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The Nature
of Lipids
How Lipids are
Digested in Our
What is
Fat Eliminator™?
The Fat Eliminator™
Bonus Pack
Carb Eliminator™
A Natural Dietary
Supplement that
Blocks the Absorption
of Starch
Have Questions
or Comments?
We appreciate every letter sent
to Baywood. Comments can be
directed to: Consumer Services,
Baywood International, Inc.,
14950 North 83rd Place, Suite 1,
Scottsdale AZ: (888) 350-0799.
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Baywood’s Website:
A Natural Dietary Supplement for
blocking the Absorption of Dietary Fats.
ipids (fats) are a heterogeneous group of waterinsoluble organic molecules. Because of their
insolubility in water, their transportation in plasma
requires association with protein as lipoprotein particles. Lipids
are not only a major source of energy for the body, but also provide
the hydrophobic barrier that permits portioning of the water
contents of cells and surrounding structures. In addition, lipids are
responsible for many body functions. As an example, some fatsoluble vitamins have regulatory functions, and prostaglandins
and steroid hormones play major roles in the control of the body’s
function. Not surprisingly, deciencies or imbalances of lipid
metabolism can lead to some major clinical problems.
Rev/April 2002
An average adult in the United States ingests about 60 to 150
grams of lipids per day. Over 90% of dietary lipids are normally
triacylglycerol. The rest of them are made up of cholesterol,
cholesteryl esters, phospholipids and free fatty acids.
How Lipids are Digested in Our Body
The digestion of lipids begins in the stomach, and an acidstable enzyme called lipase catalyzes it. Most of those enzymes
originate from the small glands located at the back of the tongue.
This enzyme is accessible only to those lipids located on the surface
and speeds up the process of fat digestion which is still very slow
at this point since lipids are not yet emulsied. Triacylglycerol
molecules containing fatty acids of the short or medium length,
such as those found in milk, can only be broken down by a separate
enzyme called gastric lipase. This enzyme is active only at a neutral
pH level and is of little use in an acidic environment of an adult
stomach where pH is very low. However, in infants, whole stomach
pH is close to neutral and gastric lipase is very active making milk
and its lipids present an essential role in infant nutrition. In adults,
the lipids we consume during the digestion are not changed to any
extent in the mouth or the stomach, but they progress more or less
unchanged to the small intestine where their digestion starts.
The dietary triacylglycerol, cholesteryl esters and
phospholipids are enzymically degraded by pancreatic enzymes
whose secretion is hormonally controlled. As the name suggests,
pancreatic enzymes are secreted by the pancreas in the pancreatic
juice into the small intestine. The hormone, cholecystokinin, is
released in the presence of lipids and proteins in the upper small
intestine. This hormone acts on the gallbladder causing it to
contract, releasing bile into the intestine. It also decreases stomach
action, resulting in slower digestion, allowing lipids to spend more
time in the stomach. Another small peptide hormone called secretin
causes the pancreas to release more bicarbonates which helps
neutralize low pH of the food content that just arrived from the
acidic stomach, allowing pancreatic enzymes to function better.
TODAY, more than a million people
worldwide use chitosan dietary
supplements. LipoSan ULTRA ™ is a
natural, safe and effective supplement
that has been shown to significantly
reduce the absorption of dietary fats.
In the duodenum, the critical process of emulsication of the
dietary lipids occur. Since these compounds are insoluble in water,
the chemical reactions needed to digest the lipids can occur only
in the surface of the lipid droplets or at the border of food and
surrounding water based environment of the digestive tract. The
process of emulsication increases the surface area of the lipid
in foods allowing enzymes to access more lipids and to act more
Molecules of triacylglycerols are too large to be taken up
efciently by the cells in the intestinal walls. Therefore they need
to be broken down into smaller particles before being absorbed.
After pancreatic lipase comes in contact with the molecule of
triacylglycerol, it begins a chemical reaction that will remove two
of the three fatty acids from the molecule. Cholesteryl esters are
degraded by a different enzyme producing cholesterol plus free
fatty acids.
Emulsication is an essential part of digestion and is assisted
by bile salts and mechanical mixing due to peristalsis, a movement
of the digestive tract. Emulsication is a process similar to
saponication where smaller droplets of fat are formed making
them more accessible to enzymes for easier digestion.
Free fatty acids, free cholesterol and 2-monoacylglycerol,
are the primary products of dietary lipid degradation in the upper
intestines. These, together with bile salts form small clusters
of lipids that approach the primary site of lipid absorption, the
membrane of the intestinal mucosal cells. There the lipids pass the
membrane and are absorbed into the cells.
Bile salts are made from cholesterol in the human liver.
