophosphamide may involve action at the
hypothalamic-pituitary axis, which establishes the
sex-dependent plasma GH profile that in turn dictates the expression of CYP2C11 and other sexdependent liver P450 enzymes, as discussed earlier
in this chapter. CYP2C11 can also be suppressed
by other mechanisms, as demonstrated by the
finding that CYP2C11 levels are suppressed by
the anticancer drug l-(2-chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea (CCNU; lomustine) without affecting circulating testosterone levels ^^'^.
Conceivably, CCNU may act directly on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis to alter key signaling elements in the ultradian rhythm of circulating GH.
Other drugs that suppress hepatic CYP2C11
and CYP3A2 levels include chloramphenicols^^
and cyclosporine^^^' ^^^. The effects of chloramphenicol are strain-specific, occurring in
Sprague-Dawley rats but not in Fischer 344 rats.
Moreover, this suppression is accompanied by a
modest reduction in plasma levels of thyroxine but
not testosterone s^^. GH does not appear to play a
role in the suppression of CYP2C11 and CYP3A2
by cyclosporine, a drug that does not alter the
plasma GH peak amplitude, number, or duration^^l Phenobarbital^^' s^^' ^^o, dexamethasoneS9\
and S-fluorouracil^^^ also reduce hepatic CYP2C11
expression, but the mechanism(s) by which these
effects occur have not been elucidated.
5.2. Modulation by Polycyclic
Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Exposure of adult male rats to polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons, including 3-methylcholanthrene (3MC)i^2, i90, 193^ 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin^^"^, anthracene, benz(a)anthracene,
dibenz(a,c)anthracene, dibenz(a,/i)anthracene, and
7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene^^^, leads to decreases in hepatic CYP2C11 protein and activity levels.
In the case of 3MC, this suppression reflects a
decrease in the rate of CYP2C11 transcription^^^.
The hormonal mechanisms by which polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons modulate CYP2C11 expression
are not known, however, 3MC^^^ and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-/7-dioxin^^^ have been reported to
decrease serum testosterone levels. 3MC may interfere with the stimulation of CYP2C11 expression by
GH^^^, but in a manner that does not involve
STAT5bi99. Interestingly, the extent of CYP2C11
suppression by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
is correlated with Ah receptor-binding affinity and
Ah receptor transformation potency^ ^^. However, it
is not clear whether the Ah receptor plays a role in
the transcriptional suppression of CYP2C11 by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons^^^.
5.3. Modulation by
Pathophysiological State
5.3.1. Diabetes
Uncontrolled insulin-dependent diabetes is
accompanied not only by defective carbohydrate
metabolism, which results in hyperglycemia,
hyperlipidemia, and hyperketonemia, but it is also
associated with hormonal perturbation, including
a reduction in circulating testosterone^^ ^~^^^,
th3a'oid hormone, and plasma Gtf^'*' ^^^. As
described earlier in this chapter, these hormones
regulate many liver P450 enzymes, either directly
or indirectly. Accordingly, the diabetic state is
associated with profound changes in the levels of
various hepatic P450 enzymes. Whereas diabetes
leads to induction of several rat liver P450 forms,
including CYP2A1 (refs [205], [206]), CYP2B1
(refs [207], [208]), CYP2C7 (ref [206]), CYP2E1
(refs [209]-[212]), CYP4A2 (ref. [206]), and
CYP4A3 (ref [206]), it suppresses CYP2A2 (ref
[205]), CYP2C11 (refs [205], [207], [208], [212]),
and CYP2C13 (ref. [205]). Changes in the levels
of some of these liver P450s (e.g., CYP2C11 and
CYP2E1) have been shown at the mRNA leveP^^,
208,213,214 ^jj^ ^j.g reversed by insulin replacement.
