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SOS 101 Introduction to Sociology I
Definition of sociology with outlines, the basic concepts, cultural and social change,
the relationship of sociology and other social sciences, the concept of status in sociology,
human relations, social groups.
- Sociology (Social Science), M. E. Erkal, Filiz Bookstore Publications, 1987
Asistant Textbooks:
- Introduction to Sociology, İ. Sezal, Martı Publications, 2. Imprint, Ankara, 2003
- General Sociology, A. K. Bilgiseven, Filiz Bookstore Publications, İstanbul, 1986
SOS 103 Sociology of Institutions I
Examination of the egency terminological, social events will be dealt with in a
corporate development and settlement, theoretical study of human behavior.
- Sociology of Institutions, M. Aydın, Vadi Publications, 2. Imprint, Ankara, 1997
Asistant Textbooks:
- Sociology of Institutions: Definations, Theories and Practices, H. Akyüz, Siyasal
Publications, 2008
SOS 105 Introduction to Psychology
Study of human behavior in general, human behavior in comparison with other living
things, developments in the 19th century and the second world war, flows of psychology
current, theories and concepts, psychoanalytical point of view of practical examples that
provide new insights in by students.
-General Psychology, B. Fehima, İnkılap Publications, Ankara, 1977
Asistant Textbooks:
Introduction to Psychology, L. R. Atkinson, R. C. Atkinson, E. E. Smith, J. B. Daryl, S.
Nolen - Hoeksema, Arkadaş Publications, 2007
SOS 107 Introduction to Philosophy
Occurence of Philosophy, effecting the legitimacy of philosophy. Introduction of
issues and problems of philosophy. Type of philosophical activities in subjects of knowledge,
assets and value and opinions that resllted. Relationship of philosophy with other areas.
- Introduction to Philosophy, A. Arslan, Adres Publications, Ankara, 2005
Asistant Textbooks:
- The History of Philosophy, M.Gökberk, Remzi Bookstore, 1990
- Introduction to Philosophy, T. Mengüşoğlu, Remzi Bookstore, 5. Imprint, 1992
SOS 109 Introduction to Economics
The concepts and topic of economics, economic systems, market and functioning,
the concept of supply and demand, production theory and price, national income, inflation
and deflation, in the volume of employment and unemployment. Employment, turnover and
unemployment. Money and banking, credit and banking, international economic relations.
- Introduction to Economics, Z. Dinler, Ekin Bookstore, 14. Imprint, 2008
Asistant Textbooks:
- Micro-Economics, Z. Dinler, Ekin Bookstore, 2008
SOS 111 The Use of Basic Knowledge Techniques
Computer systems, operating systems, and MS-DOS, programming languages,
flowcharts, types of information, processing and phrases, input-output commands, control
TUR 113 Turkish Language I
Since the development of Turkish language, Turkish language common geography,
areas of study Turkish language, general sound and shape characteristic of Turkish, the
fundamental bases about fine writing and talking; spelling, pronunciation issues.
-Written Oral Expression, Commission, Pegem Journals, Ankara, 2005
Asistant Textbooks:
-Turkish Language and Composition Lessons, K. Yavuz, Bayrak Publications, İstanbul, 1998
TAR 115 Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I
Advances in preparing the Turkish Revolution, War of National Liberation,
(Preparatory Period, War Period, The Period of Political Struggle); The Basic Principles of
Turkish Revolution.
- Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution, Siyasal Publishing House Ankara,
Asistant Textbooks:
- Speech-Discourse, THA Agency, Skin 1-3, Ankara, 1999.
- The Political History Of The 20th Century (1914-1980), F. Armaoğlu, Alkım Publications
Ankara, 1992
YAD 117 English I
Basic Grammar Rules (Times- Conjunctions- Passive and Possessive Sentences,
Sentence Structures).
- English Builder, N. Keleşoğlu, S. Kılıç, Ü. Güneş, B. Rowbotham, K. Rowbotham, ISBN:
Asistant Textbooks:
- V. Çakır, Y. Nigün, K. Gül, New Headway English Course-Elementary, Gündüz Education
and Publishing, Ankara, 2000.
