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Circulatory System
Miami Arts Charter
Circulatory System
Transport system
Blood carries
Nutrients and waste
the important materials like oxygen to cells
disease fighting materials from the immune system
proteins for clotting
Distributes heat throughout the body
Also removes wastes like ___________ from the cells
Pumps blood through tubes
Blood Vessels
Carries substances
Tube like system that the blood is pumped through
Lymphatic System
Both Circulatory and immune
Blood Vessels
Oxygenated (Oxygen rich)
Blood from the heart going outward
Elastic and durable
Strong and thick
Withstand high pressure
Three layers of tissue
Blood Vessels
Smaller diameter arteries
Where the important exchange of nutrients and waste occur
Not extremely thick
Only one tissue
Diameter of blood vessels change in response to activity level
Increase blood flow, the vessels expand.
Blood Vessels: Veins
Carry oxygen-poor blood
Have thinner walls than arties
Deoxygenated blood
Because the blood loses pressure after going through the
Present in bigger veins
Less pressure
Valves do not allow blood to flow backwards
Cardiovascular System
Pumps oxygenated blood to the body
Pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs
Cardiac Muscle
4 Chambers
Structure of the Heart
Right and Left Atrium
Right and Left Ventricles
Top half of the heart
Bottom half
Pump Blood away from the heart
Thicker and do more work than the atria (plural atrium)
Wall Separates right and left side called Myocardium
Two main phases
Atria fill with blood, atria contract, filling ventricles with blood
Ventricles pump blood out of the heart
Blood Flow
Blood Pressure
Measure of how much pressure is exerted on the vessel
walls by the blood
Contraction of the heart
Highest pressure
Lowest pressure
Blood: Plasma
Broken down products of digested food
Vitamins, minerals, glucose, etc.
Waste products are also carried by plasma
Three Groups
Regulates amount of water in the blood
Produced by white blood cells
Blood clotting
Red Blood Cells
Carry oxygen
Made in bone marrow
Iron containing molecule
Used for clotting
Release fibrin to trap platelets and red blood cells forming a
White Blood Cells
Immune response
Blood Groups
Type A
Type B
A and B markers
Type O
B markers
Type AB
A markers
No markers
Your blood will clot if a foreign marker is present
Blood Groups
Rh positive or negative
Marker on the red blood cell
Rh Positive
Rh Negative
Positive blood type
Negative Blood Type
Your blood will clot if a foreign marker is present
Present in the plasma membrane of all cells
Liver makes cholesterol
Two types:
Bad: LDL is the main source of artery-clogging plaque
Good: HDL clears cholesterol from the blood.
Too much cholesterol increases risk for heart disease
Causes atherosclerosis
Blocked arteries
Fat deposits reduce flow of oxygen rich blood
Because flow is reduced
Heart must pumps harder
Vessels burst
Can lead to
Heart attack
Blood does not reach the heart muscle
Heart Disease
Narrow vessels that lead to a heart attack, chest pain
(angina) or stroke
Can be prevented or treated with healthy lifestyle
Clot in vessels to the brain
Vessels burst
Internal bleeding
Lack of oxygen kills brain cells