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Honors Bio
__________1. Chapter 13.1 – 13.2 vocabulary
__________2. Outline Chapter 13.1 – 13.2
__________3. View Darwin Video and complete worksheet
__________4. Read 13.1 – 13.2 and section review questions
__________5. Beagle voyage map
__________6. Outline chapter 13.3 – 13.5
__________7. Chapter 13.3-13.5 vocab
__________8. Read chapter 13.3 – 13.5 and complete questions
__________9. Comparative Anatomy (limbs worksheet) – not on wiki
__________10. Comparative embryology
__________11. Comparative biochemistry – not on wiki
_________12. Natural Selection – peppered moth activity
_________13. Review of 13.1 – 13.5
_________14. Test / quiz on 13.1-13.5
Honors Bio
CHAPTER 13.1-13.2
Artificial selection
Descent with modification
Natural selection
Trace fossils
Early Life of Darwin Video
Honors Biology
1. When was Charles Darwin born?
2. Where did Darwin attend college (s)?
3. When did he join the 5 year voyage on the HMS Beagle begin?
4. How did Charles Lyle influence Darwin’s thoughts on evolution?
5. What did Darwin accomplish while on this 5 year voyage on the HMS Beagle?
6. Who did Darwin marry after returning from the voyage and how many children did they have?
7. Why was Darwin hesitant to publish his findings about evolution?
8. What was the name of the book Darwin finally published regarding evolution and when was it published?
9. What were the main ideas in Darwin’s book named above and why was it so controversial?
10. When did Darwin die ?
11. Why was Darwin’s contribution to science so important?
Chapter 13.1 – 13.2 Section Review
Honors Biology
Match the scientists that influenced Darwin’s thought on evolution with their theory. You may use them more
than one time.
_____1. Greek philosopher who believed species to e perfect and permanent
a. Charles Darwin
_____2. Proposed that acquired characteristics may be inherited
c. Alfred Wallace
_____3. His book and gradual geological change influenced Darwin
d. Aristotle
_____4. Asserted that populations grow faster than resources
e. Jean Baptiste Lamarck
_____5. Conceived a theory of evolution almost identical to Darwin’s
f. Charles Lyell
_____ 6. Disease, famine, homelessness and war control human population
g. anaximander
_____7. Life arose in the water
h. Malthus
_____8. Simpler life forms precede complex life forms
Using complete sentences answer the following questions from section 13.1- 13.2 in your text.
1. Explain how Lamarck’s work influenced Darwin’s thoughts on evolution.
2. Explain how Lyell’s work influenced Darwin’s thoughts on evolution.
3. What was the name of Darwin’s book published in 1859?
4. What does the phrase “descent with modification” really mean?
5. Explain the 3 parts of Darwin’s theory of natural selection and which scientist helped influence these parts.
6. What 3 events help control the human population?
7. Explain the phrase “differential reproductive success”.
8. Explain the phrase “survival of the fittest”.
9. Distinguish between natural and artificial selection.
10. How is artificial selection like modifying a species?
11. What were Darwin’s two main features of his theory of evolution?
12. Where are the Galapagos Islands located?
13. Why are the Galapagos Islands so important to evolution?
Voyage of the HMS Beagle
Applied Biology
Use a colored pencil to draw the route taken by Darwin during his voyage on the HMS Beagle
Honors Bio
Chapter 13.3-13.5
Analogous structure
Comparative anatomy
Comparative embryology
Fossil record
Homologous structure
Molecular biology
Strata (of rock)
Vestigial structure
Chapter 13.3- 13.5 Section Review
Honors Biology
1. What 3 sources of evidence did Darwin use to establish his theory of descent with modification?
2. What is petrification?
3. List 7 ways fossils or remains of dead organisms are created.
4. What is a fossil record and why is it incomplete?
5. How do scientists determine the relative age of a fossil?
6. What is the oldest fossil and how old is it?
7. List and explain four types of evidence used by scientists to determine evolutionary ancestry.
8. Scientists theorize that most animals on the Galapagos originated from which mainland?
9. What is a homologous structure and how does this imply ancestry?
10. What is a vestigial structure and an 2 examples in humans.
11. How is molecular biology used in creating evolutionary ancestry?
12. What molecular evidence would indicate that all life forms are related?
13. How is natural selection more of an editing process than a creative process?
14. Give an example of how natural selection is occurring today.
Comparative Embryology
QuickTime™ and a
are needed to see this picture.
Based on the embryos above, explain which two are more closely related and which two are least likely to be
evolutionarily related.
Answer these questions after the pepper moth game found at :
Peppered Moth Analysis
Data Table
Percent Dark Moths
Percent Light Moths
Lichen Forest
Sooty Forest
Explain how the color of moths increases or decreases their chances of survival
depending on the environment.
3. 500 light colored moths and 500 dark colored moths are released into a polluted
forest. After 2 days the moths were recaptured, make a prediction about the number of
each type of moth that would be captured.
4. How has the striking change in coloration come about? (Include an explanation of how
the dark moth appeared and how the proportion of dark moths changed from 0.0005% to more
than 90% in polluted forests.)
What underlying law of nature has produced this change? (Use Darwin's theory of
evolution and apply it to what you have learned in this investigation.)
Chapter 13 Review
Honors Bio
1. Give a brief synopsis of Charles Darwin’s life.
2. List and explain scientists who helped Darwin shape his view on evolution
3. What was the name of Darwin’s controversial book he published and why was it so controversial?
4. According to Malthus what 4 factors control a population?
5. Explain Darwin’s 3 main ideas on how a species adapts to its environment?
5. Explain the 2 main features of Darwin’s theory of natural selection
6. Explain the “common” way an organism gets fossilized in sedimentary rock?
7. List other ways a fossil can be preserved.
8. Explain what relative age means.
9. List and explain 5 types of evidence used to reinforce evolutionary relationships among living organisms.
10. Explain what a homologous structure is and why it is important to evolution.
11. Explain what an analogous structure and why it is important to evolution.
12. Explain what a vestigial structure is and why it is important to evolution.
13. Give 3 examples of vestigial structures in human beings.
14. Give an example of how natural selection is in action today.
15. Summarize Kettlewell’s experiment with peppered moths. (the game you played).