SOS 102 Introduction to Sociology II
the events that required emergence of sociology, method and the nature of the
knowledge of sociology, the development of socology in Turkey, social category, cluster,
masses, primary and secondary groups, community, society, social roles and behavior models.
-Sociology (Society Science), M. E. Erkal, Filiz Bookstore, 1987
Asistant Textbooks:
- Introduction to Sociology, İ.Sezal, Martı Publications, 2. Imprint, Ankara, 2003
- General Sociology, A.K.Bilgiseven, Filiz Bookstore Publications, İstanbul, 1986
SOS 104 Sociology of Institutions II
examination of foremost institutions such as family, education, law, ethic, politics and
religious institutions.
- Institutions Sociological Perspective, S. Güçlü (editor), Birey Publications, 2005
Asistant Textbooks:
- Sociology of Institutions, M. Aydın, Vadi Publications, 2. Imprint, Ankara, 1997
SOS 106 Environment and Society
The role of the environment on human health, the relationship between
environment and economic development, industry and environmental problems, the role
of environment in settlement human health and environment, urbanization-environment
relationship, environmental values in the formation of human society, environmental factor in
the crowds, compliance with human-enviroment, air pollution and environmental
degradation, environmental culture.
- Human Environment Society, R. Keleş İmge Bookstore, Ankara 1997
Asistant Textbooks:
- Social Change and Sensitive to Environmental Issues in Turkey, S. Özdemir Palme
Publications Ankara, 1988
SOS 108 Social Anthropology
Structure of human, environment and human, primitive communities, social and
cultural foundations of societies; language-culture relationship, culture and religion,
acculturation, colonialism, orientalism.
- Human and Culture, B. Güvenç, Remzi Bookstore Publications, 1999
Asistant Textbooks:
- Social Anthropology, E. E. Pritchard, Birey Publications, 1998
- Anthropology; Abstract, Theorists, S. Özbudun; B. Şafak ve N. S. Altuntek, Dipnot
Publications, 2007
SOS 110 Introduction to Law
The importance and the social function of law. The importance and the development
of law, the principal legal systems of the basics, the role of law in society, philosophy of law
on the role of social thought.
- Introduction to Law (Sociological Perspective, The Basic Concepts Of Law), Yalvaç M.,
(The Author’s own imprint), 1999
Asistant Textbook:
- Beginning Of Law, A.Güriz, Siyasal Bookstore, 2006
SOS 112 The History Of Philosophy
Ancient Indian, Chinese, Egyptian, Persian, Grek philosophy and their representatives.
Tales, Sokrates, Platon, Aristo and other Grek philosophers. The connections between the
philosophies of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Western thinkers of the Middle Ages and
Conceptualism, Nominalism discussions.
- The History Of Philosophy, M. Gökberk, Remzi Bookstore, 1990
Asistant Textbook:
- Introduction to Philosophy, T. Mengüşoğlu, Remzi Bookstore, 5. Imprite,1992
BİL 114 Basic Computer Science
Computer organization, programming language, (Visual Basic or C++) Unix operating
system, using date base (Access), computer networks.
TUR 116 Turkish Language II
Literary, test of intellectual works, sentence of study, diccussions on the riches of
- Turkish Language, M. Ergin, Bayrak Publications, İstanbul, 2000.
Asistant Textbook:
- Every Aspecy Of The Language, Outline Of Linguistics, D. Aksan, Ankara, 2000.
- Turkish Grammar, Phonetics, T. Banguoğlu, Ankara, 1959.
TAR 118 Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II
Advances in preparing the Turkish Revolution, War of National Liberation,
(Preparatory Period, War Period, The Period of Political Struggle); The Basic Principles of
Turkish Revolution.
- Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution, E. S. Yalçın Siyasal Publishing
House, Ankara, 2004
Asistant Textbook:
- Speech-Discourse, THA Agency, Skin 1-3, Ankara, 1999.
- The Political History Of The 20th Century (1914-1980), F. Armaoğlu, Alkım Publications
Ankara, 1992.
YAD 120 English II
The subjects of the first semester will go on being taught with progression.
