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Greek Unit Test Cheat Sheet
Known the chronological order of the major events of
-Events of the Persian War (the 4 Battles)
-All the Wars (Trojan, Peloponnesian, Alexander
the Great, Persian)
Can you find:
What type of landform is Greece?
What was the geography of Greece like?
Mountains & hills surrounded by water
What is the Parthenon? A temple to the goddess
Athena made in Athens. It is one of the best known
building in ancient Greece. Made by Pericles.
A. The soldiers hid behind a hill. When the Persians went to board their ship the
Greeks rushed out to chase them. The Persians will lose when the chase the Greeks
over the hill.
B. The final battle of the war. The Greek poelis get together and win against the
C. The battle that took place on ships. The Greeks small ships tricked the large
Persians ships into a Strait. The Greeks won!
D. An outnumbered Greek (Spartan) army tries to take on the Persians at a tight pass.
The Greeks will lose but they will allow enough time for the Athenians to get their
ships out of port.
Salamis C
Thermopylae D
Marathon A
Plataea B
Democracy is what?
All people can vote
Oligarchy is what?
3-5 run the government
What is a tyrant? 1 person take over the government by force
What is a monarchy? 1 person rules and it is inherited
What is a:
Philosopher: a thinker
Agora: marketplace at the bottom of the hill
Acropolis: top of the hill – holds temples & government
Polis: a city-state
Xenophobia: fear of foreign people
What was Mythology used for in Ancient Greece?
Religion & to explain away events that happen
What is the difference between American and
Athens when it comes to this?
Athens has a direct democracy – everyone comes to vote
America has a representative democracy – we pick people to
vote for us. We can’t have a direct democracy because we have
too many people.
Who was:
1. Athena C
2. Socrates D
3. Pericles A
4. Helen B
A. The leader of Athens who brought about the
Golden Age of Athens and made the Delian League
B. The beautiful woman who had a war fought over
C. A goddess who Athens was named after
D. The famous Greek thinker who asked others to
think for themselves and question their beliefs. He
was killed for his teachings.
Why was the Delian League made?
To protect Greece from the Persians
What were the Olympics used for?
To honor the gods and goddesses
Why did the Greeks and Trojans fight?
The Trojans taxed the Greeks when they passed through the Dardanelles Strait
Why can’t the United States have a direct democracy?
There are too many people and not everyone can go to
DC to vote.
Draw the three different Columns and label them (in the table below):
What is the difference
and similarities
between a Spartan
man & woman and
Athenian man &
woman’s life as
they grew up.
Boys: Taught in schools and
when they were 18 had military
Girls: Very little freedom and
needed a male escort, however
rich father sometimes had their
daughters taught
Boys: Both
had military
Girls: Both
were NOT
allowed to
take part in
the gov.
Boys: Never went to school,
instead started training for the
military at 7 years of age.
Girls: Lot of freedom. Were
taught everything the boys
were taught. Had to be
physically fit
What is the difference
and similarities
between US Theater
and Greek Theater
A few hours long
Technology – movies,
Actors Speak
How did Sparta get more land? Fought for it
Athens government?
Use many of
the Greek
Myths and
Actors don’t speak
A chorus sings about what is
All day long
Spartan government?
True or False: Each polis is independent. True
If true why?
There are too many mountains and too much water in the way. They cannot constantly be near each
Who fought and won in the Peloponnesian War? Sparta
Why did the Greeks lose some of their power? (think Persian war) They lost people in the war, were divided and
started a civil war