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Chapter 2 The Fall of Rome
Section 1
HSS 7.1
1. Leadership and laws helped the Romans
build a strong empire.
2. Roman advancements in engineering,
architecture, art, and philosophy helped
shape later civilizations.
Students analyze the causes
and effects of the vast
expansion and ultimate
disintegration of the Roman
3. Romans helped preserve and spread
Key Terms and People
first emperor of Rome
citizens people allowed to participate in government
aqueducts channels built to carry water from mountains to cities
Academic Vocabulary
a new idea or way of doing something
Section Summary
Between the 700s BC and the 200s AD, Rome grew
from a small village to a huge city with over a
million inhabitants. Millions more lived in territory
controlled by the Romans.
As its territory grew, Rome changed from rule
by kings to a government of elected leaders known
as a republic. For hundreds of years, the republic
grew strong and powerful. Eventually, however,
the culture of Rome broke down. To restore order,
the Romans changed their government again and
became an empire.
An empire is ruled by a powerful leader, who is
usually called an emperor. Rome’s first emperor,
Augustus, established the emperor’s considerable
powers. Some later emperors used this power for
good, while others abused it. The Roman empire’s
Underline the phrase that explains
why Rome switched governments
from an elected republic to an
empire ruled by a powerful leader.
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2
Interactive Reader and Study Guide
Section 1, continued
laws protected the rights of Roman citizens, the
people allowed to participate in government.
Citizens had both rights and responsibilities.
Citizenship of Rome was considered a great honor.
Sometimes even people of a newly conquered land
would be granted citizenship as a way of ensuring
their loyalty to the empire.
The Romans made lasting advances in engineering,
architecture, art, and philosophy. Engineers built
many roads and made other innovations in the
infrastructure to make life easier. For example, they
built aqueducts, channels built to carry water from
distant mountain ranges into Rome. They also
used their engineering skills to design and construct
bigger, better, and more beautiful public buildings.
Roman art carried forward the Greek attempts to
recreate realistic work.
Roman philosophy differed from that of the
Greeks. Instead of projecting ideal worlds, the
Romans focused on more practical ways to improve
people’s lives. The Stoics, for example, believed that
to be happy, one must not focus on possessions, but
should act for the good of the group.
At first, Romans were opposed to the new offshoot
of Judaism preached by Jesus. But the religion was
popular. Eventually an emperor converted and
Christianity became the official religion of the
empire. In the later Roman Empire, Christian
religious leaders became politically powerful.
Why do you think Roman
citizenship was considered such
a great honor?
Underline one way Roman
engineers made life easier for
people living in Rome.
In general, how did Roman
philosophers differ from Greek
Were Christians persecuted in the
later Roman Empire?
Critical Thinking: Drawing Inferences In some key ways, the United
States has followed the principles of the Roman Empire. Write an essay
explaining what similarities you see between ancient Rome and the
United States. HSS Analysis Skills CR 1, CR 3, HI 3
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2
Interactive Reader and Study Guide