Download Nightly Word Study Homework

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Every Monday, you will be given two copies of a new list of words for Word
Study. We will be working with these words in class throughout the week, but I also
expect you to practice the patterns at home each night. The chart below describes
your Word Study homework for each night of the week. These activities will help
prepare you for your Spelling test that you will take every Friday. Please keep these
instructions in your take home folder or at home so you will know what to do for your
assignment each night! Spelling homework is turned in on Friday morning, all activities
are stapled together. Have Fun!!! ~Mrs. Black
Monday’s Homework
“6 by 6”
Tuesday’s Homework
Wednesday’s Homework
ABC order
Thursday’s Homework
Pick 6 of your words (at least one word from
each pattern of your sort) and write 6
meaningful sentences. Each sentence should
include at least 6 words!
Sort your words. Write them down, according
to their pattern, on a sheet of paper.
Alphabetize your words and write them on a
piece of paper.
Free Choice – see below
Spelling Test-Good Luck!!
Free Choice Activities:
1) Write a joke or riddle using your words (use at least 5 or create more than
one joke/riddle).
2) Use a thesaurus to look up synonyms for each of your spelling words. Write
your word and the synonym next to it on a piece of paper.
3) Create a word find using at least 10 of your words.
4) Write your words in different colors – pen, marker, or crayon. Make it pretty!
5) Do a speed sort at least 3 times. Write down your words and your fastest
6) Put your words in ABC or ZYX (backwards ABC) order.
7) Draw a small sketch/drawing of at least 10 of your words. Include a short
definition of your word.
8) Write your words and highlight or underline all of the vowels.
9) Write your words and highlight or underline all of the consonants.
10) Write a short story using your words. Underline all of the spelling words.
One copy of your words will go home for you to use for your homework. Please
keep these in a safe place so you will have them every night to use for your homework.
These words do not need to be returned to school each day. At the end of the week,
you may choose to keep your words or you may throw them away.