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World History—Lougheed/Bohnke
The common portion will be scantron and will have 50 questions. You will not be allowed to
use notes of any kind. We will take this first when you arrive on exam day.
Questions/concepts in this font (below) are on the common assessment.
The second portion of the exam will be scantron as well and will also have 50 questions. You
WILL be allowed to use ONE 4x6 note card for this portion of the test. It must be hand written
BY YOU, with your name on it. You may write on both sides and include whatever information
you’d like from the list below. It will be collected and will NOT returned to you. You will
record all answers on the scantron, not on the test itself. Questions/concepts in this font (below)
are on my exam.
The Age of Revolution—chapters 18 & 20.2&3:
What causes political revolutions (changes in government)?
What were the effects of the French Revolution?
What most commonly happens as a result of a political revolution?
The Declaration of the Rights of Man:
• What rights were outlined in it?
• Who was “left out”?
• To which American document is it similar?
What was Napoleon’s impact on the world? On France? (reforms, changes, laws)
What was the purpose of the Congress of Vienna?
Which groups most commonly start revolutions? Why?
Industrial Revolution—chapters 19 & 21
Name the causes of the Industrial Revolution.
How did the Industrial Revolution affect society?
How were social classes affected by revolutions?
How did population/migration change during the Industrial Revolution?
Which nation led the industrial revolution?
Which areas of life/industry were most directly effected by the Industrial Revolution?
How did population change?
What were some of the major inventions/innovations?
World History—Lougheed/Bohnke
What is urbanization? Was it good or bad?
How was daily life affected? (education, cities, work)
Economic Systems: (questions on both portions over these)
o Capitalism
o Communism
o Socialism
Laissez Faire
Karl Marx
Social class
Imperialism, Nationalism, and Reform—chapters 22 & 23
What were the results of imperialism?
What is imperialism?
What is nationalism?
What types of major reforms were happening in MOST nations during this time period?
How was Africa affected by imperialism?
WWI & The Russian Revolution—chapter 26
What were the causes of WWI?
How was WWI fought? (mostly on water, land, in the air, etc.?)
Who won WWI?
What are some examples of new military technology used during WWI?
Causes of WWI? Alliances prior to and during WWI?
Germany’s and Russia’s actions building up to WWI?
Why did Russia leave the war?
How/when did WWI end? Who was punished and how?
What was the effect of The Treaty of Versailles?
Who was Vladimir Lenin? Who were the Bolsheviks?
World History—Lougheed/Bohnke
The World Between the Wars—chapters 27 & 28
Why did support for totalitarian leaders increase after WWI?
How can extreme nationalism lead to problems?
How were peoples’ lives affected by totalitarian leaders?
What was the purpose of the Maginot Line?
What is Fascism? What is Nazism?
What were the economies of GB, France and the US like during the 20’s? What changed this?
World War II—chapter 29
What were the causes of World War II?
Name examples of new military technology during World War II.
What were the effects of WWII?
Be able to identify & match these countries & leaders to their belief system (government type)
AND the actions they took prior to WWII:
• Great Britain, Neville Chamberlain
• Japan, Emperor Hirohito
• Germany, Adolph Hitler
• Italy, Benito Mussolini
• Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin
What is appeasement? How did Winston Churchill feel about it?
Who were the Allies? Axis powers?
What secret pact did Germany make with Russia? What was the result of that pact for Russia?
What was decided at the Yalta Conference? Who was there?
Why was the United Nations formed?
Why was NATO formed? The Warsaw Pact? How are these two different?
How was WWI different from WWII? (allies, outcome, weapons)
World History—Lougheed/Bohnke
The Cold War—chapter 30, sections 1, 3 & 5
What was the Cold War?
What were the causes of the Cold War?
What were the effects of the Cold War?
Which nations had fighting during the Cold War years?
What was China’s role in the Cold War? Korea’s role? Germany’s role? Afghanistan?
What is a “superpower?” Who were the superpowers during the Cold War?
What is containment? What is détente? Did either work?
What single event symbolized the end of the Cold War?
You will be given a poster, a letter and a map to look at and answer questions about. It would
be good to review the following concepts:
Propaganda—the purpose & definition
Germany’s treatment at the end of WWI
Germany’s treatment/division at the end of WWII
You will be given 2 maps from which to look over and answer questions.