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Course: BIOL1003A
Facilitator: Zeke Williams
Dates and locations of mock exam take-up: 7:30-9pm Oct. 5 (LA C164) & 6-7:30pm Oct. 7 (ME 3380)
It is most beneficial to you to write this mock midterm UNDER EXAM CONDITIONS. This means:
• Complete the midterm in 50 minutes.
• Work on your own.
• Keep your notes and textbook closed.
• Attempt every question.
After the time limit, go back over your work with a different colour or on a separate piece of paper and
try to do the questions you are unsure of. Record your ideas in the margins to remind yourself of what
you were thinking when you take it up at PASS.
The purpose of this mock exam is to give you practice answering questions in a timed setting and to
help you to gauge which aspects of the course content you know well and which are in need of further
development and review. Use this mock exam as a learning tool in preparing for the actual exam.
Please note:
Come to the PASS session with your mock exam complete. There, you can work with other
students to review your work.
Often, there is not enough time to review the entire exam in the PASS session. Decide which
questions you most want to review – the Facilitator may ask students to vote on which
questions they want to discuss.
Facilitators do not bring copies of the mock exam to the session. Please print out and complete
the exam before you attend.
• Facilitators do not produce or distribute an answer key for mock exams. Facilitators help
students to work together to compare and assess the answers they have. If you are not able to
attend the PASS session, you can work alone or with others in the class.
Good Luck writing the Mock Exam!!
DISCLAIMER: PASS handouts are designed as a study aid only for use in PASS workshops. Handouts may
contain errors, intentional or otherwise. It is up to the student to verify the information contained within. 1. Which of the following is not a “property of life” (as defined in the textbook)? A) Evolutionary adaptation B) Structure determines function C) Order D) Regulation E) Energy processing 2. The three domains of life are: A) Bacteria, Prokarya, Eukarya B) Protista Eukarya, Bacteria C) Archaea, Prokarya, Eukarya D) Archaea, Bacteria, Protista E) Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya 3. Which statement about the relationship between Evolution and Natural Selection is correct? A) Natural Selection is a mechanism for Evolution B) Evolution is a mechanism for Natural Selection C) Evolution is a cause of Natural Selection D) Natural Selection is inversely related to Evolution E) They are unrelated 4. Which of the following options is the end result of extensive scientific inquiry? A) Scientific Hypothesis B) Scientific Law C) Scientific Theory D) The Mediterranean diet E) Both B) & C) 5. Fill in the blanks: _________ is/are the primary, source of energy for the ecosystem and ________ is/are the primary way that energy leaves the ecosystem. A) Light; Metabolism B) Glucose; Respiration C) Producers; Consumers D) Light; Heat E) Plants; Heat 6. The Atomic Number and Mass Number are (respectively): A) The number of protons of an element, the number of protons + the number of neutrons of an element B) The number of protons + the number of neutrons of an element, the number of protons of an element C) The number of protons of an element, the number of neutrons of an element D) The number of neutrons of an element, the number of protons of an element E) The number of neutrons of an element, the number of protons + the number of neutrons of an element. 7. Fill in the blank: trace elements account for just less than _______ of the human body. A) 5.0% B) 0.001% C) 1% D) 0.01% E) 2.3% 8. Hydrogen bonds occur when… A) When hydrogen engages in an ionic bond with another atom. B) The partial positive charge on the hydrogen atom of a lipid is attracted to a negatively charged phosphate group. C) The partial positive charge on the hydrogen atom of one water molecule is attracted to partial negative charge on the hydrogen atom of another water molecule. D) The partial positive charge on the hydrogen atom of a water molecule is attracted to a negatively charged region on another molecule. E) A covalent bond between two hydrogen atoms. 9. Fill in the blanks: the ____________ experiment tested the _________ hypothesis, the hypothesis that organic molecules could have formed under the conditions of early earth. A) Oparin-­‐Urey experiment; Miller-­‐Haldane hypothesis. B) Miller-­‐Urey experiment; Panspermia hypothesis C) Primordial soup experiment; Oparin-­‐Haldane hypothesis D) Primordial soup experiment; Miller-­‐Urey hypothesis E) Miller-­‐Urey experiment; Oparin-­‐Haldane hypothesis 10. Which of the following raises LDL (low-­‐density lipoproteins) and lowers HDL (high-­‐density lipoproteins) in the blood? A) Trans fats B) Saturated fats C) Omega-­‐3 Polyunsaturated fats D) Polyunsaturated fats without Omega-­‐3 E) Phospholipids 11. Match the name of the bond with the macromolecule who’s monomers it joins: 1.Polysaccharides, 2.Polypeptides, 3.Lipids and 4.Nucleic Acids. A) 1.ester, 2.peptide, 3.phosphodiester, 4.glycosidic. B) 1.glycosidic, 2.peptide, 3.ester, 4.phosphodiester C) 1.glycosidic, 2.ester, 3.phosphodiester, 4.peptide D) 1.ester, 2.glycosidic, 3.phosphodiester, 4.peptide E) 1.peptide, 2.phosphodiester, 3.peptide, 4.glycosidic 12. What feature of a protein is known as quaternary structure? A) Alpha helix or Beta Pleated structure B) More than one peptide chain making up the protein C) The order of Amino Acids in the protein’s peptide chain D) The interaction of the Amino Acid’s R-­‐groups E) Hydrogen bonds 13. What feature of a fat makes it unsaturated? A) A trans bond. B) The possession of at least one fatty acid with one or more double bonds. C) The maximum amount of hydrogen atoms on all fatty acid tails. D) A C=C double bond between the 3rd and 4th carbons from the omega end of the fatty acid E) Being unsaturated with cholesterol. 