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World War I Test Review
Alexander Kerensky Head of Russian provisional government after abdication of the Czar
Armenian massacre
Forcible removal of people from the Caucasus by the Ottomans resulting in 600,000 deaths
truce that ended the fighting in World War I was agreed to on November 11, 1918.
Balfour Declaration
Supported the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine
Marxists whose goal was to seize state power and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat; Soviet Communists
Russian ruler who hoped a surge of patriotism would overcome domestic problems and unite the country around his
Czar Nicholas II
David Lloyd George British Prime Minister during most of World War I
Russian legislature disbanded by the Czar in 1917
Franz Ferdinand
Heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary whose assassination by a Serb nationalist started World War I
Gallipoli Campaign
a failed attempt by the Allies to defend a shipping route to Russia against the Ottoman Empire.
Gavrilo Princip
He assassinated the archduke of Austria-Hungary in 1914
the deliberate destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.
Georges Clemenceau French leader who wanted to punish Germany
Grigory Rasputin
Trusted advisor to Czarina Alexandra
killed perhaps 50 million people or more in the spring of 1918.
Leon Trotsky
Bolshevik official who accepted harsh terms in his negotiation for peace with the Central Powers.
Passenger ship attacked by the Germans in 1915
territories in the Middle East to be ruled by European powers
Philosophy which looked to an uprising of the proletariat that would abolish private property & enforce social equality
taking no side in a conflict.
Nicholas II
The last czar of Russia
Area between opposing trenches
Industrial workers
Information designed to influence people’s opinions
In 1914, an archduke from Austria-Hungary was assassinated in this city
German military plan to attack France through neutral Belgium
The Somme
The main Allied assault during 1916, resulting in an enormous loss of troops and no clear winner
1st dug by the Germans in 1914 to prepare for an Allied counterattack, later stretched from Siwtzerland to the North
Triple Alliance
The partnership formed between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy in the late 1800s was called the
Triple Entente
The partnership formed between France, Russia, & Great Britain
Vittorio Orlando
Did not gain territory for his nation during the peace talks
Western Front
The deadlocked region in northern France where German and Allied positions changed little
Woodrow Wilson
His vision of world peace was called the Fourteen Points
Zimmermann Note
a proposal by a German official that Mexico attack the United States in return for territory