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Walter Gordon
Learning about Egypt was very fun for me and I hope that what I am
about to tell you would want to make you learn about Egypt also. I will cover
five areas that I was supposed to cover. These areas are the geography, and
historical background and the people/population, also the economy and last
but not least the positive aspects of this country. So I hope you enjoy my
presentation. Also save the question you have for the end please.
The first thing I am going to cover is the geography. Egypt’s capital is
Cairo. The official language is Arabic. The latitude is 30.3, while the
longitude is 31.15. For those who don’t know what longitude and latitude is;
it is the coordinates of a certain place. Egypt consists of a long narrow strip
of fertile land with desert on each side. Egypt is located in the northeastern
Africa area, with a area square mile of 386,662. This is kilometers would be
1,001,450, with that this is the end of the geography.
The next thing I will cover is the historical background. Did
you know that the ancient Egyptians were the first to build great
civilizations? They did this 9000 years ago along the Nile bank. Also did you
know that their culture lasted for more than 3000 years? They conquered
large areas of nearby land by 3100 B.C. that stretched over 1000 miles.
Also in 3100 B.C Egypt had built two different kingdoms. The two kingdoms
were called the Upper kingdom and the Lower kingdom. The Upper kingdom
stretched from the top of the Nile till the Cataract. The lower kingdom
stretched from the cataract to delta. Also they were nomadic which means
they move with their food. In legend it said that the first king of Egypt was
King Menes. The first great period of time of Egypt is called the old kingdom,
which lasted 2150-2650. This kingdom ended in war and violence. The next
great period of time they had was called the middle kingdom. During the
beginning of this time there was no specific ruler at this time. The local
monarch rulers became the most important rulers. They ended up fighting
for power until the city Herakleoplis and Thebes became the main centers for
power. This ended in 1975 B.C when they became untied again under the
rule of Mentuhotep. This kingdom lasted 1975 B.C to 16400 B.C. The next
great kingdom was called the new kingdom. During this kingdom the land of
Egypt grew into one of the strongest powers. The first ruler of the kingdom
was Hyksos. Then Egyptians began to rebel against him and he ended up
being drove out of the country. By this time they had a very strong military
force by using chariots and other military thing adopted from Hyksos. They
had captured back the areas that are known today as Palestine and Syria.
This kingdom last from 1593 B.C till 1075 B.C. This concludes my
background history of Egypt.
My next paragraph is on the people/ population. I will start
with the population facts. Egypt’s population right now is 82,079,636. They
grow at a rate about 1.96. The life expectance of male part of the population
is 70.07 years. The female part of the population life expectance is 75.38
years. Next I am covering the people part. The ethnic percentage is 90%
Sunni Islam, 9% Coptic, and 1% christan. The nationality of the people of
course is Egyptian.
This paragraph is going be on the Economy of Egypt. This economy
has a few industries it specializes in. One is textile and clothing, which
means the specialize in making woven material. They have many natural
resources too. One of their natural resources is Iron Ore. In light of that
though most of their economic activity takes place in their agriculture. That
is because they have rich soils because of the Nile River which means they
grow the best crops. The GDP of this country is 500.9 billion.
This paragraph will explain to you the positive aspect of Egypt. One
positive aspect is the natural resources they have. Like for example one
valuable resources they have is gold. Another positive aspect is the tourism
Egypt gets. If you don’t understand I mean that if you can make a lot of
cash of this by setting up some booths. Then get a percentage of the cash so
you get about 100 or more a day depending on how many people come.
Another positive aspect is the agriculture. Egypt’s farming is one of the best
in the world. That means you will get a lot of trade for your fruits and