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Board Questions
Cell Division
Q. 1 Match the following
Column A
Column B
Chromosomes become arranged in a horizontal plane at
the equator.
Daughter chromosomes move to opposite poles of the
Chromosomes become visible as fine, long threads.
Chromosomes lose their distinctiveness and gradually
become transformed into chromatin network.
Column A
Column B
Chromosomes become arranged in a horizontal plane at
the equator.
Daughter chromosomes move to opposite poles of the
Chromosomes become visible as fine, long threads.
Chromosomes lose their distinctiveness and gradually
become transformed into chromatin network.
Q.2 Choose the correct answer from the following:
Duplicate chromosomes are joined at a point termed:
(a) Centrosome
(c) Centriole
(b) Centromere
(d) Chromatid
Ans. Centromere
Q.3 Given below is a certain functional activity of specific structures in the body of
living organisms. Name the structure responsible for the same.
It initiates cell division in animal cells.
Ans. Centrosome.
Q.4 Given aside is a diagram, representing a stage during mitotic cell division in an
animal cell.
(i) Identify the above stage. Give a reason to support
your answer.
Ans. Prophase: Nuclear membrane disappears.
(ii) Name the cell organelle that forms the ‘aster’.
Ans. Centrosome.
(iii) Name the parts labeled 1, 2 and 3.
Ans. 1. Centromere
2. Chromosome
3. Spindle fibers
(iv) Name the stage that follows this stage of Mitosis. How can this stage be
Ans. Metaphase: Chromosome line up on metaphase plate.
(v) Mention two points of difference between ‘mitosis’ and ‘meiosis’ with regard
1. The number of daughter cells formed.
2. The chromosome number in the daughter cells.
Two daughter cells are formed.
Four daughter cells are formed.
Same no of chromosomes as that of
Half the number of chromosomes that of
parent cell.
Q.5 Cytokinesis is division of cytoplasm. State True or False.
Ans. True
Q.6 Rewrite the terms in the correct order so as to be in logical sequence.
Metaphase, Telophase, Prophase, Anaphase.
Ans. Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase.
Q.7 Match the following
Column A
Column B
Ans. Meiosis – sperm
Q.8 Differentiate between the following on the basis of what is given in the
(i) Karyokinesis and Cytokinesis (Explain the term)
(ii) Mitosis and Meiosis (Number of daughter cells formed)
It is the division of nucleus
It is the division of cytoplasm
It forms two daughter cells.
It forms four daughter cells.
Q.9 The diagram given alongside represents a stage during mitotic cell division in
an animal cell:
(i) Indentify the stage. Given a reason to support
your answer.
Ans. Anaphase
Reason: Spindle fibers contract, the centromere divides and the two sister
chromatids of each chromosomes separates and move towards opposite poles.
(ii) Name the parts labeled 1,2 and 3.
Ans. 1. Centromere
2. Spindle fibres
3. Sister chromatid
(iii) What is the Chromosome number of the cell?
Ans. Four pairs.
(iv) Draw a neat, labeled diagram as it would appear in the next stage. Name the
Ans. Stage – Telophase
Q.10. Name the membrane that disappears during late prophase.
Ans. Nuclear membrane
Q.11. Arrange in sequentical order, without changing the first term.
Interphase, Anapahse, Prophase, Telophase,Metaphase
Ans. Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase
Q.12. State whether the following statement are true or false, if false change the
last word.
Duplicated chromosomes remain attached at a point termed centrosome- True
Q.13. Draw a diagram of the nucleus of a cell, Having chromosome number 6, as it
would appear in the metaphase of mitosis and label the following parts.
Aster, Spindle, Chromatid and Centrososme.
Q.14. Mention difference between mitosis and meiosis’ on the basis of number of
daughters formed and chromosome number of daughter cell.
Produces two daughter cells
Produces four daughter cell
It has diploid (2n) number of
It has haploid (n) number of
Q.15. State whether the following statement are true or false, if false change the
last word or first word
The resting stage in mitosis is called interphase. = True
Q.16. Give specific function of centrosome.
