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Air & Space R1 G5
School In The Park Curriculum
Air & Space Museum
Rotation 1
Grade 5
Topic: Science - Solar System Exploration
Humankind has always stood on Earth looking up at the sky wondering what was out
there. Over the centuries humans have invented various types of rockets that can
escape Earth’s gravity to explore. We have landed humans on the Moon, and have
successfully landed unmanned rovers on Mars.
Scientists always look to the future, so students, as junior scientists, are going to look at
a future in which everyday people can travel throughout the solar system. This week
we will imagine that this is that future.
Our project for the week: NASA is looking to use private businesses to create a solar
system tour for everyday people (albeit very wealthy people) that will include a ‘Mars
shore excursion’. Our job will be to
1. collect information about the solar system in a fact sheet that our publicity
department will turn into a brochure, and
2. design, scientifically test, and recommend a vehicle for Mars that will allow a
person to land safely.
By the end of the week, students will know
● the solar system is comprised of planet Earth and seven other planets that orbit
the Sun in predictable paths.
● the Sun is a typical star composed mostly of hydrogen and helium.
Air & Space R1 G5
● solar system bodies can be put into categories such as as gas giants, terrestrial
planets, and satellites.
● gravity is a constant pulling force that changes the direction of planets to
maintain them in orbit around the Sun.
● the names of the planets in order from the Sun.
● the difference between terrestrial planets & gas giants.
● how big the planets are in relationship to each other and the Sun.
● that the farther away a planet is from the Sun the longer it takes to orbit it (how
long is its “year”).
● how engineers test their designs.
Daily Schedules and Activity Descriptions
Purpose: students will learn…
● that the solar system consists of planets and other bodies that orbit (revolve
around) the Sun in predictable paths.
● that the farther away a planet is from the Sun the longer it takes to orbit it (how
long is its “year”).
● gravity is a constant pulling force that changes the direction of planets to
maintain them in orbit around the Sun.
● the names of the planets, and the difference between terrestrial and gas planets.
● that our Sun is an average star and is the central and largest body in the solar
system and that it is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium.
Outcome: students will be able to…
● collect information on the solar system and start a fact sheet about the planets.
● create a scale model of the planets in order to get an understanding of the scope
of our solar system, especially the expanse of space between the planetary
Opening and Collaboration Time
Classroom teacher will seat students at 5 rectangular tables with 6-7 students each.
(Students will work in table groups during the week.)
SITP Motto / Passing out materials / Pre-test (administered by Facilitator)
Teacher & museum educator meet
Introduction to week
Students will learn about their roles and projects for the week.
Air & Space R1 G5
They will write what they already know about the solar system.
Solar System Power pt/Magic Planet
Students will refer to the planetary note page in their booklets as the guiding questions
for the presentation. They will watch a presentation using Magic Planet (a digital globe
to help students visualize the various planets). The focus will be on space exploration,
the Sun & the eight planets of the Solar System.
Our Sun is just an average star! Average brightness, size, and age nothing special…it
may be huge to us, but in comparison to other stars out there…it is just average. It is
comprised mostly of Hydrogen & Helium (concepts of simple elements / Periodic Table
to develop idea of the chemical make-up of the sun, the source of its energy, etc). It is
the center of our solar system, and hence the name! Why do the images get blurry and
more pixilated as we go farther from the Sun? Why does the Moon have so many
impact craters, and why do the planets look the way that they do? (Emphasize only
those elements and words students need to remember.)
Students will remember planet order by learning the mnemonic device “Our My Very
Educated Mother Just Showed Us Neptune.” The class will repeat it in unison.
Teacher will ask students what they learned as a wrap up to this activity.
10:45-10:50 Rotation vs. Revolution & Orbit
One student will demonstrate how long (distance) it takes Mercury to travel around the
Sun (revolve around small dot on floor). Next, the student will revolve around their table
(Venus), then go around the edge of the classroom (Earth).
10:50-11:25 Solar System in Your Pocket
Exercise in scale. Learners are guided to build a graphic representation of the solar
system using a roll of cash register tape. The scope and scale of the distances
between the planets, though not their relative sizes, should become apparent. Folding
the tape into segments will establish and reinforce the concept of fractions, decimal
equivalent may also be used in this scale representation—(small groups, potential for
take-home product).
Wrap-up: Teacher will ask students to write what they learned as a result of doing this
NOTE: after students have written their sentences, the teacher looks for a good
example to share with the class. Teacher will read the sample sentence demonstrating
proper method, then have that student read their own work to the class.
