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Section 3
Athenian Background
Located NE of Sparta, on the Aegean Sea
 Had different philosophy than Spartans
Athenian Government
First ruled by kings then by working people
 Oligarchy- form of government in which a
few people have ruling power
 Upper-class Athenians made reforms to
settle disputes over land ownership
 Draco, a noble, first to attempt
to change government but his
punishments were too harsh
Solon's Constitution
594 B.C., Solon prepared a
constitution, a set of principles and
rules for governing
 Broke governing power of the rich
 Set land ownership limit
 Landowners could vote in the
 Assembly could pass laws
 Freed people who were enslaved
because of debt
 Offered citizenship to non-Athenian
560 B.C. government taken
over by Peisistratus
Supported the lower classes
Divided large estates
among farmers who owned
no land
Stated a person no longer
had to own land to be a
Encouraged sculpture and
other arts
508 B.C. Spartans
overthrown by a noble
named Cleisthenes
 Cleisthenes created world’s
first democratic constitution
 Democracy- favors the
equality of all people
Cleisthenes' Reforms
The political reforms made by Cleisthenes
lasted for over 300 years
 Opened Assembly to all males over 20
 Chief Magistrates- judges elected to run
army and navy
 One commander-in-chief
 Council of Five Hundred handled the daily
business of Athens
Athenians preferred choosing members by
lot rather than by voting
– Didn’t want rich to have advantage and
believed everyone was smart enough
Athenian Education
Citizens required to educate sons
 Boys- tutored or went to private school
 Studied writing, math, and music
 Practiced sports
 Memorized works by Homer and other
Greek poets
 Age 18- Athenian boys went to temple of
Zeus and took an oath of citizenship
Greece vs. Persia
545 BC- Persians conquered Ionia
 525 BC- Ionians revolted
 Ionians asked mainland Greece to help
 520 BC- Persians put down Ionian Revolt
 Darius, Persian king, won and decided to
punish mainland Greece for helping Ionians
490-479 BC- The Persian Wars
490 BC- Battle of Marathon
Won by Greeks
 A runner ran 26 miles to Athens to tell of
victory and shouted, “NIKE,” the Greek
goddess of victory, then died
Started to build triremes, warships that
had three levels of rowers on each side
480 BC- Battle of Thermopylae
Darius’s son, Xerxes, conquered northern
– Started south to take over all of Greece
20 city-states banded together
– Sparta led army, Athens led navy
Narrow pass 100 miles away from Athens
7,000 Greeks held off 250,000 Persians for
three days
 300 Spartans and 700 Greeks stayed to defend
the pass
– Athenians fled city to Salamis
Persians, helped by a traitor, found a way
around the pass and killed every soldier
 Persians then continued on to Athens
480 BC- Battle of Salamis
Persians burned Athens to the ground
 Greeks tricked Persians to sail into strait
between Salamis and Athens
 Persian ships were too big for the narrow pass
 Greeks defeated the Persian fleet
 Xerxes left some fleet behind and retreated to
 479 BC-Battle of Plataea-end of The Persian
The Delian League
Persians still ruled Ionia
 Greek city-states formed a defensive
league, a protective group
 Met on island of Delos
– Sparta did not join
Athens gained too much power and Delian
League turned into Athenian Empire
460-429 BC- Pericles:
"First Citizen” of Athens
Wanted Athens to be
the most beautiful and
perfect city
 Rebuilt temples and
palaces on Acropolis
 Had the Parthenon and
the Long Walls built
Parthenon, temple of goddess Athena,
took 11 years to build
– Built with Delian League money
The Long Walls- 5 miles long, connected
Athens to its seaport of Piraeus
431-404 BC- Peloponnesian War
Athens and Spartan-led city-states
– Began decline of Athens
404 B.C.-Athens surrendered to Sparta
 The war and a plague left Athens in ruins
– Thousands of young Athenians became
mercenaries, hired soldiers, in Persian army
Athens revolted and set up a democracy
 Athens would never match its power before the
Peloponnesian War
Section 4:
Decline of the City-States
After Peloponnesian War, Greeks lost their
sense of community
 Bitterness between upper and lower classes
 Sparta ruled Greece too harshly
 371 B.C.- Thebes leads group in overthrowing
Spartan rule
338 B.C.- Philip II of Macedonia conquers