- Interchange, J. C. Richards, Third edition, Cambridge, Ankara, 2005
Asistant Textbook:
- English-Turkish dictionary,
- English Grammar in Use, R. Murphy, Ankara, 1985
SOS 201 The Methodology Of The Social Sciences
Social events feature, formation of social issues and change; the principle of
determinism, example events, events analysis and rating, theory creation, utilization of
statistical methods, field study, removing prejudice to truth, value judgement of in research,
understanding of social reality.
- Articles In Sociology And Methodology, N. Çelebi, Anı Journals, Ankara, 2004
- The Methodology Of The Social Science, A. K. Bigiseven, 3. Print, Filiz Bookstore
Publications, 1989
Asistant Textbook:
- Research In The Social Sciences, B. Gökçe, Savaş Publications, 1992
- Scientific Evaluation And Research Methodology, O. Türkdoğan, N.E.M. Publications,
İstanbul, 1995
SOS 203 Sociology Of Health
Health and community, mental factors’ role in social life, mental health and social
impacts of this, social notions of health education, health and environment relationship, the
relationship between culture and health, social dimensions of environmental health.
- Sociology Of Health, Z. Cirhinlioğlu, Nobel Release Distribution, 2001
Asistant Textbook:
- Turkey’s Health System, S. Kızılçelik, Saray Bookstories, İzmir 1996
SOS 205 Sociology Of Religion
The need for religions, classification of religions, religion variants. Religion and
society, source of religious belief, the effect of religion on society, religion and intellectuals,
basic principles of the religion
-Courses In The Sociology Of Religion, Ü. Günay, Erciyes University Publicatins, Kayseri,
Asistant Textbook:
- Sociology Of Religion, A. K. Bilgiseven, Filiz Bookstore, 1985
- Sociology Of Religion, E. Yıldırım, Bilge Publicatins, 1999
- Religion From A Sociological Perspective, Y. Sezen, Marmara University Seminary
Publicatins, 1988
SOS 207 Social Statistics
Liberal arts and research sociology basic statistical methods used by private, technical
methods, field and statistical data to draw conclusions about the procedures and techniques
used in research.
- Statistic In Social Science, F. Akın, Ekin Bookstore Publications, 2002
Asistant Textbook:
- Statistic In Social Science, F. Çakır, Alfa Publications, 2000
SOS 209 Social Psychology
Mind constituents, motivation, interpersonal reaction qualifications. The nature and
measurement of the attitudes, stances formation, attitudes change. Language and
communation, community, culture, groups and formations. Change of leadership and group.
individuals in Group, applied examples of socio-psychological.
- New People And People, Ç. Kağıtçıbaşı, Evrim Publications, 1999
Asistant Textbook:
- Social Psychology, J. L.; Freedman D. O.; Sears J. ve M. Carlsmith (turn: Ali Dönmez), Ara
Publishing Publications, 1989
- Social Psychology, S. A. Arkonaç Alfa Publications, 1998
- Social Psychology, Krech S. C. Richard (turn: Erol Güngör), Ötüken Publications, 1980
SOS 211 Logic I (Classical Logic)
Sections of logic, history of the logic, Aristo logic, Farabi logic, Terminologies,
propositions, comparisons, method of sciences, logic applications.
-Logic, A. K. Çüçen, Asa Bookstore Publications, Bursa 1999
Asistant Textbook:
- Logic: Correct Method Of Thinking, C. Yıldırım, Publishing House, Ankara 1999
- Anahatlarıyla Klasik Mantık, İ. Emiroğlu, Asa Bookstore,
SOS 213 The History Of Sociology I
After the development of sociology with its occurence by its namein the 19th century.
Perspectives on the social history and philosophy of ancient societies.
- The History Of Sociology, N. Ş. Kösemihal. Remzi Bookstore, 1989
Asistant Textbook:
- Contemporary Sociological Theories, P. A. Sorokin, (turn: Münir Raşit Öymen), Ministry of
Culture Publications, Skin: I-II, 1994
- Stages Of Sociological Thought, Aron R., (turn. Korkmaz Alemdar), Bilgi Publications, 2.