Daily writing-2 minute “What do I know about our Solar System”
Air & Space R1 G5
Purpose: students will …
gain an understanding of the scale between our Sun & planets
learn additional information on five planets using FOSS kit fact sheets
Outcome: students will be able to…
create a Play-doh scale model of the planets in our solar system including the
Restrooms / Vocabulary / Teacher Collaboration
SITP Motto and vocabulary with cards (Facilitators will lead each day)
Students will use the restroom during the vocabulary activity.
Teacher & museum educator meet.
Play Dough Solar System—scale
Given about three pounds of play-dough (or clay) and a crude postal scale, students
participate in a NASA scripted activity
( in which small “play-dough divider”
teams create “planets” of representative sizes. (60 min +) -small groups (table teams)
*make sure students understand that in the case of the Gas Giants-they do not have a
surface per se, so these dimensions would be the start of the atmosphere—table
NOTE: It takes the most time to complete the first slide of instructions 20
Class will be divided into 2 groups
1. FOSS Kit study of planets (classroom/half class)
Research focusing on additional information about planets (basically the FOSS text
chapter on the planets expanded). Each of the five tables will be given a planet
information sheet (the Earth, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, & Saturn). Students will move
around to the five different tables in small groups filling out their scavenger hunt as they
learn the planets facts.
2. Tour of Space Gallery – Led by museum educator
Emphasis on exploration, rockets / space vehicles, ISS, Mars landscape, and Roverswhole class
Air & Space R1 G5
Groups switch places
11:15-11:30 Daily Writing & brief about tomorrow
Reflection writing~ Today in the Musuem…
Wednesday – Friday
Mars Lander design, testing, drop challenge
Purpose: students will learn…
● In general, how scientists investigate and experiment
● An introduction to the steps of the scientific method, to include: making
observations, asking testable questions, making hypotheses, testing predictions,
collecting and analyzing data, stating conclusions based on evidence.
● The challenges of landing on a terrestrial planet and how they might be
overcome using a properly designed landing craft
● What an engineering blueprint is
● Their design challenge: to design and build a model of a space capsule/landing
craft that can simulate safely landing a person or robot on another planet
Outcome: students will be able to…
Draw a blueprint of their proposed space capsule, and then build it
Discuss methods of slowing down a re-entry vehicle and apply those methods to
their design and blueprint
Restrooms / Vocabulary / Teacher Collaboration
SITP Motto and vocabulary with cards (Facilitators will lead each day)
Students will use the restroom during the vocabulary activity.
Teacher & museum educator meet.
9:25- 9:30 Overview of challenge-Students given Engineer “Security Clearance
Badges.” Students will be given the purpose of challenge, along with their goals to
focus attention—esp. what to look for (or emulate, or even “reverse engineer”).
Air & Space R1 G5
The Mechanics of Gravity & Drag (paper drop), forces that act on flying
objects. Teacher will use a student to demonstrate that gravity is always pulling down
by having a student stand on a chair and pose the question, “if gravity is pulling right
now, why is Anna not on the floor?” Introduce concept of a force—the power to move or
accelerate mass.
Museum Educators will reinforce the steps of the scientific method as it relates to
9:50 -10:10
Group A: Mars Maas Video: (footage of actual rocket launch & simulated reentry of
the Spirit & Opportunity rovers). Students will investigate background information on
gravity & drag to facilitate understanding of craft design and flight/reentry. Teachers will
introduce using guiding questions, and require student notes.
Group B: Tour – Apollo 9: Students get to see a real space capsule after re-entry.
Focus on the re-entry pictures, big parachutes (see photos and empty parachute
compartments). Guiding questions: Why splashdown? Any similarities to the later Mars
craft? Remember Sputnik, Explorer 1 design differences, compare U.S. vs. Russian
design focus (both not designed to come back—discuss). Also look at the wings on the
Space Shuttle-why?
NOTE: The Class will be split into two groups and we will then trade groups
Will require two Aero educators * ½ Mars Video & ½ Apollo Tour
Group A: Tour Apollo 9
Group B: Mars Maas Video
10:35-10:40 Introduction to Engineering / Blueprints—define as graphic design
guidelines—detailed drawings to scale—to be imitated.
Strength of lightweight materials—use paper / cylinder shape activity-have students
place the books, discuss consistency (“fairness”) of activity (same books, way of
Apollo 13 movie clip (engineers forced to use what is on the spacecraft).