14. What are the three components of a nucleic acid? A) phosphate group, amino group, nitrogenous base B) deoxyribose, phosphate group, nitrogenous base C) nucleotide, 5 carbon sugar, phosphate group D) nucleotide, 5 carbon sugar, nitrogenous base E) phosphate group, 5 carbon sugar, nitrogenous base 15. Specifically, where in the cell is ribosomal RNA (rRNA) made? A) Nucleus B) Rough Endoplasmic reticulum C) Nucleolus D) Vacuoles E) Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum 16. Which of the following structures is not part of the endomembrane system? A) Nucleus B) Lysosomes C) Golgi apparatus D) Peroxisomes E) Cell membrane 17. Which of the following is contained in an animal cell but not a plant cell? A) Lysosomes B) Centrioles C) Peroxisomes D) Mitochondria E) Both A) and B) 18. Which of the following is an incorrect comparison of a eukaryotic cell and a prokaryotic cell? A) eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells both have ribosomes. B) unlike prokaryotes, eukaryotes never have cell capsules. C) eukaryotes have membrane bounded organelles while prokaryotic cells do not. D) unlike prokaryotes, eukaryotes never have cilia. E) unlike eukaryotes, prokaryotes have circular chromosomes. 19. Pinocytosis refers to: A) The engulfing and take-­‐up of food molecules, into vacuoles, by a cell’s membrane. B) The take-­‐up of fluids into small vesicles. C) The action of one cell attacking another. D) The break down of food molecules in a peroxisome. E) The binding of proteins to receptors in the cell membrane. 20. Which method of moving molecules across the plasma membrane requires energy from the cell? A) Active B) Facilitated C) Passive D) Diffusion E) Osmosis 21. You have an animal cell and a plant cell, both with internal solute concentrations of 3M. You place both cells in a 0.2M extracellular solution. 1.What will happen to the animal cell? 2.What will happen to the plant cell? A) 1.Cell will lyse, 2.Cell will be turgid. B) 1. Cell will lyse, 2.Cell will be lyse. C) 1.Cell will be happy, 2.Cell will be flaccid. D) 1.Cell will shrivel, 2.Cell will become plasmolyzed. E) 1. Cell shrivel, 2.Cell will be turgid. 22. The interaction between V. Cholerae and CFTR produces what kind of tonicity in the small intestine, relative to the cells of the intestinal walls? A) Hypotonic B) Isotonic C) Hypertonic D) Tonic E) Osmolaric 23. Fill in the blanks: ATP undergoes a(n) __________ reaction when it gives away one of its phosphate groups (becoming ADP) to drive a(n) ___________ reaction in the cell. A) Endergonic; Exergonic B) Extragonic; Exogonic C) Exogonic; Extragonic D) Activation energy; Entropic E) Exergonic; Endergonic 24. Which kind of enzyme inhibitor binds to the allosteric site of an enzyme; which kind of inhibitor binds to the active site? A) Non-­‐competitive; competitive B) Competitive; non-­‐competitive C) Allosteric; feedback inhibitor D) feedback inhibitor; allosteric E) All options are incorrect 25. In a chemical reaction, an enzyme… A) lowers the activation energy of the reaction B) raises the activation energy of the reaction C) reacts with other molecules to become a product of the reaction D) is not a reactant nor a product of the reaction E) Both A) and D) are correct 26. Approximately how much ATP is produced from one molecule of glucose? A) 22 B) 28 C) 40 D) 32 E) 16 27. Where does glycolysis occur? A) the intermembrane space of the mitochondria B) the cell cytoplasm C) the mitochondrial matrix D) the stroma E) across the mitochondrial membrane 28. How many molecules of NAD+ are reduced to NADH when the citric acid cycle processes the products of a single molecule of glucose? A) 3 B) 6 C) 9 D) 2 E) 4 29. In fermentation (following glycolysis), which molecules are oxidized and which are reduced? A) 2 NADH are oxidized; 2 NAD+ are reduced B) 1 molecule of glucose is oxidized; 2 NAD+ are reduced C) 2 NADH are oxidized; 2 pyruvate are reduced D) 2 FADH2 are oxidized; 2 pyruvate are reduced E) 2 pyruvate are oxidized; 2 ethanol are reduced 30. What force is directly responsible for production of ATP by the ATP synthase? A) The pull exerted on electrons in the electron transport chain by an atom of oxygen. B) The energy released when glucose is oxidized to 2 pyruvate. C) The movement of the two mobile electron carriers in the electron transport chain. D) The movement of H+ ions down a concentration gradient from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space E) The movement of H+ ions down a concentration gradient from the intermembrane space to the mitochondrial matrix.