* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Practice Questions for the Mesopotamia Quiz Give a definition for the following keywords 1. Agriculture: 2. Animal Domestication: 3. Citystate: 4. Ziggurat: 5. Class System: 6. Cuneiform: 8. Scribes: 9. Code of Laws: 10. Anthropology: 11. Archaeology: 12. Artifact: Answer the following questions: 13. What is the Fertile Crescent and why was it important? 14. What does Mesopotamia mean in Greek? 15. What two rivers are significant to Ancient Mesopotamia? Why? 16. What main two things did people learn to do as civilizations began? 17. In ancient Sumer who lived in two‐story homes? Who lived in one‐ story homes? 18. What were homes made out of? 19. What motivated the Sumerians to develop a writing system? What was this system called? 20. Explain how Hammurabi’s Code was good for Babylon. What was bad or unfair about it?