Since their production is constant, they are continuously being
released from the liver into the gallbladder where they are stored
until the food that consists of fat enters the upper portion of
the small intestine. In individuals whose gallbladder has been
surgically removed, bile salts travel directly from the liver to the
upper small intestine. Such release is no longer controlled by the
amount of food and, therefore, those individuals have altered fat
In the mucosal cells of the intestines, fatty acids are converted
back into their active form and newly synthesized triacylglycerols
and cholesteryl esters are formed and packed as lipid droplets,
surrounded by a layer of protein into small particles called
chylomicrons which travel from the lymphatic system into veins
and to the blood.
Chylomicrons are needed to transport lipids to skeletal
muscles and fat tissue for further storage, and also to the heart,
lung, kidneys and liver, where they are utilized, or in fat cells where
they are stored to be used when the body needs more energy. Any
deviation in this process can cause lipid malabsorption, resulting in
loss of lipids including the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.
Rev/April 2002
What is Fat Eliminator™
Fat Eliminator™ contains a unique blend of LipoSanULTRA™
and Vitamin C. Both of those ingredients have a unique purpose in
the absorption of dietary fats.
The basic ingredient of LipoSanULTRA™ is raw chitin or
chitosan. Chitosan is a natural biopolymer that is harvested from
the shrimp shell, crabs and lobster. Since during the process of
extraction most of the proteins are removed, it is still possible
that some proteins are left intact. Therefore, persons with known
allergies to shellsh should consult their primary care physicians
before using this or any other products that contain chitosan.
In addition to this specially produced chitosan,
LipoSanULTRA™ also contains 5% to 10% succinic acid, which
is a food additive. This organic acid allows improvement in the
solubility of LipoSanULTRA™ in stomach acid which is an important
factor in the stomach portion of lipid digestion. Laboratory data
shows that LipoSanULTRA™ rapidly dissolves in approximately one
(1) minute, which allows more time needed for chitosan to begin
binding to fat. Unlike regular chitosan that requires over one
(1) hour to fully dissolve, LipoSanULTRA™ can be conveniently
consumed immediately prior to the meal since it will be fully
functional in such a short time.
In order for LipoSanULTRA™ to complex fat in the stomach,
it must rst be in a solution. Regular chitosan dissolves very
slowly, under minimal agitation that occurs in the stomach.
LipoSanULTRA™ has been shown in scientic literature to have
potent lipid binding characteristics by mediating fat entrapments
that prevent fat absorption into the bloodstream. LipoSanULTRA™
is available in the stomach to complex or emulsify dietary fat
during the course of digestion. When the contacts move to the
upper small intestine, the acid conditions are neutralized and the
emulsion of LipoSanULTRA™ and fat forms a gel. That gel traps the
fat, protecting it from enzymes which prevents fats from being
absorbed by mucosal cells of the intestine. Laboratory data shows
that one (1) gram of LipoSanULTRA™ is able to prevent the
absorption of up to twenty seven (27) grams of dietary lipids, in
comparison to six (6) to eight (8) grams of fat for regular chitosan.
The Fat Eliminator™ Bonus Pack
Given the unique fat blocking characteristics of Fat
Eliminator™, it is recommended against using the product before
every meal, every day. For proper maintenance of essential fatty
acids (EFA’s) in the diet, individuals taking this product may wish
to consider additional supplements of vitamin A, D, E, and K.
Regular use of Fat Eliminator™ should ideally be combined with
a high-quality EFA such as Baywood’s Entrox®‚ and a multivitamin containing adequate amounts of fat soluble vitamins such
as Baywood Complete™ multi-vitamin. Take these supplements at
a different time from when you take Fat Eliminator™.
To help the consumer, Baywood offers the Fat Eliminator™
Bonus Pack which combines one bottle of 120 Count Fat
Eliminator™ with one bottle of 30 Count Baywood Complete™
Time Dependent Oil Binding Comparison of Various Chitosans
Vanson LipoSanULTRA™
High Viscosity Chitosan
Medium Viscosity Citosan
Low Viscosity Citosan
Chinese High Desity
1. Vanson LipoSanULTRA™ binds significantly
more oil following 1 minute, 15 minutes,
30 minutes, and 60 minutes solubilization
times compared to all other chitosans.
2. Some Non- LipoSanULTRA™ chitosans increase
their oil binding over time while
other chitosans exhibit no significant change.
3. The significantly increased oil binding cpacity of
Vanson LipoSanULTRA™ following
1 minute is a resut of faster dissolving time.
4. Solubility properties may be more significant for
oil binding than deacetylation.
For each determination, 100g
pure corn oil was added to 100ml
0.16N HCl containing 1.00g
Vanson LipoSanULTRA™
Patent Pending
Rev/April 2002
Clinical Studies
A recent placebo-controlled, double-blinded trial using
LipoSanULTRA™ conducted for 8 weeks, demonstrated mean weight,
body mass index (BMI), and perfect body fat increased in the
placebo group as compared to baseline; additionally, percent lean
body mass decreased signicantly in placebo group. Within the
treatment group, both mean weight and BMI decreased signicantly
compared to baseline over the 8-week period. In contrast to the
placebo group which experienced a mean weight gain of 1.5 kg
over 8-week period, the mean weight loss in treatment group was
1.0 kg over the same period.