Handouts—sample of a blueprint, plus simple pictures done to different scales.
Museum Educators will reinforce the steps of the scientific method as it relates to
Air & Space R1 G5
10:45-11:00 Personal Design Time (finish as homework) in the Pavilion (under the
Mercury?) Students will make a drawing of their intended design, incorporating
elements that they have been introduced to through videos & tours.
Museum Educators will reinforce the steps of the scientific method as it relates to
Writing Activity of the day
Reflection writing~
What did you notice about the Apollo 9…
If you spent ten days inside Apollo 9, how would that make you feel?
Wednesday Afternoon
12:15-1:00 p.m.
1. 60 minutes of PE plus activity: a scale model walk of the solar system as the activity
walk from A&S museum (representing the sun) and walk as far as natural history
museum (neptune)
1:00 - 2:45
2. mars rover role play outdoor game team work
3. water rockets or air rockets
1. Writing prompt (3-5 minutes): What do you remember about this afternoon? What did
you learn? What did you do? What did you enjoy? Write about your experience: This
afternoon at the Air and Space Museum I......
2. Get ready to go home. Students leave SITP backpacks and clipboards in the
classroom. They take homework and buswork with them in the folders provided by
3:00 Bus departs
Purpose: students will learn…
● the principles of investigation and experimentation as they relate to “real-world”
product development.
● How scientists investigate and experiment
● Independent variables answer the question "What do I change?"
● Dependent variables answer the question "What do I observe?"
Air & Space R1 G5
● Controlled variables (un-testable) answer the question "What do I keep the
● What the challenges of landing on a terrestrial planet are and how they can be
● What an engineering blueprint is
Outcome: students will be able to…
● Draw a blueprint of their proposed space capsule,
● build a model space capsule from their blueprint
● Discuss methods of slowing down a re-entry vehicle
9:00 a.m. SITP Motto - all
Group A: Restroom Break and tour Basement
Group B: Vocabulary Cards and
9:00-9:10 Restrooms all
9:10 – 9:30 Vocabulary
SITP Motto and vocabulary with cards (Facilitators will lead each day)
NOTE: We will split the class and switch them out * ½ Vocab & ½ Tour
9:30-9:50 Tour Basement—especially building of plane & how it is like a
spacecraft—what do they think is similar? Different? Remember Shuttle.
9:50-10:00 Finish designs-personal
10:00-10:15 Engineer Forum (team design). Students will share with their team
what they have designed. Students will then work together to create that final craft
design by choosing the best parts of all the team members. The final drawing will be the
“blueprint” from which they build. Final blueprint (on graph paper) will be encouraged to
be about ½ scale.
Budget / Purchase Orders
Through the teacher’s example, students will learn the concept of working within a
budget and how to fill out a purchase order to later buy their supplies for building
capsule. Teacher will point real-life model, e.g. people live within budgets, many jobs
require purchase orders.
Introduction to Investigation / Experimentation:
Air & Space R1 G5
Engineers need to conduct controlled variable experiments in order to test designs and
make modifications. the lander or space capsule—is in fact their experimental
“Independent Variable.”
10 min
Gravity—Drop Test
Demo dropping a tray and a ball from the same height—show the wind resistance as
being the only function to slow down the falling object. (Relate to Galileo’s assertion
that objects fall at the same speed, and to Newton’s assertion that gravity is universal
and inversely proportionate to distance. Or not.
Everything with mass has gravity—things with bigger mass (like our Sun) just have
more gravity. (Examples: This is why the Earth gets hit by meteors, why the moon
stays, why we have seasons, and why comets keep coming back).
Rules of the challenge –along with how the store will work.
Build Time
Writing activity of the day
As a junior engineer I learned that:…
Purpose: students will learn…
How to work with-in a budget
How to build from their blueprint
About compromise
Outcome: students will be able to…
Work as a team to get their space capsule built
Work together as a team to re-design their capsule to better survive impact
Students will be able to defend the choices they made for their capsule design
and why.
Students will understand what worked and what did not work, and be able to
9:00 – 9:20
SITP Motto and vocabulary with cards (Facilitators will lead each day)
Air & Space R1 G5
Students will use the restroom during the vocabulary activity.
Finish building capsule
Test Drop—students present their design to the “test site supervisor”
(aka teacher) and conduct their drop tests. Educators will set up a standardized height
so that independent variable is consistent.
9:55- 10:15 Redesign Time –Students will be given time to “fix” their craft in
preparation for the final two drops. Students will receive surprise “additional funding” to
purchase more spacecraft supplies for this rebuild.
