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Mesopotamia Unit Test – STUDY GUIDE
Geography: Use your geography packet in your binder/ Section 4.2 in Textbook
 Location of Mesopotamia
 Meaning of the word “Mesopotamia”
 Sumer
o Location
o Environment
 What is the Fertile Crescent?
o Why would people want to live there?
Rise of City States: Use Ch.4 Notes Packet in binder/Chapter 4 in Textbook
 Problems/Solutions faced in Sumer
 Irrigation Systems
o Purpose
o Problems
Sumerian Civilization: Use Ch.5 Notes Packet in binder/Chapter 5 in Textbook
 Inventions – What are they and what were they used for?
o Plow
o Arch
o Wheel
o Chariot
 What was the role of government/religion?
 Cuneiform – What was it used for?
o Where did people record information?
 Why is Sumer considered the first civilization? Know examples to support answer
Empires of Mesopotamia: Use Notes Sheets from Presentations/Ch.6 in Textbook
 Leader of each of the 4 Empires
 Order of the Empires
 Why did each empire fall?
Gilgamesh the King : Use Gilgamesh the King Question Sheet from Binder
 Characters
o Who are they?
o What did they do?
 Plot
o What are the main events in the story?
 How life in Mesopotamia is represented in the stories
Hammurabi’s Code: Use Hammurabi’s Code: Was It Just? Packet in Binder
 What is the code?
 Was it fair?
o Know specific laws to support answer