Download TSTH Cleanse Foods to Consume

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Spring into Greatness Cleanse
Foods To Consume During Cleanse
Green Smoothies/ Smoothies with Plant Based Protein Powder
Fruits:. All fruits. Especially berries, lemons and limes
Chia Cereal - optional
Green Soup Blends
Vegetables: All fresh vegetables. Especially greens and cruciferous vegetables
Sea Vegetables: Agar, arame, dulse, hijiki, kelp, kombu, nori, sea palm, wakame.
Beans & Legumes: Soaked and sprouted (lentils and mung beans)
Mushrooms: Especially Shiitake
Fermented foods (kimchi, sauerkraut, etc)
Raw Veggie Sticks
Green juice
Cooked veggies
Sweet potatoes with cinnamon
Vegetable Juices: Only green juices. Lemon or Granny Smith apples may be added to
Herbal Teas:
Purified Water: Best source of water is natural spring water
All Herbs &Spices
Sea Salt or Himalayan Pink Salt
Lemon-helps boost immune system, is alkalizing, improves digestion, antioxidant
Cayenne Pepper – contains vitamin A, B6, E, C, Potassium and Magnesium,
Increase metabolism, stimulates circulation
Ginger - anti---inflammatory, boost immune system, digestive tonic, antioxidant, stimulates
circulation, contains potassium
Beets – contains iron, fiber, vitamin C, magnesium, copper& phosphorus.
Helps stimulate function of liver
Cruciferous Vegetables--- Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts
Contains photochemicals, fiber, reduces oxidative stress
Miso soup- contains all essential amino acids, probiotics, aids in digestion,
B12, high in antioxidant, strengthens immune system
Greens & Green Smoothies –high in antioxidants, alkalizing, fiber,
Rich in chlorophyll, help reduce craving for sugar
Sweet Potato help reduce sugar cravings, high in vitamin B6, C and D as well
As iron and magnesium
Dandelion root- liver cleanser, diuretic, antioxidant, provides vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D and
vitamin B complex, as well as zinc, iron and potassium
Burdock root- diuretic, diaphorertic, improves liver function (Burdock is also thought to
promote the flow and release of bile, which not only helps in cleansing the liver), also aids the
digestive process. Has antibacterial, and antifungal properties.
Nettle Leaf – has a great number of amino acids, panthotenic acid, folic acid, chlorophyll. It also
contains vitamins C, B2 and K, beta-carotene, Calcium, Magnesium, and Iron. Because of these
compounds, the plant has anti-anemic, anti-diabetic, haemostatic and diuretic properties
Milk Thistle – antioxidant,detoxifies the liver, spleen and kidney
Aloe Vera – contains vitamin A, C, E as well as sulfur, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and
chromium. It is high in anxioxidants, fiber, amino acids, and polysaccharides. Helps reduce
inflammation and assists with digestion
Turmeric – anti-inflammatory, contains curcumin- a compound known to interfere with chemicals
that cause inflammation
Avocado – Avocados are an excellent source of glutathione, an important antioxidant, high in
Vitamin E, Potassium, folic acid and oleic acid
Parsley- anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, has vitamin C and A, and Vitamin K. Vitamin K prevents
calcium build-up in our tissue that can lead to atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and stroke
Cilantro - high in iron, magnesium and manganese, antioxidant. Binds too mercury and helps to
eliminate it from the body
Goji Berries- is an adaptogen, boost immune function, increases alkalinity, an anti inflammatory and contains over 21 trace minerals sich as zinc, iron, copper, calcium, selenium
and phosphoros as well as vitamins B1, B2, B6 and E.
Spirulina - an algae superfood, a complete protein sources. Rich in Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6 E and
K. Contains Chlorophyll. Also has GLA, an anti-inflammatory essential fatty acid for a healthy
nervous system.
Foods to Avoid
Artificial colors and flavors
Caffeine – coffee, black tea, soft drinks, etc.
Refined Foods – white flour, white rice, processed packaged foods, etc
Sweets – high fructose corn syrup, molasses, artificial sweetener, and all forms of sugar except
fresh fruit.
Oils – hydrogenated, trans fats, and all commercial oils
Nuts – Cashews, macadamia nuts, and pecans are acid forming and harder to digest than
almonds and seeds, which are alkalizing. Walnuts are also considered a fatty nut, but it does
have Omega 3. Use nuts sparingly after the cleanse.