* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
List 5 Tic Tac Toe Chose a different block to complete for homework on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (Friday is voluntary). The goal is to have won the tic-tac-toe by making a diagonal, horizontal or vertical line, with on extra box, by the end of the week. Parents and Guardians, please sign each box your child completes. Write a riddle about any 7 words. Write a defining sentence about any 7 words. Use the parts of the word (prefix, How does the prefix change the root word, suffix) to make up 5 meaning of the words? new words Write a riddle and defining sentence about any 7 words. What is the meaning of the suffixes? Study the root words. Write the logical meaning of your new words. Study the spelling of 7 of your list words. Study the spelling of 7 of your list words. Study the spelling of 7 of your list words. Study the root words. dishonest illegal irresponsible misunderstand performance rearrange replacement disilirmisperrere- honest legal response understand form arrange place -ible -ance -ment