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What is a Magnet?
A magnet is a body which attracts iron and
other combinations of metals with iron.
The magnet can "magnetize" other objects
which in turn act like magnets.
Magnetic Poles
• Every magnet has two poles, a south pole
and a north pole.
• Similar to electric charges, opposite poles
attract and like poles repel each other.
Magnetic Poles
• North poles and south poles always exist
in pairs. You can never have two south
poles or two north poles on the same
magnet. Even if you cut the magnet in half.
Earth’s Magnetic Field
• Earth’s molten iron core creates a
magnetic field.
Earth’s Magnetic Field Protects Us
• Earth’s magnetic field deflects the sun’s
dangerous solar wind around the planet.
Solar Wind
Magnetic Fields
• Magnetism is very much related to
• Just as an electric charge is surrounded
by an electric field, the same charge is
also surrounded by a magnetic field if it is
• Charged particles in motion create both
electric fields and magnetic fields.
How is a magnetic field created?
• If moving charged particles create
magnetic fields, then what creates the
magnetic field in a bar magnet?
How is a magnetic field created?
• Electrons orbiting in iron atoms create the
magnetic fields of magnets.
Electric Currents and Magnetic
• Current carrying wires produce magnetic
fields that are circular and perpendicular to
the direction of the current.
Electric Currents and Magnetic
• We know the direction of the magnetic
field by using the Right-Hand-Rule.
Magnetic Field in a Coil
Magnetic Field in a Coil
• By putting a current through looped wire, a
strong magnet can be created.
Electric Motors
• By passing a current through a loop that is
between two magnets, a simple motor can
be made.