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Atoms: The Building
Blocks of Matter
DIRECTIONS: Write on the line at the right of each statement the letter preceding the word or expression that best
completes the statement.
1. The basic principles of atomic theory that are still recognized today were first conceived by
(a) Avogadro; (b) Bohr; (c) Dalton; (d) Rutherford.
2. If 4 grams of element A combine with 10 grams of element B, then 12 grams of element A will
combine with __
grams of element B. (a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 24 (d) 30
3. Dalton's atomic theory helped to explain the law of conservation of mass because it stated that
atoms (a) could not combine; (b) could not be created or destroyed; (c) all have the same mass;
(d) are invisible.
4. An example of the law of multiple proportions is the existence of (a) FeCb and Fe2(S04h;
(b) O2 and 03; (c) CO and CO2; (d) FeCh and Fe(N03h.
5. The law of multiple proportions was proposed by (a) Avogadro; (b) Rutherford; (c) Dalton;
(d) Thomson.
6. The rays produced in a cathode tube in early experiments were (a) unaffected by a magnetic
field; (b) deflected away from a negative plate; (c) found to carry a positive charge;
(d) striking the cathode.
7. Millikan's experiments determined (a) the electron carried no charge; (b) the electron carried
the smallest possible positive charge; (c) the value of the electron's charge; (d) the electron
was massless.
8. In Rutherford's experiment, a very few of the positively-charged particles were
(a) slightly deflected as they passed through the metal; (b) greatly deflected back from the
metal; (c) passed straight through the metal; (d) combined with the metal.
9. The mass of the neutron is (a) about the same as that of a proton; (b) about the same as that
of an electron; (c) double that of a proton; (d) double that of an electron.
10. Most of the volume of an atom is made up of the (a) nucleus; (b) nuclides; (c) electron cloud;
(d) protons.
11. The hydrogen isotope with the lowest mass is named (a) tritium; (b) helium; (c) deuterium;
(d) protium.
12. As the mass number of the isotopes of a particular element increases, the number of protons
(a) decreases; (b) increases; (c) remains the same; (d) doubles each time the mass number
13. Atoms of the same element can differ in (a) chemical properties; (b) mass number; (c) atomic
number; (d) number of protons and electrons.
14. The relative atomic mass of an atom can be found by comparing the mass of the atom to the
mass of (a) one atom of carbon-12; (b) one atom of hydrogen-I; (c) a proton;
(d) uranium-235.
15. Neon has an atomic number of 10. Calcium has an atomic number of 20. Compared to a mole
of neon, a mole of calcium contains (a) twice as many atoms; (b) half as many atoms; (c) an
equal number of atoms; (d) 20 times as many atoms.
DIRECTIONS: Write the answer to questions 16-25 on the line to the right, and show your work in the space
16. Nickel-60 has as atomic number of 28. How many neutrons does this isotope have?
17. Carbon-14 has 8 neutrons. What is the atomic number of carbon-14?
Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter
Chapter 3
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earlier in this work
18. Sulfur has an atomic number of 16. What is the mass number of the isotope of sulfur that
contains 18 neutrons?
19. Phosphorus-33
20. Silicon-3D contains 14 protons. How many electrons does an atom of silicon-30 contain?
21. Oxygen has three naturally-occurring isotopes in the following proportions: 0-16 (99.762%,
15.99491 u); 0-17 (0.038%,16.99913 u); 0-18 (0.200%,17.99916 u). What is the average
atomic mass of oxygen?
22. Chromium has an average atomic mass of 51.996 u. What is the mass of 3.00 mol of chromium?
23. A mass of 63.658 g of carbon (average atomic mass 12.011 u) contains how many moles?
24. A sample of nickel (average atomic mass 58.69 u) has a mass of 11.74 g. How many atoms
does it contain?
25. Silicon has an atomic mass of 28.0855 u. How many grams of silicon would there be in
0.10 mol?
has an atomic number of 15. How many neutrons does this isotope have?
Complete the following statements, forming accurate sentences.
26. The smallest particle of an element that can exist either alone or in combination with other such particles
of the same or different elements is called a(n)
27. The negatively-charged subatomic particles that surround the nucleus are called
_ .27
28. The short-range attractive forces that hold the nuclear particles together are called
29. Atoms of the same element that have different masses are called
30. The number of protons in the nuclei of the atoms of a particular element is referred to as the
31. The weighted average of the atomic masses of the naturally-occurring isotopes of an element is referred
to as
. 31
32. The amount of a substance that contains a number of particles equal to the number of atoms in exactly 12 g
of carbon-12
is referred to as a(n)
. 32
33. The mass in grams of one mole of an element in a compound is referred to as the
. 33
34. The electrically-neutral, subatomic particles found in the nuclei of atoms are called
. 34
35. The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is called the
. 35
Write the answers to the following on the lines provided.
36. What are the main points of Dalton's atomic theory?
37. Discuss Rutherford's experiment that led to the discovery of the atomic nucleus.
38. Describe the isotopes of hydrogen.
Chapter 3
Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter
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