Imprint, 1989
- The History Of Sociology, S. Kızılçelik, Anı Journals, Ankara, 2006
SOS 215 Turkish Sociology
A short history of sociological studies in Turkey, opening of the first chair of
sociology, comments of sociologists such as primarily Ziya Gökalp, Prens Sabahattin, M. Ali
Sevki, Mehmet İzzet, H. Ziya Ülken, work of historians and sociologists, an overall
evaluation of the sociological currents in Turkey, developments of sociological thought.
- Turk History Of Sociology, H. B. Kaçmazoğlu, Anı Journals, Ankara, 2003
Asistant Textbook:
- 75th Sociology In Turkey, S, İ. Coşkun (prepared), Bağlam Journals, 1991
- Turkish Society Scienties, E. Kongar, Skin: I-II, Remzi Bookstore, 1993
SOS 217 Sociology Of Local Issues
Concepts and definations, theories of globalization and localization, local cultures,
levels of local government, local management issues, events related to local issues.
SOS 202 Family Sociology
Source of family, family of the village and the city, examination of various family
types such as tribal family. marital types such as Endogamy, exogamy, polygamy,
monogamy . family in various religions and societies, family problems associated with
modernization, the roles of woman and man in family. Function of the family in
socialization of children and evalution of a person’s monographic research. In the meantime,
gaining students’ practicality through some polls and surveys.
- Family Sociology, M. Yalvaç, Evin Ofset, Malatya, 2000
Asistant Textbook:
- Family Sociology, H. Tor, Ege University Publications, İzmir, 1990
SOS 204 Sociology Of Law And Crime
Philosophical and sociological aspects of law, the role of law in society, qualification
of the crime and causes leading to crime, juvenile delinquency, criminology and social
distruption, concepts of law and rights, the authority of the legal system and social point of
- Criminology, S. Dönmezer, Filiz Bookstore, 1984
Asistant Textbook:
- Criminology, F. Sokullu-Akıncı, Beta Press Release, 2007
SOS 206 Sociology Of Small Groups
Group theory, stages, importance of small groups in social relations system and
primary relations, small groups and socializing. the informal groups in burocracy and
- Sociology Of Small Groups , K. Kaya, Fakülte Bookstore, Isparta, 2008
Asistant Textbook:
SOS 208 Political Sociology
Recipe of power and content, political power, global society, civil society, state,
political change and the elite. Elements of the political system, totalitarianizm and
democracy. Political parties, bureaucracy and technocracy, foundations of political behavior
in, political culture and political socialization, political propaganda.
- The Social Base Of Politics, A. N. Yücekök, A.U. Publications, 1987
Asistant Textbook:
- Human and Society: Political Sociology, A. Giddens, İletişim Publications, 2007
- Political Sociology, A. Y. Sarıbay, Everest Publications, 2008
SOS 210 Applied Social Psychology
Analysis of some of the research results in the field of social psychology, selected topics
to be dealt with more detail and making students hold a seminar.
- Social Psychology, S. A. Arkonaç, Alfa Publications
Asistant Textbook:
- Social Psychology, M. H. Graha, Ütopya Publications, İstanbul
SOS 212 Logic II (Modern Logic)
Basic concepts of logic, propositions, negated joint, symbolic language... Delacs,
implementation of propositional logic on the technical area..
- Modern Logic, Z. Şen, Bilge Kültür Sanat Publications, İstanbul, 2002
Asistant Textbook:
- Logic Operations In Turkey, Ö. Necati, N.E.M, Ankara, 1995
- Logic, N. Taylan, Ensar Neşriyat, İstanbul, 2009
SOS 214 History of Sociology II
Pioneers of sociology such as the names of Ibn Haldun, Montesquieu, Hobbes, J. J.
Rousseou, A. Comte, S. Simon, Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Spencer, Tonnies, Le Play.
- Stages Of Sociological Thought, R., Aron (turn. Korkmaz Alemdar), Bilgi Publications, 2.
Imprint, 1989
Asistant Textbook:
- Basic Concepts Of Sociology, M. Weber (turn: Medeni Beyaztaş), Bakış Publications, 2002
- Modern Theories of Sociology, M. Waters (turn: Zafer Cirhinlioğlu), Gündoğan
Publications 2009
SOS 216 Field Research Techniques
Approaches used in field research techniques used during the approach to the
process in this research will be examined. These are briefly, data collection techniques,
survey, monitoring, interview, content analysis, analysis of data, writing the report.
