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CHY 4U – West and the World Exam Information
June, 2012 – Ms. Paiva
Remember that your textbooks and books you borrowed must be returned by the start of the final exam.
The date of the exam is Wednesday, June 20 at 12:05 – you can leave at 2:15 (not before) and stay until
2:30 if you wish.
The exam is worth 15% of your final mark for this course. The following is a breakdown of the 3
Section A – Multiple Choice – 30 (or 40) in total. Record answers in the attached answer key.
Section B – Short Answer – Identify and give the significance of people, concepts, and themes from the
course. Respond to 8 of 15 (5 marks each = 40 marks total).
Section C – Essay Question – Choice of ONE of two possible essay questions about major themes from
our course. Your essay must have an introduction with thesis statement, 3 body arguments and a
conclusion. Provide as much detail and evidence to support your thesis as possible.
Some things to study for these sections:
Unit 1
Unit 2
Religion during the
Early Modern era
(salvation, providence,
of the Protestant
Reformation (Martin
Luther, indulgences, 95
Theses, Diet of
The CounterReformation (Council
of Trent, other countermeasures)
Feudalism 
The Italian
Renaissance & The
Northern Renaissance
(humanism, philology,
printing press)
Absolutism (divine
right, Louis XIV
centralizing power,
5 reasons that
Europeans were the
first to explore,
conquer and colonize
Unit 3
Unit 4 (Seminar Topics)
The Enlightenment
ideologies, key
Factors contributing to
change in the 18th
century (population
increase, enclosure
movement, inventions,
etc) (pg 141 #1, 2)
The role of salons and
women during the
African slavery, exploration and the
beginning of mercantile trade (slave
World War I – causes, outbreak,
beginning of war, leadership, end of
war, social impact etc
Modernization & Dependency Theory,
characteristics of a developing nation
The shift from feudalism 
mercantilism  capitalism
War and Revolution in Russia
The Industrial Revolution (roots, why
England?, railroads, connection to
Economic Ruin: The Great Depression
–dictators, fascism, depression
The French Revolution
(contributing causes—
Enlightenment ideals,
famine, treasury, Louis
XVI, etc)
The French Revolution
facts – Estates General,
National Assembly,
Tennis Court Oath, the
Reign of Terror,
Jacobins, the
Directory, etc.
New political ideas of the 19th century
(laissez faire, utilitarianism, liberalism,
nationalism, socialism, conservatism)
The Rise of Stalin – Five Year Plan,
life under Stalin, communism etc.
Social impact of the Industrial
Hitler and the Rise of National
Socialism – fascism, war against the
Jews, family life, etc
Nationalism and the unification of
Germany & Italy (Realpolitik, Bismarck,
Mazzini, Garibaldi, Cavour, Ems
Telegram, consequences FrancoPrussian War )
Social Darwinism  origins,
significance, connection to colonialism
Conflict and War: Europe, 1939 –
politics, Hitler, technology, Poland, the
Fall of France, Battle of Britain,
Tripartite Pact, etc.
Napoleon – power,
legacy, fall?
New Imperialism (the Scramble for
Africa, causes of the dependent
relationship between conquering and
colonized nations)
The End of World War I – Versailles,
blame, consequence.
War in the Pacific & Victory in the
Pacific – Sino-Japanese War, Rape of
Nanking, Pearl Harbour, the Nuclear
Age, etc.
Diplomacy and Coalition Warfare –
United States enters the war, turning
point of the war, Dieppe, Invasion of
Sicily, The Normandy Invasion,
Hitler’s last stand, United Nations, etc.