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Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Period : _____
Jaguar Review #11
Earth & Space Sciences Benchmark C: Describe interactions of matter and energy throughout the lithosphere,
hydrosphere and atmosphere (e.g., water cycle, weather and pollution.)
Life Sciences Benchmark C: Explain how energy entering the ecosystems as sunlight supports the life of organisms
through photosynthesis and the transfer of energy through the interactions of organisms and the environment.
1. Which two characteristics determine the type of climatic zone, or biome, of a given
A. Animal life and temperature
B. Population size and plant life
C. Temperature and precipitation
D. Precipitation and animal life
2. Which of the following statements best describes how the water cycle is connected
to extreme weather conditions such as tornadoes and hurricanes?
A. They are both powered by solar energy.
B. They are both destructive forces.
C. They are both essential for plant life.
D. They are both causes of pollution.
3. How would you describe the interaction between a rabbit and a fox?
A. The rabbit and fox both compete for food resources.
B. The rabbit and fox do not interact in the environment.
C. The rabbit is a predator and the fox is the prey.
D. The rabbit is the prey and the fox is a predator.
4. Which of the following is not a type of symbiotic relationship in which two organisms
interact with each other?
A. commensalism
B. socialism
C. parasitism
D. mutualism
5. Which factor most influences the number of organisms an ecosystem can support?
A. the temperature of the ecosystem
B. the variety of predators in the ecosystem
C. The types of microorganisms in the ecosystem
D. the resources available in the ecosystem
6. How is energy converted by plants during the process of photosynthesis?
A. They change solar energy to chemical energy.
B. They change chemical energy to solar energy.
C. They change water energy into heat energy.
D. They change heat energy into water energy.
7. What interaction between organisms would be described as parasitic?
A. a mosquito feeding on the blood of a dog
B. a bee gathering nectar and pollen from a flower
C. a cleaner shrimp picking dead skin off a large fish
D. a nonpoisonous snake mimicking a poisonous snake
8. A park is home to a large number of robins, squirrels and rabbits. The robins and
squirrels live in the park’s trees. The robins feed on earthworms and insects that live
on the ground. The squirrels eat the acorns produced by the park’s oak trees. The
rabbits hide in the bushes and feed on the grasses.
Which factor would directly limit the number of rabbits that could live in this park?
A. number of robins
B. number of bushes
C. number of acorns
D. number of squirrels
9. Termites eat wood but cannot digest it. Protozoans live in the termites’ stomachs
and use enzymes to break down the wood. The digested wood provides nutrition for
both the termites and the protozoans.
What type of relationship is this?
A. mutualism
B. parasitism
C. predation
D. commensalism
10. Bass tapeworms attach to the gills and intestines of bass fish. These worms survive by
taking nutrients from the bass.
What type of relationship does this represent
A. predation
B. parasitism
C. mutualism
D. commensalism
11. The food web shows the interactions between organisms in a meadow ecosystem.
Which organism gets food energy directly from both plants and animals?
A. fox
B. grass
C. grasshopper
D. snake
12. Aphids are small insects that sometimes live near ants. The ants protect the aphids
from predators. The aphids produce a sweet substance that the ants eat.
Which statement describes the relationship between ants and aphids?
A. Both ants and aphids benefit.
B. Both ants and aphids are unaffected.
C. The ants benefit and the aphids are harmed.
D. The aphids benefit and the ants are unaffected.
13. Which of the following would likely impact the population of small birds in an
ecosystem the most?
A. increase in the insect population
B. increase in the fish population
C. decrease in the rabbit population
D. decrease in the number of daylight hours
14. The soil on a plain is eroded and the grass starts to die. Grazing animals that live on
the plain would probably
A. increase in number.
B. become carnivores.
C. become predators.
D. decrease in number.
15. What might happen in an ecosystem if the population of one species grows
unusually fast?
A. The food that the species eats might start growing more quickly.
B. Another species that eats the same food might decrease in population.
C. Another species that eats the same food might also increase in population.
D. The predators that prey upon the growing species might begin to starve.
16. The food web for a particular ecosystem is shown below.
What would most likely happen if the algae were
removed from this ecosystem?
A. The ant population would increase.
B. The snake population would increase.
C. The tadpole population would decrease.
D. The amount of sunlight would decrease.
17. The food web for a particular ecosystem is shown above.
What would most likely happen if the grasshopper population had a major increase?
A. The lizard population would not change.
B. The duck population would decrease.
C. The snake population would increase.
D. The frog population would decrease.
18. Examine the organism below. Which of the following types of environments would
best support this organism?
A. desert
B. tundra
C. marsh
D. taiga
19. An animal becomes extinct. What will happen to the animals above it and below it
in the food chain?
A. Animals above it will increase, and animals below it will decline.
B. Animals above it and animals below it will both decline.
C. Animals above it and animals below it will both increase.
D. Animals above it will decline, and animals below it will increase.
20. Which cellular process converts light energy from the sun into chemical energy that
organisms use for life functions?
A. Digestion, in which starch is broken down into simple sugars
B. Respiration, in which oxygen is used and carbon dioxide is given off
C. Fermentation, in which sugar is broken down and alcohol is given off
D. Photosynthesis, in which carbon dioxide is used and sugars are produced