SOS 218 Sociology Of Art
Foundations of art, art and human emotions, philosophy of art, social source of art,
religion-art relation, place of art in culture, artist and art double, art flows and universial
tkought, sociological aspects of art.
- Basic Approaches In The Sociology Of Art, D. Ulusoy, H. U. Faculty Of Arts And
Publications, Ankara, 1993
Asistant Textbook:
SOS 301 City Sociology
Foundation of the city, forms of urban settlement, rural-urban migration and social
impacts, allieniation from village life, urban social control, moral and religious values in
urban areas, concept of urban and leisure time, urbalization and industrialization
relationship, social life of the village and control, status of religious and moral values in the
village, evaluation of urban and village life.
- Ekonomic And Social Aspects Of Urbanization In Turkey, S. K. Kartal, Yurt Publications,
Ankara, 1983
Asistant Textbook:
- City Theoretical Foundatins Of Sociology And Human Ecology, A. Yörükan, Nobel
Publications, 2006
- City Sociology, H.Bal, Fakülte Bookstore Publications, 2002
- City And Culture, N.Sevindi, Alfa Publications, 2003
SOS 303 Sociology of Culture
Uncovering the structure and elements of varying according to cultural communities;
comparative study of culture products such as history, art, literature, music, religion, ethic
with the basic concepts of of the eastern and western societies.
- Sociology of Culture, K. Alver ve N. Doğan (prepared), Hece Publications, 2007
Asistant Textbook:
- Applied Cultural Sociology, L. D. Edles (turn: Cumhur Atay), Babil Publications, İstanbul,
SOS 305 Modern Ages Philososphy
Characteristics of western philosophy, Renaissance and the Enlightenment philosophy
charecteristics of philosophers like Bacon, Leibniz, Descartes, Spinoza, Kant, Hume,
- History of Western Philosophy 3, Yeniçağ, B. Russell, (turn : Muammer Sencer)
Sayı Publications, İstanbul, 1996
Asistant Textbook:
- The Birth Of Scientific Philosophy, H. Reichenbach, Remzi Bookstore, 1993
SOS 307 Developmental Psychology
Individual and development, environment, trait and personality traits, psyical
development, mind development, emotional development, sexual development, social
development etc. The period of adolescence, individual differences, character formation and
character features, the formalition of personality, body of psychic development
characteristics, maturation, mind development and ethical issues of development.
- Educational Psychology, A. Kaya (editor), Pegem Journals, Ankara, 2007
Asistant Textbook:
Learning and Development, H. Baycanlı, Nobel Release Distription, Ankara, 2000
SOS 309 Sociology Researches in Turkey
Evaluation of some socological researchs made on selected topics in Turkey
Contributions of these sociological studies to the development of our country,.
- Teaching And Research In The Sociology Turkey And The World, H. Z. Ülken, Kitabevi
Publications, 2008
Asistant Textbook:
- Social Science Research, B. Gökçe, Savaş Publications, Ankara, 1992
SOS 302 Social structure Researches
Elements that make up the social structure, constitutive of social structure and social
separation, population movements.
- Turkey In The 21st Century: The Social Structure Of 2000s, E. Kongar, Remzi Bookstore,
Ankara, 1999
Asistant Textbook:
-Social Structure Of Turkey And Social Theories, B. Gökçe, Savaş Publishing House, Ankara,
SOS 304 Economy Sociology
Nature of economic studies in the history of the communities and their qualification,
evalution of various economic thinking and their social views. Capitalism, socialism, social
ideas of liberalism, religion and economic thought, economic critique of the willingness of
- Introduction to Sociology Of Economics, M. Eröz, Filiz Publications, İstanbul, 1982
Asistant Textbook:
SOS 306 Personality Psychology
Typologies of personality, social studies (the role of environment, personality theories,
personality) in the formation of personality.
- Theories Of Personality, B. Y. İnanç ve E. E. Yerlikaya, Pegem Journals, Ankara, 2008
Asistant Textbook:
-Personality And Psychotherapy, (Collective) Alan Journals, 2000
SOS 308 Contemporary Sociological Theories
Discussion of methods and theories of sociology of today, principal sociological
currents. Structural-functional approach, a sembolic interactionist approach.