10:15-10:40 Space Capsule Drop Challenge—PSA building, and finally, back patio
10:40-11:15 Pitch your design to NASA—you’ve built your lander, now defend it
against budget-cutters! Student teams present their lab reports to NASA explaining
their findings and recommended craft design. Students will be asked to defend why
they chose their craft design by giving the reasons for their decisions.
Note: this could be the criteria/rubric that is used in evaluating expected student
Friday Activity: Pitch your design to NASA
Students will defend the choices they made for their capsule design and why.
Students will explain what worked and what did not work.
Word Bank:
● What worked well in your teams space capsule design? Why do you feel it
● What would you do differently if you had to cut costs to complete the project?
● How could you use more time for a redesign of your project? What changes
would you make and why?
● How could you use more money for a redesign of your project? What changes
would you make and why?
Classroom Teacher leads a brief review of the week and then gives the post-test.
If time allows, have students trade papers and correct the multiple choice
questions to give them immediate feedback about the correct answers.
Air & Space R1 G5
Clean up and see you next year!
Optional extension activity: students could do a write up based on the following: “You
are being considered for another team of engineers who are designing a re-entry
vehicle for either our Mercury or Jupiter program. If you were to design a re-entry
vehicle for one of those planets, which one would you choose? What, if anything, would
you change from your Mars lander? Draw your design and write an explanation of why
you believe this design would work.”
Air & Space R1 G5
1. Which of the following statements is true?
a. our Sun is the largest star in all of the known galaxies
b. our Sun is an average star and is at the right hand side of the Solar System
c. our Sun is the smallest star ever found in our galaxy
d. our Sun is an average star, and is at the center of the Solar System
2. What two elements are the main components of the Sun?
a. helium and argon
b. hydrogen and helium
c. oxygen and hydrogen
d. carbon and helium
3. Gravity is responsible for the
a. orbits of the planets around the Sun
b. color of Mars
c. tilt of the Earth
d. phases of the Moon
4. Which of the following is not part of our solar system?
a. planets and moons
b. super nova
c. asteroids
d. a sun
5. What is located at the center of our solar system?
a. Earth
b. the Moon
c. the Sun
d. a black hole
6. Which star is located closest to Earth?
a. the Sun
b. an asteroid
c. the Moon
d. the North Star
7. The Moon is an example of ______.
a. a satellite
b. a planet
c. a star
Air & Space R1 G5
d. a sun
8. List the following planets in order from the shortest year to longest year:
a. Jupiter, Earth, Mercury, Venus
b. Earth, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury
c. Venus, Earth, Mercury, Jupiter
d. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter
Read the following information to answer questions 9 and 10:
Paper Cylinder Experiment
An engineer is going to conduct an experiment to test the strength of paper. She will create
three cylinders out of paper and place them on the floor, side by side. She will then begin
placing three of the same type of science books on top of the paper cylinder structure – one at a
time - to see how many total books it will hold.
9. In a scientific experiment, the controlled variables remain constant and do not change. Which
of the statements below is NOT an example of a controlled variable in the paper cylinder
a. Using the same type of paper to create each of the three cylinders
b. Making sure that each of the books that are added weigh the same
c. How many books it takes to crush the paper cylinder structure
d. Using three paper cylinders that are the same size
10. Which of the statements below is an example of a testable question from the paper
cylinder experiment?
a. Are school books too heavy?
b. Is a cylinder made out of paper strong enough to hold a book?
c. We will collect data from the experiment
d. Purple paper is pretty, but is it also strong?
Answer the following questions by writing complete sentences.
11. You are an engineer working for the Air &
Space Museum. You have been asked to
explain to museum visitors about how
engineers use the scientific method to design
and test space capsules. Give at least two
Air & Space R1 G5
scale model
12. Talk about the planets in our solar
system. Describe at least two of them.
gas giant
Key Vocabulary Words
most solid objects smaller than a planet that orbit the sun
Sentence: It is theorized that an asteroid hit the planet Earth and killed off the
a plan for how much money will be spent or earned.
Sentence: We will make a budget for the new project.
a mass of ice and dust orbiting the Sun
Sentence: Halley’s Comet orbits the Sun every 75 years.
Controlled Experiment
a scientific test where only one independent variable can change
Air & Space R1 G5
Sentence: In a controlled experiment, you make sure that you only change one
independent variable in between each test.
