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Standard of Learning Enrichment
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
Upon completion of this enrichment you will meet (and hopefully exceed) the
requirements for the History and Social Science Standards of Learning for Virginia
Public Schools, adopted in January 2008, by the Board of Education of the
Commonwealth of Virginia. Specifically, you will:
3.1 The student will explain how the contributions of ancient Rome have
influenced the present world in terms of government (representative
democracy), architecture, and sports.
3.10 The student will recognize the importance of government in the community,
Virginia, and the United States of America by
a) explaining the purpose of rules and laws;
b) explaining that the basic purposes of government are to make laws, carry out
laws, and decide if laws have been broken;
c) explaining that government protects the rights and property of individuals.
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
The History of Ancient Rome
The city of Rome grew from settlements
around a ford on the river Tiber, a
crossroads of traffic and trade.
The village of Rome was founded
sometime between the 8th and 10th
century BC, by members of the Latin
tribe of Italy.
By the late 6th century BC, this tribe
developed a government by creating a
republic, with restraints on the ability of
rulers to exercise power.
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
The History of Ancient Rome
The Roman Republic was established
around 509 BC, under Lucius Junius
Brutus, based on annually elected
magistrates and various representative
assemblies. A constitution provided a
series of checks and balances, and a
separation of powers.
The most important magistrates were
the two consuls (rulers), who together
exercised executive authority. The
consuls had to work with the senate,
which was an advisory council of the
ranking nobility, or patricians.
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
Ancient Roman Government
Rule the
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
Ancient Roman Government
Rome became a republic, which is a form
of government with elected officials.
Senators were elected to represent the
interests of the ruling nobility or
patricians. The “Senate” is derived from a
term meaning elder, because the Roman
Senate consisted of the oldest and wisest
of the patricians. The senate selected two
people to rule. The new patrician rulers
were known as consuls.
Select two senators in the classroom. Think of a new law for 3rd grade.
The plebeians were the merchants, farmers, and craft workers of Rome. In 491BC,
Romans were at war, but the plebeians refused to fight for their city unless they
were give the right to elect their own leaders. The plebeians elected tribunes, who
represented the plebeians against any mistreatment by the consuls or the Senate.
Select two tribunes in the classroom.
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
Ancient Roman Government
The senate met in the Forum.
The senators would rule on
military and foreign affairs, but
tribunes attended the meetings
in order to protect the rights of
the plebeians.
Senators: Pass the law.
Tribunes: Accept or veto the law.
When a tribune objected to a
law, he would shout "veto."
Veto means "I forbid" in Latin.
If enough tribunes objected,
they could stop the law from
The Roman government was considered bicameral because it had two "houses." The
upper house consisted of the patricians in the senate, while the lower house was
composed of plebeian tribunes.
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
The United States Government
The Constitution of the United States organized the American Congress with two
houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Two senators represent each
state. The number of congressmen in the House of Representatives is determined by
the population of a state. Each state has at least one of the 435 seats in the House of
Representatives. Florida has twenty-five seats in the House of Representatives.
Why does Florida have so many Congressman of Representatives?
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
Roman Architecture
The Romans brought a lot of new ideas to architecture, of which the three most
important are the arch, the baked brick, and the use of cement and concrete.
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
To support the weight of the arches, it was necessary to transmit the force (weight of
building) to massive piers and then to the foundation of the arch. The Romans used a
Keystone block; the force was directed down onto the top of the keystone. The shape
pushed the force to the voussoir blocks of the arch to the impost and to the piers.
During construction, the voussoir's were supported by a temporary wooden frame until
the keystone was inserted.
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
Roman Architecture
The Romans also made a lot of improvements to their city: aqueducts and roads
and sewers.
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
Roman Architecture
The Romans built the first major public bath building in the city of Rome. The Pantheon,
built by the Emperor Hadrian as a temple to all the gods, used brick and concrete as the
materials for its huge dome. Nobody would build a bigger dome for more than a thousand
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
Roman Sports
The Olympic games of today are modeled after the games of ancient Greece. The Romans
developed Gladiator games that were held in large arenas open to the public.
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
Roman Gladiators
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
Standard of Learning Enrichment
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
Student Life Applications
Leadership Values
3.1 The student will explain how the contributions of ancient Rome has
influenced the present world in terms of government.
What is a representative democracy?
A government that has elected officials.
Who were the Senators?
Senators were elected to represent the interests of the ruling nobility or
patricians. Senators were the oldest and wisest of the patricians.
Who were the Tribunes?
The plebeians were the merchants, farmers, and craft workers of Rome. The
plebeians elected tribunes, who represented the plebeians against any
mistreatment by the consuls or the Senate.
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
Student Life Applications
Leadership Values
3.1 The student will explain how the contributions of ancient Rome has
influenced the present world in terms of architecture.
What three important contributions did the Romans make to architecture?
The arch, the baked brick, and the use of cement and concrete.
What other improvements did the Romans make to their cities?
Aqueducts, roads, and sewers.
What did the Romans build to improve personal hygiene?
The first major public bath.
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
Student Life Applications
Leadership Values
3.1 The student will explain how the contributions of ancient Rome have
influenced the present world in sports.
What was the name of the arena where Roman gladiators fought against one
What type of sports are played today in a similar type of structure?
Football, soccer, and the Olympics
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
Further Study
Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.
The National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Dowling, Mike. "Patricians and Plebeians at" Updated August 8, 2011 .
Köhne, Eckart and Cornelia Ewigleben. Familia Gladiatoria: “The Heroes of the Amphitheatre” in The Power of Spectacle in
Ancient Rome: Gladiators and Caesars, ed. (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 2000).
Savard, Stewart. “Ancient Rome: from the Republic to the Empire,” May 2005 - Rebuilt October 2009.
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots
US Department of Veteran Affairs
US Archives
US Senate
Educational Enrichment for Young Patriots