Download Spelling Menu - Mrs. Polay`s Class

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Spelling Menu Choose two activities. Please use this to help you practice spelling the words. Only turn in work you are proud of. 1. Silly Riddle Words: Write a riddle for each of your words. Include a clue about how the word is spelled. Solve your riddles. Example: The word is 4 letters long. The first letter is b and it rhymes with shark. 2. Three-­‐Way Words: Write your words three ways… really big, really small, and in your best handwriting. 3. Font-­‐abulous: Type your words in 3 different fonts on the computer. 4. Write your words and trace over them in 3 different colors. 5. Ransom Words: Cut letters out of a newspaper or magazine, or write them out on paper and cut them. Then glue them together to build your words. 6. Rich Words: Write out your spelling words and then find the value of each of your spelling words. (a = $0.01, b = $0.02, c = $0.03, etc…) Find a total for each word. 7. Make Your Own: Create an activity. Practice your spelling words your own way. Be sure to explain what you did so that I can understand what you did! 8. Staircase Spelling: “Step spell” each word. Example: may m ma may 9. Bubble/Block Letter Words: Write each spelling word using bubble or block letters. Color in and decorate each letter. 10. Word Search Words: Make a word search on graph paper using all of your spelling words. Don’t forget to write a list of the words to be searched for. (Ask Mrs. Polay if you need graph paper.)