Download WORLD HISTORY FINAL EXAM REVIEW Unit One: Enlightenment

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Unit One: Enlightenment
Know the significance and contributions of the following Enlightenment thinkers:
 John Locke
 Jean Jacques Rousseau
 Montesquieu
 Adam Smith
1. What was the promise made by the National Assembly when they took the
Tennis Court Oath?
2. Coup d’ etat?
3. Give two major reasons for the collapse of Napoleon’s Grand Army.
4. Which estate was the only estate expected to pay the taille (tax) prior to the
5. What group in France WAS NOT protected by the Declaration of the Rights
of Man and the Citizen?
6. What was Napoleon’s most important legal code?
7. In Napoleon’s new government, what was a promotion based on?
8. What was Napoleon’s major military mistake in 1812?
9. Similarities and differences between the American and French Revolutions.
1. The start of the Industrial Revolution began in what European nation?
2. What was the first major industry effected by the Industrial Revolution?
3. What new labor system did the factory produce?
4. Describe what is meant by realpolitik.
5. What two new social classes were created by the Industrial Revolution?
6. Conditions were so bad for workers in the early industrialization period that
a new political idea came about hoping to spread the wealth of society to
as many people as possible. What was this new political force?
7. The principle of intervention gave the powers of Europe what right?
8. Name the four commodities that led the way for the Second Industrial
9. According to Marx, how would the proletariat transform European society?
1. What are the common themes (social, political, economic) of European
imperialism in Africa and Asia?
2. Describe what is meant by the “white-man’s burden”.
3. What were the multiple consequences (social, political, economic) of
European imperial influence in China during the 19th and early 20th
4. What were the European motives for Imperialism?
Unit Five: WWI
1. What were the main causes/global trends that led to the outbreak of WWI?
2. At the outbreak, who were members of the Triple Entente and Triple
3. What type of fighting developed on the Western Front?
4. What is meant by “total war”?
5. What were the reasons that Germany hated the Treaty of Versailles and felt
it was unfair to their nation?
6. What peace keeping group did Woodrow Wilson propose be created after
7. As a result of the Russian Revolution, did Russia become a major
Imperialistic power?
8. What was the name of Lenin’s political party that will lead a violent
overthrow of the Russian government?
9. New Political Boundaries after WWI. (Map Skill)
1. Identify the weaknesses of the League of Nations.
2. Stalin’s Five Year Plans for Russia: what was the main goal of the plans?
3. What was the ultimate goal of propaganda use by totalitarian governments?
4. How did the Dawes Plan help Germany after WWI?
5. Describe the major ideological differences between fascism and democracy.
6. One factor that led Germans to accept Hitler was the widespread belief that
Hitler had ended what in Germany?
7. How did the Nuremburg Laws affect Jews in Germany?
8. In August of 1939, what country signed a nonaggression pact with
9. What kind of an attack was a “blitzkrieg”?
10.What was the military significance of the Germans loss at the Battle of
Stalingrad ?
11. In most Eastern European nations, parliamentary (democratic) systems fail.
12. Effects of Kristallnacht.
13. Cause of Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union?
14. What justifications did Hitler use to target ethnic groups he deemed enemies
of the Third Reich?
15. What was the major decision to come out of the Yalta Conference?
16.Stalin’s use of propaganda
1. This was the period of political tension between the US and the Soviet
Union that dominated the post WWII era.
2. In order to protect the Soviet Union from the West, what did Stalin create to
serve as a ‘buffer’ between the two areas?
3. According to Winston Churchill, what had ‘descended across Europe?
4. What was the main purpose of the Marshall Plan?
5. What military alliance (between whom) was created by the Warsaw Pact?
6. What was the purpose for the building of the Berlin Wall?
7. Identify 3-5 major Cold War conflicts.
1. During Mao Zedong’s “Great Leap Forward”, what change did he want to
bring about in China’s collective farm system?
2. Purpose of Tiananmen Square’s Demonstration
3. As a major historical moment, what did the fall of the Berlin Wall
symbolize as concerns communism and the Cold War?
4. What is the name for the racist government policy South African leaders
turned into law in 1948?
5. Independence movements in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia had one
common similarity about them: What was it?
6. What is the specific system created by France and Great Britain to control
Middle Eastern lands after the fall of the Ottoman Empire?
7. Name the nation created in the Middle East in 1948 which has led to
regional conflicts with its Arab nations, wars, and conflict over land
8. After the discovery of oil in the Middle East, what was the reaction of the
imperial powers of the world?