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Victory and Defeat in the
Greek World Chapter 5 Section 3
Things to keep in mind
What were the results of the Persian
and Peloponnesian wars?
Why did Athens enjoy a Golden age
under Pericles?
What led to the outbreak of the
Peloponnesian wars?
The Persian Wars
Athens was the wealthiest Greek CityState by 500 B.C.
Threat came the Persians
Look at the map on page 113
Athens (the Acropolis)
Persian Emperor Darius sent a large
force to punish Athens.
Persian Army landed at Marathon
Athenian forces were outnumbered 2-1
Athenians forced the Persians to retreat
The run of Pheidippides
Carried news of the Victory to Athens
26.2 Miles
Died when he reached
Predicting the future
Themistocles, the leader of Athens,
urged Athens to build a fleet of
warships to prepare
for future attacks
Xerxes sends more troops
The son of Darius sends more troops
from the Persian Empire
Athens had joined forces with Sparta to
prevent a loss to the Persian Empire
A small mountain pass guarded by a
small Spartan force
Spartan force led by King Leonidas
Held for a long period of time but could
not withstand the force of the Persian
Army (view a movie scene from 300)
Persians march on
Attack and burn Athens, but no one is
Athens retreated to safety
Themistocles was right
Using the fleet he had urged them to
build, the Athenians defeated the
Persian fleet in the Straight of Salamis
Athens defeated the Persians 1 year
Athens and Sparta defeated the Persian
Xerxes was sure of victory. He had his throne
placed on a hill overlooking the sea, in part to
savor his victory and in part so his commanders
would know that their king was watching them.
Results of the Persian War
Increased their belief in their superiority
Athens was the most powerful city-state
Greece is still worried about the Persian
Delian League
Made up of Greek City States who
wanted to protect themselves from
Athens dominated the League
Moved the Treasury from Delos to
Used Delian League $ to rebuild their
The Delian League
The Age of Pericles
Golden Age for Athens
Thriving economy and increased
Athenians had a Direct Democracy
Rebuilt the Acropolis
With the help of Aspasia, Pericles
turned Athens into the center of Greek
Greeks vs. Greeks
Resentment of the Power of Athens
causes Sparta and other Greek
countries to form the Peloponnesian
Peloponnesian government = Oligarchy
Delian government = Democracy
A 27 year war was about to start
The Peloponnesian War
Athens had a geographic disadvantage:
Sparta was located inland
Good thought. Bad Result.
In an attempt to save the people
outside the city, Pericles allows
everyone inside the walls of Athens
The Plague strikes as a result of the
Bad leadership
The Plague kills Pericles himself
Power Struggles in Athens undermined
the cities Democratic Government
Did not see this one
Sparta allies itself with The Persian
The Spartans defeat Athens
Sparta after the War
Will lose to Thebes, another Greek
 A new power is rising in Macedonia