A recent placebo-controlled, double-controlled, double-blind
trial of Chitosan conducted for six months showed a signicantly
higher body weight loss and a decrease in systolic and diastolic
blood pressure in the chitosan supplement group compared to the
placebo. The mean body weight decrease and body fat decrease
was 16.9 kg and 12.3 kg respectively.
A meta-analysis study evaluating a number of published
randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trials of Chitosan
results in a signicantly greater weight loss compared with the
How LipSanULTRA™ Achieves Results:
LipoSanULTRA™ is a safe
and effective weight-loss agent
when used in conjunction with
a responsible diet.
In the digestive system,
LipoSanULTRA™ attracts and
binds to negatively-charged
molecules such as lipids, fatty
acids and bile salts.
Because LipoSanULTRA™ is a
soluble ber that is not digested
by the human metabolism, nondigested fats are prevented from
being absorbed by the body.
LipSanULTRA™ binds to the
fatty substances, and is naturally
secreted from the body.
the fundamental
building block
of chitosan
In 1995 study, Scuitto reported that overweight subjects
treated with hypocaloric diet plus 4 tablets of chitosan each day
showed a weight reduction or 10.4%, compared to 3.8% in the
placebo group. Arterial systolic pressure reduction was 21.1 mm
Hg in the chitosan-treated group, compared to 2.8 mm Hg in the
placebo group. Similarly, Giustina reported both increased weight
loss, and signicantly greater reduction in systolic and diastolic
arterial pressure and respiratory rates in subjects treated with
chitosan, as compared to a placebo-treated control group.
Quality Control
In 1994 study at Ars Medicina in Helsinki, Finland,
researchers reported a remarkable capacity of L-112, Natural
Nutrition’s proprietary chitosan supplement foundation, to bind fat
in the stomach and intestines and lower serum lipids, cholesterol
and triglycerides, as well as increased HDL cholesterol levels. This
study revealed an effect that was almost 100% better than a control
group treated with a placebo, after two weeks.
Independent analysis methods are based on the following:
Vanson LipoSanULTRA™ is made in the United States by
combining high quality raw materials and 20 years of manufacturing
experience. Each batch of LipoSanULTRA™ produced is thoroughly
analyzed. Additionally, our dietary supplement and pharmaceutical
grade material is analyzed by independent laboratories for
microbiological activity and heavy metal content.
• Guaranteed efcacy: All batches satisfy a minimum fat
binding specication of 50 grams bound per gram of
• Consistent tapped density: 0.5 to 0.6 g/cc
• Reliable analysis procedures including: AOAC and EPA
standard test methods
1. Shiller, R.N., Barrager, E., Schauss, A.G., Nichols, E.J. 2001 Submitted for Publication.
2. Krotkiewski, M, Zahorska-Markiewiez, B, Olszaneecka-Glinianowiez, Zurakowski, A,
Chitosan as an adjunct to dietary treatment of obesity. (Abstract) 3rd International Symposium
on Chitin Anzymology and 4th Conference of the European Chitin Society, May 6-10, 2001,
Senigallia, Italy.
3. Ernst, E. and Pittler, M.H., Perfusion, 11, 1998, 461-465.
4. Sciutto A.M. and Colombo P. Acta Toxicol. Ther., Vol. XVI, no. 4. Oct./Dec. 1995. P. 215.
Vanson Tests For:
• Salmonella
• E Coli
• Staph, aureus: Listeria, and Pseudomonas
• Aerobic Plate Count
• Yeast & Molds
• Heavy Metals (CD, PB, NI, HG)
Rev/April 2002
US PA TE N T# 6, 130, 321
8840 152nd Avenue N.E., Redmond, WA 98052-3535
Fax: 425-882-2476 Phone: 425-881-6464 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
2001 Baywood International, Inc.
BETTER” are marks of Baywood
International, Inc.
At Baywood, we are ardent advocates for advancing the quality of
life. Our goal of “Making Life
Better”™ is based around understanding that everyone is unique
as individuals so that we can
develop nutraceuticals of the highest quality while providing the
highest accessibility amongst all
consumer channels.
At Baywood, we are actively involved in the trends that affect our consumers. As the nutraceutical industry continues to advance, we strive to
refine our competitive edge by refining the products we offer to the marketplace. We achieve this objective by identifying new scientific advancements
for the ingredients we use and quickly modifying product formulations to
changing consumer needs and demands. We ask that you expect this change
within our product formulations as you grow with us as a customer. From
time-to-time, you might see improvements in products that you already purchase from us. This is our commitment to you as our customer. This is our
commitment to change. This is our commitment to “Making LIFE Better”.
Baywood International, Inc.
14950 North 83rd Place, Suite 1
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
We make our Baywood Research
Module available to our select
retail customers who, in turn, can
provide informative infomation
for their customers.
Send further inquiries to:
Rev/April 2002
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