- Contemporary Sociological Theories, M. M. Poloma, (turn: Hayriye Erbaş), Gündoğan
Publications, 1993
Asistant Textbook:
- Contemporary Sociological Theories Cilt: I-II, P. A. Sorokin, (turn: Münir Raşit Öymen),
Ministry Of Culture Publications, Ankara 1994
- Contemporary Basic Theories, Q. Skinner, (turn: Ahmet Demirhan), Vadi Publications,
SOS 310 Contemporary Philosophical
Currents and the basic ideas, such as philosophy of life, phenomenology,
existansiyalizm, new ontology, materialism, spiritism, creativity, agnostisizm, neo-positivism.
- Contemporary Philosophy, B. Akarsu, İnkılap Bookstore, 1994
Asistant Textbook:
- Philosophy Rides In The World, S. H. Bolay, Nobel Publications, Ankara, 2006
- Sections Of Contemporary Philosophy, N. Bozkurt, Sosyal Publications, 1990
Optional Lesson
SOS 311 Population and Society
Structural characteristics of the human population and population theories, population
growth and social change. problems related to population today.
SOS 313 Contemporary History Of Turkish Thought
19th representatives of some of the present century and contemporary currents of thought.
SOS 315 The Social Foundations Of Human Resources
The structure of human assets, human power, social aspects of human, Social aspect
and human source, social base of resources: a) change, success factors in the change process,
b)vocational and professional culture of tradition, professional culture-quality relationship,
the social foundations of total quality, c) the social foundations of the audit and
consultancy. Job interviews, application for a job, the social foundations of the settlement.
SOS 317 Social Change and Tourism
Concepts and definitions, change in the perception and attitudes of individuals and
the community against it, type of evaluation of tourism, history and change of tourism
incident, touristic supply, tourisict demand, factors related to the supply forming a country’s
tourism potential, the independent factors affecting tourism, (terms of nature, tourism values,
social and cultural values) tourism-dependent factor, tourism agencies.
Optional Lesson
SOS 312 Introduction To Political Science:
Subject of political science; relationship with other social sciences, political science
(sociology, psychology, anthropology, law, economy); historical processes affecting the
development of political science (French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, The American
Civil War and The Declaration Of Independence); discussion of concepts such as ‘power’,
‘authority’; political theories; state; political parties (electoral systems, party systems);
Pressure groups; non-governmental organizations; political ideologies; liberalism; Fascism;
Socialism; Democracy (liberal democracy, social democracy, radical democracy).
SOS 314 Public Relations
The importance of communicating effectively about social groups and examining the
general approaches about its methods. The birth and development of public relations,
public relations in America and in Europe, the state-public relationship in Otoman society,
propaganda and pubic relations, the possibilities of representation of the people, public
relations in business, the social aspect of advertising and promotion, culture and public
SOS 316 Sociology Of Leisure Time
Concepts and definitions, free time perception of society and individuals, evaluation
forms of society and individuals free time and attitudes against it.
SOS 318 Sociology Of Organizations
Concept and history of organization; organization definations; organization
classifications; modern society; technology and organization; environment of organization
and function; the concept of group; structures within the organization; grouped and conflicts
within thee organization; vertical groups; horizontal groupings; organizational management;
staff relations.
SOS 401 Sociology Of Change
Sociology of change, change and values, the social dimension of the one who
changes, the basic dynamics of social change, religious life and relationship of change,
human and social factors of the change, nature of the change and its effect by human,
change in Western and other world views. Analysis of the basic theories of social change.
Social and Cultural Change, M. Tezcan, A. U. Publications 1991
Asistant Textbook:
SOS 403 Social Stratification
Social classes and theories of class, social mobility, concept of role and status, class
conflict, ındustrial society, industry transatlantic community and rising new class. Theories of
social stratificaton.
- Social Stratification And Mobility, E. Kemerlioğlu, Saray Bookstore, 1996
Asistant Textbook:
SOS 405 Sociology Of Management
social and psychologic factors in all management systems,
the philosophical
foundations of management, social values management currents of, management and
environmental relations, group dynamics.
