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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Vocabulary – Name _________________________________ Mesopotamia Date _________________ Period ___________ Fertile Crescent – an ancient area of fertile soil and important rivers Civilization- complex way of life that came about as people began to develop urban settlements Surplus -an amount that is left over after a need has been met City-state –an independent city and surrounding land that governs itself and has its own laws Cuneiform -The world’s first system of writing developed by the ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia. Drought – a long period of abnormally low amounts of rainfall that adversely affects crops and living conditions. Scribe -A person who copies or writes books or documents by hand; often a record keeper Epic –a long poem that records that deeds of a legendary of real hero Ziggurat -a temple tower having the form of a pyramid. Mesopotamia -the region of the first ancient civilization. Means the land between two rivers. Hammurabi’s Code –first, written set of 282 laws put together by the king of Babylon. Polytheism- a belief in more than one god