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The exam will consist of multiple choice, true-false, “fill-in”, and a few short answers. Please bring a pencil and a good
eraser. Review you lecture notes in detail. Highlight new terms & concepts. Use the text to complete and correct your notes.
Don’t forget to use your text glossary & index to help define terms and find subjects. This exam will focus on lecture on
Evolution & Ecology.
EVOLUTION (Chapter 13-15)
• Who is Lamarck and what were his theories?
• Who is Charles Darwin and where did he sail to? Name of his book and the two points that he made.
• What is natural selection? Differential reproduction? Wallace?
• What is Darwinian fitness?
• What are the evidence for evolution (5 were given).
• Know the 5 conditions for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Know how to calculate the frequencies of alleles and genotypes.
• What are the 5 causes of microevolution?
• What are the three types of natural selection? Sexual selection?
• Know the different reproductive barriers (5 pre-zygotic & 3 post-zygotic)
• What is speciation? Know what are allopatric and sympatric speciation. What is adaptive radiation?
• What is macroevolution? Co-evolution?
(Chapter 35)
 Know the following terms: species, population, community, density, types of dispersion (clumped, uniform, random),
 Know the difference between exponential growth and logistic growth (examples).
 What is carrying capacity?
 What are r-selected and k-selected species? Characters for each and which is better for an unstable environment
 Characteristics for density dependent and independent factors.
 What is a life history? What are life tables used for?
 What effect does age structure have on a population? What is ZPG?
 What is currently happening to the human population? Effects on the biosphere?
(Chapter 36)
 What is ecology, ecosystem, habitat, niche - fundamental & realized niche?
 Know competition (both intra & interspecific)
 What is the competitive exclusion principle (Gause’s)?
 What are some types of animal and plant defenses?
 Types of mimicry (Batesian & Mullerian).
 What is a symbiotic relationship (parasitism, commensalism, mutualism, competition).
 What is ecological succession (both primary & secondary)?
 What are the trophic levels? What is the 10% rule?
 What is the reason for the loss of most species today? What is biodiversity?
Possible short answer questions on Exam IV:
These short answer questions will be chosen randomly so be prepared to answer them all.
1. Briefly explain how the 5 causes of microevolution can lead to a change in the gene pool.
2. Explain how differential reproduction drives natural selection.
3. List and briefly discuss the 5 pre-zygotic barriers that help to maintain species.
4. The mating of a horse (female) and a donkey (jackass) produces a mule. Does this mean that horses and donkeys are
the same species? Explain why or why not.
5. Hardy-Weinberg calculation for equilibrium (bring a simple calculator with capable of square rooting)
6. Compare exponential and logistic population growth. Under what conditions might each occur? What might limit
7. Know the different Life history strategies (r and k-selected species).
8. Diagram and explain the three types of survivorship curves.
9. Explain how the 4 major traits that affect life histories?
10. What is symbiosis? Give examples for the 3 types of symbiotic relationships and how they differ from each other.
11. A mountain gorilla, spotted owl, giant panda, snow leopard and grizzly bear are all endangered by human
encroachment on their environments. Another thing these animals have in common is that they all have equilibrial life
histories (k-selected). Why might they be more easily endangered than animals with opportunisitic life histories? What
general type of survivorship curve would you expect these species to exhibit? Explain your answer.
12. A researcher noted that in many small ponds, fish species A preyed on several smaller species: B, C, D, E and F. She
suspects that species A may be a keystone predator in the pond community. What kind of experiments(s) could you
suggest to test whether this hypothesis is valid? If species A is a keystone predator, how would you expect the
experiment to turn out?