- Sociology Of Directors, Ö. Bozkurt, Sevinç Printing Press, Ankara, 1982
Asistant Textbook:
SOS 407 Spelialized Seminar I
controversial discussion of various historical, social and cultural issues.
SOS 409 Industrial Psychology
The application of psychological principles in the field of business and industry,
evalution of the efficiency of duty, arrangement of working conditions and human relations.
Arguments against attitudes of the employees; employee morale and organizational climate,
emerging issues in the organization of interpersonal relationships, attitudes of managers and
employees, alienation to work. Expectation theories, stress in the work environment, providing
job satisfaction for the production of new ideas and practices, decision-making in organization,
and problem-solving, participation and industrial democracy.
- Sociology of Study, M. Özkul, (The Author’s own press) Isparta, 1997
Asistant Textbook:
SOS 402 Turkey’s Social Structure
The concept of social structure in Turkey, nature of the population, the role of
factors such as History, Geography, Language, Religion on social structure. Tradition and
place of the occurance of social structure’s customs. Radical features in the history of cultural
forms and social changes in the structure.
- Turkey’s Social Structure, B. Gökçe, Savaş Kitap Publishing House, Ankara, 1996
Asistant Textbook:
- Turkey’s Social Structure, I-II, E. Kongar ve K. Remzi, 5. Press, İstanbul, 1985.
SOS 404 Industrial Sociology
Industry and human, the social structure of industrial society, industrial society and
characteristics, ındustry education, management relations and the industrial world, industial
society family, criticism of the industry philosophy, social problems that industrial automation
and manufacturing philosophy brought about.
- Industrial Society, R. Aron, Dergah Publications, 1997
Asistant Textbook:
SOS 406 Sociology Of Knowledge
Social base of scientific theories, the structure of scientific revolutions, culture and
ideology, community of scientists and specifications, discussions of methodology in social
- Sociology Of Knowledge, E. Kemerlioğlu, Saray Bookstore İzmir, 1996
Asistant Textbook:
- Knowledge and Society: Sociology Of Knowledge, İ.Armağan, Otağ Matbaası, İstanbul,
SOS 408 Bachelor Degree Thesis
Students’ being able to use knowledge they acquired, trasfering the methodology and
research techniques into application, giving assignments by their advisors to conduct a
scientific study of the subject from a sociology.
SOS 410 Spelialized Seminar II
a controversial discussion of various historical, social and cultural issues of.
Optional Lessons
SOS 411 Sociology Of Turkish History
Establishing the relationship between history and society, how the research in the
two disciplines will contribute to to each other. In particular, the sociological analysis of
Turkish history
SOS 413 Sociology Of Literature
The relationship of literature and sociology, relationship between sociology and
literary, sociology and literary sources, the role of language and literature in social life,
representatives of the social literature, literary culture and the human emotions. Social analysis
of literary texts.
SOS 415 Classical Sociological Theories
In 18th and 19th century, sociological thinking and developments.
During this
period, contributions of thinkers in developed theories playing a role in the formation of
SOS 417 Sociology Of Migration
Evaluation of the effect of changes occurred due to migration and problems on factors
such as the family, education and other social factors.
Optional Lessons
SOS 412 Research Sociology Of The Islamic World
Social movements in the Islamic world, cultural values and social topic areas, the
dimesions of changes in the Islamic world, investigation of the changes of social
structure features and cultural characteristics.
SOS 414 Sociology Of Language
Sociology of language will be discussed within the framework interdisciplinary
studies, and will be examined as a mixed research area in which sociology mainly takes part
SOS 416 Identies Sociology
In general, the concept of identity; biological identity, social identity(languagefamily-affiliaton-history association-common cultural-a common way of life-training
association-unity of faith-understanding of morality), nation; community identiy, identities,
personal identity, biological, psychological and social individuality types, degeneration,
estrangement and identity gloomy.
SOS 418 Communication Sociology
Mass media and society, methods and means of mass communication’s
contribution to the social changes and transformations, media and democracy, media
products, the prevalence of mass communication in Turkey, information revoluation and
the information society, critique of the theory and methods of mass communication.