Ans. Initiates and regulates cell division
Q.17. Identify and name the process.
Chromosomes appears thread- like.
Ans. Telophase or Interphase
Q.18. Study the diagram and answer the question that follows:
(i) Identify the cell division
(ii) Label the parts A,B,C and D
Ans. A- Spindle fibres
B-Cell wall
C- Chromatid
D- Centrosomere
(iii) What is the unique feature observed in this stage.
Ans. Two chromatid and unbroken centromere starts moving towards the opposite
poles of the cells.
(iv) Where does this type of cell division usually occur.
Ans. Somatic cell
(v) How many daughter cells are formed from this type of cell divsion
Ans. Two daughter cells
(vi) Identify the type of cell? Give reason to your answer.
Ans. Plant cell. Because it has cell wall
Q.19. Name the following:
The type of cell division which occurs in the cells of the reproductive organs.
Ans. Meiosis
Q.20. State whether the following statements are true or false, if false change the
last word or first word only.
(i) Mitosis is the type of cell division occurring in the cells of injured part of the
Ans. True
(ii) Chromosomes other than the pair of sex chromosome are called alleles.
Ans. False. Chromosomes other than the pair of sex chromosomes are called
Q.21 Given below is a diagram of a double structure of DNA
(i) Name the four nitrogenous bases that form a DNA
Ans. Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and cytosine.
(ii) Give the full form of DNA.
Ans. Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid.
(iii) Name the unit of heredity.
Ans. Gene
(iv) Mention two points of difference between Mitosis and Meiosis.
It takes place in body cells or somatic
It takes place in reproductive organ to
form gametes.
The process is completed in one
The process is completed in two
sequence, to from two cells.
successive divisions to form four
haploid cells.
Q.22 Given below is a diagram representing a stage during mitotic cell division in
an animal cell:
(i) Identify the above stage. Given a reason to
support your answer.
Ans. Prophase. The nucleolus and nuclear
membrane disappear.
(ii) Name the parts labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Ans. 1. Aster, 2. Chromosomes, 3. Centromere,
4. Spindle fiber.
(iii) What is the function of part 3?
Ans. It is a small region which attach the sister chromatid.
(iv) Name the stage that comes just after the stage shown in the diagram. Draw a
well labelled diagram of this stage.
Ans. Stage after prophase is metaphase
Q.23 What is the full form of RNA?
Ans. Ribonucleic Acid.
Q.24 . State whether the following statements are true or false, if false change the
last word or first word only:
(i) Lysosomes is a part of cell in which chromosomes are present.
Ans. False, Nucleus is a part of cell in which chromosomes are present.
(ii) Centromere is the organelle of the cell that initiates cell division.
Ans. False, Centrosome is the organelle of the cell that initiates cell division.
Q.25 Study the diagram and answer the question that follows:
(i) Name the parts labelled 1, 2 and 3.
Ans. 1. Aster
2. Spindle fibers
3. Chromatids.
(ii) Identify the above stage and give a reason to
support your answer.
Ans. Late Anaphase
(iii) Mention where in the body this type of cell
division occurs.
Ans. In division of somatic and germ cells.
(iv) Name the stage prior to this stage and draw a diagram to represent the same.
Ans. Metaphase.
Q.26 Give the exact location of the centrosome.
Ans. A region surrounding the centrioles, located near nucleus in the cytoplasm.
Q.27 Arrange in logical sequence:
Karyakinesis, S- phase, Cytokinesis, G1- phase, G2- phase (cell cycle)
Ans. G1- phase, S- phase, G2- phase (cell cycle), Karyakinesis, Cytokinesis.
Q.28 Draw a well labelled diagram to show the metaphase stage of Mitosis in an
animal cell having four chromosomes.
Q.29 Give biological reason. Gametes have a haploid number of chromosomes.
Ans. Gametes (egg or sperm) are haploid, because it is forms by meiotic division.
It is denoted by ‘n’.
A set of unpaired chromosomes is said to be haploid.
It is essential because when the male and female gametes fuse during fertilization
they from a zygote which is diploid (2n), that is, normal number of chromosomes.