The profile of GH secretion in the diabetic male
rat is altered so as to resemble the pattern found in
the normal female rat^^^. The induction of CYP2A1
and CYP2C7 in diabetic male rats can therefore be
explained, at least in part, as a response to the more
continuous pattern of GH secretion, which stimulates expression of these P450 forms^^' 3U 63,215 jj^
contrast, this pattern of GH secretion reduces
CYP2A2 and CYP2C13 levels because continuous
GH administration suppresses these two
P450s2^'28' 116 CYP2C11 expression is obligatorily
dependent on the intermittent male pattern of
plasma GH secretion^^. Therefore, the more continuous secretion of GH in diabetic male rats^^'* would
be expected to suppress this P450. In the case of
CYP2B1, GH pulse height is the suppressive
signal ^^^ and accordingly, the reduction in GH peak
concentration in diabetic male rats^^^ leads to
increases in CYP2B1 levels^^^' 208 A GH-independent mechanism is likely to contribute to some
of the other effects of diabetes on liver P450
expression. GH, independent of its plasma profile,
is suppressive toward hepatic CYP2E1 (ref [62]),
but the levels of this P450 are substantially elevated
in both diabetic male and female rats^^^' 216,217
CYP2E1 induction in diabetes has been attributed
to increased plasma concentrations of ketone bodjgg2io, 218 Recently, a role of hypoinsulinemia and
hyperglucagonemia was proposed for the suppression of CYP2C11 in diabetes, based on the finding
that treatment of cultured rat hepatocytes with
glucagon decreases CYP2C11 expression in a
cAMP-dependent manner and this decrease can be
reversed by insulin administration^ ^^.
5.3.2. Liver Cirrhosis
Gonadal abnormalities occur in liver cirrhosis.
Adult male rats fed a chronic choline-deficient
David J. Waxman and Thomas K.H. Chang
diet to induce cirrhosis have enhanced serum
estradiol concentrations^^^ and reduced testicular
weight^^^ and serum testosterone levels^^^. In
association with the perturbation in hormonal
status is a major decline in hepatic CYP2C11 content^^^, and this decline is not accompanied by
induction of steroid 5a-reductase activity^^^. The
suppression of hepatic CYP2C11 is also evident in
other models of liver cirrhosis, including bile duct
ligation^^^' ^^^ and carbon tetrachloride-induced
cirrhosis^^^' ^^^. Whether the alteration in serum
steroid hormone levels is directly or indirectly
responsible for the apparent demasculinization of
liver P450 remains to be determined.
5.4. Modulation by Ethanol and
Dietary Factors
Adult male rats administered ethanol by a total
enteral nutrition system have reduced hepatic
CYP2C11 and CYP3A2 levels, whereas their
CYP2A1 activity is unaltered^^^. The same ethanol
treatment alters the dynamics of plasma GH secretion by decreasing the GH pulse amplitude and
increasing the GH pulse frequency. The increased
frequency of GH pulses thus explains the reduced
expression of CYP2C11 after chronic ethanol
intake because hepatocytes require a minimum "off
time" in order to express the male-pattern of GH
secretion that stimulates CYP2CI1 expression^^. In
another study, chronic intragastric infusion of
ethanol-containing diets resulted in suppression of
CYP3A2 while substantially increasing the expression of CYP3A9 in adult male rats^^^
Dietary vitamin-A deficiency reduces hepatic
CYP2C11 (refs [227]-[229]) and CYP4A2
levels^^^, while inducing steroid 5a-reductase
activity in adult male rats^"^^. These effects, which
are accompanied by a reduction in plasma testosterone levels, can be restored by the inclusion of alltrans-TQiinoic acid in the diet^^^ or by exogenous
administration of androgen^^^' ^^K Interestingly,
twice daily subcutaneous administration of GH,
which is known to induce CYP2C11 expression
in hypophysectomized male rats^^, is not effective
in restoring the levels of CYP2C11 or CYP4A2 in
male rats fed a vitamin A-deficient diet^^^.
Dietary trace minerals can also alter liver
expression of sex-dependent P450 enzymes.
Prepubertal male rats fed a zinc-deficient diet
Hormonal Regulation of Liver Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
during the pubertal period have depleted serum
androgen levels and a feminized pattern of hepatic
mRNA expression, as evidenced by a reduction in
CYP2C11, CYP3A2, and CYP3A18 and by an
elevation in CYP2C12 and CYP3A9 (ref [232]).
However, the precise neuroendocrine mechanisms
responsible for the feminization of hepatic P450
enzyme expression by dietary zinc deficiency
remain to be elucidated.
Finally, caloric restriction and food deprivation
have been shown to modulate hepatic expression
of sex-dependent liver steroid-metabolizing
enzymes, including CYP2C11 (ref [233]) which is
suppressed, and CYP3A9 (ref [234]) and steroid
5a-reductase^^^, which are induced. These are situations in which glucagon levels are high and
insulin levels are low, analogous to the diabetic
state (see Section 5.3.1).
