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Levels Of Organization for
Organisms + Tissues:
The levels of organization from
simplest to most complex are:
 Cells
 Tissues
 Organs
 System
 Organism
The basic unit of structure and function in the
human body
 Though all cells perform the processes that keep
humans alive, they also have specialized
functions as well.
 Examples may be nerve cells (neurons), blood
cells, and bone cells.
A group of specialized
cells that work together to
perform the same function.
 Histology is the science that
deals with the study of
 Pathologists specialize in
laboratory studies of cells
and tissue for diagnoses
Tissue Images: Types
 Epithelial
 Covers the body’s surface
and organs.
 Connective Tissues:
 Tendons, ligaments,
cartilage, blood, fat, bone
 Muscle Tissues:
 Skeletal Muscles, heart,
smooth muscle
 Nervous Tissues:
 Brain, spinal cord, nerves
Epithelial Tissue
Epithelial tissue – covers the surfaces of the
body, inside (as lining and /or covering of
internal organs) and outside (as layer of
Epithelial Tissue
Epithelial Tissue Locations:
Covers the body
Lines the cavities, tubes, ducts and blood
vessels inside the body
Covers the organs inside body cavities
Epithelial Tissue Functions:
Protection from physical & chemical injury,
Protection against microbial invasion,
Contains receptors which respond to
Filters, secretes & reabsorbs materials and
Secretes serous fluids to lubricate
Classification of epithelial tissues:
 According
“simple” - one cell layer
“stratified” – more than one layer of cells
(which are named according to the shape of
the cells in the apical layer)
 According
to thickness
to shape
“squamous” – wider than tall
“cuboidal” – as tall as wide
“columnar” - taller than wide
Types of Epithelial Tissue:
Main function : to protect
Types of Epithelial Tissue:
Main function: where
diffusion is important
Main function: where
tissues are involved
in secretion and
absorption: larger
cells because of the
machinery of
packaging, and
energy requirements
Epithelial Tissue Classification Chart:
Connective Tissue:
Connective tissue – connects all parts of
the body and provides support (for
example tendons, ligaments, cartilage).
Connective Tissue
 Connective
Most abundant & widely distributed tissue
 Connective
Tissue Functions:
Connects, binds and supports structures,
• Tendons, ligaments, etc.
Protects & cushions organs and tissues,
Insulates (fat) and
Transports substances (blood).
Connective Tissue Types:
• Adipose
 Stores energy (fat)
 Insulates
 Supports & protects organs
• Bone
 Supports & protects
 Mineral storage
 Fat storage
 Blood cell production
• Hyalaine cartilage
 Supports while providing flexibility
 Absorbs compression between bones
in joints (articular cartilage)
 Holds open respiratory passages
 Most abundant type of cartilage in body
Muscle Tissue
Muscle Tissue:
Associated with the bones of the skeleton, the heart
and in the walls of the hollow organs of the body.
Muscle Tissue Functions:
Maintains posture
Produces heat
Facial expressions
Pumps blood
Three types of muscle tissue
tissue – (cardiac, smooth, skeletal)
contract and shorten, making body parts move
 Skeletal
 Muscle
 Cardiac
 Smooth
Nervous Tissue:
Nerve tissue – carries impulses back and
forth to the brain from the body
Nervous Tissue
 Nervous
Main component of the nervous system,
ie., brain, spinal cord & nerves.
 Nervous
Tissue Functions:
Regulates & controls body functions
Generates & transmits nerve impulses
Supports, insulates and protects impulse
generating neurons.
A group of two or more different
types of tissue that work together to
perform a specific function.
 The task is generally more complex
than that of the tissue.
 For example, the heart is made of
muscle and connective tissues
which functions to pump blood
throughout the body.
A group of two or more organs that work
together to perform a specific function.
 Each organ system has its own function but
the systems work together and depend on
one another.
 There are eleven different organ systems in
the human body: circulatory, digestive,
endocrine, excretory (urinary), immune,
integumentary, muscular, nervous,
reproductive, respiratory, and skeletal.
Concept map example of Organization of Life: