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Midterm Review
Chapters 1-10, 13
Key Concepts / Objectives
All of these things can be found on my web page.
All notes, power points, conceptual development, Labs, homework assignments
Chapter 1
Explain what Physics is about
Explain why mathematics is the language of science
Outline the Scientific Method
Describe circumstances under which a hypothesis, law, or principle must be changed or
Determine whether a hypothesis is scientific
Distinguish between science and technology
Distinguish among science, art, and relationship
Describe how progress today differs from progress thousands of years ago
Key Terms
Scientific method, fact, hypothesis, principle, theory, law
Chapter 2
Distinguish between force and net force
Describe the equilibrium rule and give examples
Distinguish between support force and weight
Give examples of moving objects that are in equilibrium
Determine the resultant of a pair of parallel or non-parallel vectors
Key Terms
Force, net force, vector, vector quantity, scalar quantity, mechanical equilibrium, equilibrium rule,
support force, resultant
Chapter 3
Describe Aristotle’s concept of motion
Describe Copernicus’ idea about the Earth’s motion
Describe Galileo’s idea about when an force is needed to keep an object moving
State Newton’s first law of motion
Describe the relationship between mass and inertia
Explain how the law of inertia applies to objects in motion
Key Terms
Friction, inertia, Newton’s first law, law of inertia, kilogram, mass, weight, newton
Chapter 4
Explain how you can tell an object is moving
Describe how you can calculate speed
Distinguish between speed and velocity
Describe how you can calculate acceleration
Describe the acceleration of an object in free fall
Describe how the distance fallen per second changes for an object in free fall
Describe what the slope of a speed vs time graph represents
Describe how air resistance affects the motion of falling objects
Explain the relationship between velocity and acceleration
Key Terms
Relative, speed, instantaneous speed, average speed, velocity, acceleration, free fall, elapsed time
Chapter 5
Distinguish between a vector quantity and a scalar quantity
Explain how to find the resultant of two perpendicular vectors
Describe how the components of a vector affect each other
Describe the components of projectile motion
Describe the downward motion of a horizontally launched projectile
Describe how far below an imaginary straight-line path a projectile falls
Key Terms
Components, projectile, resolution
Chapter 6
- State the relationship between acceleration and net force.
- State the relationship between acceleration and mass.
- State and explain Newton’s second law of motion.
- List the factors that affect the force of friction between forces.
- Distinguish between force and pressure.
- Explain why the acceleration of an object in free fall does not depend on the mass of the object.
- List the factors that affect the air resistance force on an object.
Key Terms
Inversely, Newton’s second Law, fluid, air resistance, free-body diagram, pressure, pascal, terminal
speed, terminal velocity
Chapter 7
- Define force as part of an interaction.
- State Newton’s third law of motion.
- Describe how to identify a of action-reaction forces.
- Explain why the accelerations caused by an action force and by reaction force do not have to be
- Explain why an action force is not cancelled by the reaction force.
- Explain how a horse-cart system accelerates.
- Explain what must occur in every interaction between things.
Key Terms
Interaction, Newton’s third law, action force, reaction force
Chapter 8
- Define momentum.
- Define impulse and describe how it affects changes in momentum.
- Explain why an impulse is greater when an object bounces than when the same object comes to
a sudden stop.
- State the law of conservation of momentum.
- Describe how the conservation of the momentum applies to collisions.
- Describe how the vector nature of momentum affects the law of conservation of momentum.
Key Terms
Momentum, impulse, law of conservation of momentum, elastic collision, inelastic collision
Chapter 9
- Define and describe work.
- Define and describe power.
- State the two forms of mechanical energy.
- State 3 forms of potential energy.
- Describe how work and kinetic energy are related.
- State the work-energy theorem.
- State the law of conservation of energy.
- Describe how a machine uses energy.
- Explain why no machine can be 100% efficient.
- Describe the role of energy in living organisms.
Key Terms
Work, joule, power, watt, energy, mechanical energy, potential energy, kinetic energy, work-energy
theorem, law of conservation of energy, machine, lever, fulcrum, mechanical advantage, pulley,
efficiency, fuel cell
Chapter 10
- Describe the two types of circular motion.
- Describe the relationship among tangential speed, rotational speed, and radial speed.
- Describe the factors that affect the centripetal force acting on an object.
- Explain the “centrifugal-force effect”.
- Explain why centrifugal force is not considered a true force.
Key Terms
Axis, rotation, revolution, linear speed, tangential speed, rotational speed, centripetal speed, centrifugal