5.5. Impact on Drug Metabolism
and Procarcinogen
As discussed in Section 5.1, the anticancer
drug cisplatin provides an example of a foreign
chemical that depletes serum testosterone and
consequently feminizes the expression of liver
P450s in adult male rats. This type of alteration in
the profile of liver P450 enzymes could have
important pharmacological consequences, as suggested by the finding that cisplatin suppression of
CYP2C11 decreases liver P450-catalyzed activation of anticancer prodrugs, such as cyclophosphamide^^^' ^^^' ^^^ and ifosfamide^^^ when
assayed in isolated microsomal systems. Liver
P450 activation of these latter two drugs is
required for their anticancer drug activity^^^, and
CYP2C11 contributes significantly to this metabolic pathway in male rat liver^^^' ^^^. Clinical
studies indicate that cisplatin may exert effects
on circulating hormone levels in human cancer
patients that are similar, though not identical, to
those seen in rats^^^. If these hormone perturbations in turn alter P450 enzyme levels in human
liver, this could have an impact on drug-drug
interactions in patients given cisplatin in combination with anticancer P450 prodrugs such as
As discussed above, drug metabolism in diabetic
rats can be altered as a consequence of perturbations
of GH secretory patterns and the resultant changes
in the expression of multiple liver P450 enzymes.
Accordingly, diabetes is associated with a decrease
in P450-mediated in vitro hepatic metabolism of
imipramine^^^' ^^^, lidocaine^^^, codeine, and chlorpromazine^^^. In addition, alteration of liver P450
expression in diabetes is postulated to be responsible for the enhanced in vitro metabolic activation of
certain chemical carcinogens, including Try-P1 (3-amino-1,4-dimethyl,5H-pyrido(4,5-b)indole)
and Try-P-2(3-amino-1 -methyl-5H-pyrido(4,3-b)
indole)^'*^ These examples demonstrate the potential for alterations in liver P450 expression that
potentially lead to reduced drug metabolism and
enhanced procarcinogen activation. Further investigations will be necessary to determine the extent
to which these events occur in humans and to evaluate their true pharmacological and toxicological
6. Conclusion
Sex-dependent liver P450 enzymes are subject
to complex patterns and multiple mechanisms of
hormonal control. Plasma GH pulsatility, acting
via transcriptional mechanisms, is a key regulator
of liver-expressed, sex-dependent P450 enzymes
and their associated steroid hydroxylation and
xenobiotic metabolism activities. This results in
the sex differences in metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and toxicity of various xenobiotics that are
seen in rodents and other species, including
humans. The pulsatile plasma GH profile characteristic of adult male rats repeatedly stimulates
tyrosine phosphorylation that directly activates
the transcription factor STAT5b. This triggers
translocation of STAT5b into the nucleus, where it
is proposed to modulate transcription of sexdependent liver P450 genes through both direct
and indirect mechanisms. Continuous or nearcontinuous exposure to GH, as occurs in the
female rodent liver, can downregulate liver
STAT5b signaling. As a consequence, active
nuclear STAT5b protein is generally found at a
low level in adult female rat liver. Thyroid hormones are also important endocrine regulators of
liver metabolic function that can act directly, by
influencing the expression of individual P450
enzymes, as well as indirectly, via their effects on
NADPH-P450 reductase gene expression.
David J. Waxman and Thomas K.H. Chang
Gonadal hormones also play a role, but their
effects on liver P450 activity are largely indirect
and are mediated by the hypothalamic-pituitary
axis and its control of plasma GH levels. Sex differences in GH secretory dynamics also occur in
humans and can be modulated by gonadal hormones. This sexually dimorphic GH secretion
may contribute to the apparent sex differences in
the levels of certain human P450s and in human
P450-catalyzed drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics. Finally, diverse factors, including many
drugs and other xenochemicals, pathophysiological state, and dietary factors can affect hormone
secretion and the hepatic expression of sexdependent P450s, which in turn may impact drug
metabolism and procarcinogen activation.
Studies carried out in the laboratory of DJW
were supported in part by the National Institutes
of Health (Grant DK33765).
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