Download A Animalia B Eubacteria C Fungi D Plantae 2. The gympie gympie is

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2. The gympie gympie is one of the most dangerous organisms of its kind.
An encounter with it can be deadly. According to the characteristics below,
into which kingdom should the gympie gympie be classified?
A Animalia
B Eubacteria
C Fungi
D Plantae
3. Which of the following information is not needed to decide into which kingdom to classify an
how they reproduce
how long they live
how they get their energy/food
what kind of cells they have
5. What vehicle did the United States use in the 1980s and 1990s to go into orbit to repair
equipment that was not working correctly?
A. SpaceshipOne
B. Soyuz capsule
C. Space shuttle
D. Lunar rover
6. The US missions to the moon all bore the name _____________
A. Mercury
B. Apollo
C. Space Shuttle
D. Gemini
7. Identify objects A through I on the diagram.
8. Collectively, objects A, B, C, and D are known as
A. Galilean moons
B. Outer planets
C. Inner planets
D. Asteroid belt
9. Collectively, objects F, G, H, and I are known as
A. Galilean moons
B. Outer planets
C. Inner planets
D. Asteroid belt
10. The Prokaryotes are classified into the Domains
A. Eukarya and Prokarya
B. Archaea and Bacteria
C. Protista and Fungi
D. Eukarya and Archaea
11. The farther 2 objects are apart, the ___________ their gravitational attraction.
A. Weaker
B. Stronger
12. The 4 kingdoms in Domain Eukarya are
A. Archaea, Bacteria, Eubacteria, & Archaebacteria
B. Protista, Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, & Fungi
C. Animalia, Plantae, Eubacteria, & Archaebacteria
D. Protista, Fungi, Animalia, & Plantae
13. In which kingdom do most of the members reproduce sexually?
A. Animalia
B. Archaebacteria
C. Protista
D. Eubacteria
14. The more massive an object is, the ________________ its gravitational force.
A. Weaker
B. Stronger
15. All living things are made up of ___________
A. Nuclei
B. Organisms
C. Cells
16. This type of cell has DNA enclosed in membrane bound nucleus.
A. Eukaryotic
B. Prokaryotic
C. Bacteria cell
17. A mystery organism has cells with a nucleus, a cell wall, but has no chloroplasts so it does not
make its own food, making it a heterotroph. What kingdom would you classify it into?
A. Animalia
C. Eubacteria
B. Plantae
D. Fungi
18. What type of cell is this and why?
A. Eukaryotic because it has DNA
B. Prokaryotic because it has no membrane-enclosed nucleus
C. Plant because it has chloroplasts
D. Prokaryotic because it is small
19. Identify the levels of ecological organization in this picture.
20. A comet leaves a trail of dust and rock debris in its orbital trail. When Earth passes through the
cloud of this dust and debris,what can people on Earth’s surface see?
A lunar eclipse
B meteor shower
C solar eclipse
D ice storms
21. Which one of the following scenarios involves interaction between an abiotic factor and a biotic
factor in an ecosystem?
A A squirrel collects nuts to store up food for winter
B A snake depends on field mice for food
C The soil on the riverbank gets washed away by erosion
D The fish breathe the dissolved oxygen in the water
22. What do a sunflower, a shark, and a bacteria have in common?
A They all have a nucleus in their cell(s)
B They are all made of one or more cells
C They are all things that are harmless
D They are all prokaryotic
23. Which description best fits Kingdom Eubacteria?
They reproduce asexually
They are eukaryotic
They are all multicellular
They are all autotrophic
24. Which two kingdoms are made entirely of multicellular organisms?
Eubacteria and Archaebacteria
Fungi and Protista
Animalia and Plantae
Protista and Plantae