Controlled Variable
any variable in an experiment that is not allowed to change
Sentence: In our controlled experiment, some controlled variables include the
“astronaut ball,” the budget, and the type of materials used.
Dependent Variable
what you find out as a result of doing an experiment
Sentence: The dependent variable can also be called a conclusion, the observable
result at the end of a controlled experiment.
the third planet from the Sun, known as the water planet
Sentence: You are on the planet Earth right now!
a person who is trained to design and build things to solve technical
Sentence: An electrical engineer can design a better lighting system for our new
Gas Giant
any of the four planets that are made of gas
Sentence: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are gas giants.
the primary force that attracts or pulls objects toward one another
Sentence: Gravity holds people and objects on the surface of the Earth.
a gas that makes up 26% of the Sun
Sentence: You fill balloons with helium to make them float.
a gas that makes up 72% of the Sun
Sentence: Hydrogen is the lightest element in the periodic table.
Independent Variable
the variable in an experiment that you control the value of in advance
Sentence: You must decide your independent variable before you do a controlled
Kuiper Belt
a huge region beyond the gas giants made up of different-size icy chunks
of matter
Sentence: The Kuiper Belt is located past the gas giant Neptune.
Milky Way
the galaxy in which our solar system resides
Sentence: Our solar system is less than 1% the size of the Milky Way galaxy.
any natural satellite that orbits a planet
Sentence: The moon does not shine with its own light, it reflects the light from the
Air & Space R1 G5
the curved path that a planet, satellite, or spacecraft follows around
another body
Sentence: The planet Earth makes one complete orbit around the sun each year.
a large body orbiting a star
Sentence: There are eight planets orbiting the Sun in our solar system.
move in a circular path around something else
Sentence: The planet Earth’s orbit is when it revolves around the Sun.
spin in place around an axis or center
Sentence: Have you ever tried to rotate a basketball on your fingertip?
a body or spacecraft that orbits around a planet
Sentence: The moon is the largest satellite that orbits the Earth.
Solar System
the planet Earth, the Moon, the Sun, and seven other planets and their
satellites, and smaller objects such as asteroids and comets
Sentence: Our solar system is the only place humans have explored with spacecraft.
a huge gas sphere that radiates light
Sentence: The Sun is a star at the center of our solar system.
the star at the center of the solar system around which everything else
orbits. Also called Sol
Sentence: Our Sun is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium.
25. Terrestrial Planet
one of the four small and rocky planets closest to the Sun
Sentence: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are terrestrial planets.
26. Hypothesis
Air & Space R1 G5
California State Standards
Earth Science
1. The solar system consists of planets and other bodies that orbit the Sun in
predictable paths. As a basis for understanding this concept:
a. Students know the Sun, an average star, is the central and largest body in
the solar system and is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium.
b. Students know the solar system includes the planet Earth, the Moon, the
Sun, eight other planets and their satellites, and smaller objects, such as
asteroids and comets.
c. Students know the path of a planet around the Sun is due to the
gravitational attraction between the Sun and the planet.
Investigation and Experimentation
1. Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting
careful investigations. As a basis for understanding this concept and addressing
the content in the other three strands, students should develop their own
questions and perform investigations. Students will:
a. Develop a testable question.
b. Plan and conduct a simple investigation based on a student-developed
question and write instructions others can follow to carry out the
c. Identify the dependent and controlled variables in an investigation.
d. Identify a single independent variable in a scientific investigation and
explain how this variable can be used to collect information to answer a
question about the results of the experiment.
e. Select appropriate tools (e.g., thermometers, meter sticks, balances, and
graduated cylinders) and make quantitative observations.
f. Record data by using appropriate graphic representations (including
charts, graphs, and labeled diagrams) and make inferences based on
those data.
g. Draw conclusions from scientific evidence and indicate whether further
information is needed to support a specific conclusion.
h. Write a report of an investigation that includes conducting tests, collecting
data or examining evidence, and drawing conclusions.
Number Sense
Air & Space R1 G5
1.1 Estimate, round, and manipulate very large (e.g., millions) and very small (e.g.,
thousandths) numbers.
1.0 Writing Strategies
Students write clear, coherent sentences and paragraphs that develop a central idea.
Their writing shows they consider the audience and purpose.
Classroom Information
● Seating groups: Classroom set up with five eight foot tables each with 7 chairs.
For larger classes, an extra table will be placed in the back of the room
● Technology Available: AV needs for DVD and computer, large drop-down screen,
overhead projector, computer with internet access, Docucam