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Name: ____________________________________ Date: ________________ Period: ________
Chapter 16: Electromagnetism
All-Section Test Review Guide
Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the correct word from the word bank
Electric Motor
Magnetic Force
Magnetic Poles
Electric Generator
Electromagnetic Induction
1. Each end of a bar magnet is a(n) ____magnetic pole_____.
2. A(n) ______electric generator______ converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
3. ____Electromagnetic induction____ occurs when an electric current is made by a changing
magnetic field.
4. The relationship between electricity and magnetism is called ___electromagnetism_____.
Multiple Choice
5. __a__ In the region around a magnet in which magnetic forces act exists the…
a. Magnetic field
b. Domain
c. Pole
d. Solenoid
6. __d__ An electric fan has an electric motor inside to change…
a. Mechanical energy into electrical energy
b. Thermal energy into electrical energy
c. Electrical energy into thermal energy
d. Electrical energy into mechanical energy
7. __c__ The marked end of a compass needle always points directly to…
a. Earth’s geographic south pole
b. Earth’s geographic north pole
c. A magnet’s south pole
d. A magnet’s north pole
8. __c__ A device that increases the voltage of an alternating current is called a(n)…
a. Electric motor
b. Galvanometer
c. Step-up transformer
d. Step-down transformer
9. __d__ The magnetic field of a solenoid can be increased by…
a. Adding more loops per meter
b. Increasing the current
c. Putting an iron core inside the coil to make an electromagnet
d. All of the above
10. __c__ What do you end up with if you cut a magnet in half?
a. One north-pole piece and one south-pole piece
b. Two unmagnetized pieces
c. Two pieces each with a north pole and a south pole
d. Two north-pole pieces
11. __d__ Which of the following actions will decrease the strength of the magnetic field of an
a. Using fewer loops of wire per meter in the coil
b. Decreasing the current in the wire
c. Removing the iron core
d. All of the above
12. __d__ Which of the following will induce an electric current in a wire?
a. Moving a magnet into a coil of wire
b. Moving a wire between the poles of a magnet
c. Turning a loop of wire
d. All of the above
Short Answer
13. Explain why auroras are seen mostly near the North Pole and South Pole.
Auroras are usually seen near Earth’s magnetic poles. Earth’s magnetic poles are located near Earth’s
geographic North and South Poles.
14. Explain why some pieces of iron are more magnetic than others.
Some pieces of iron are more magnetic than others because the domains of the magnetic pieces are more
aligned. The domains of the less magnetic pieces are randomly arranged.
15. Name 3 properties of magnets:
a. Have 2 poles
b. Exert magnetic forces
c. Surrounded by a magnetic field
16. Explain how you could use magnets to make a small object appear to float in air.
Attach strong magnets to a small object so that the north poles of the magnets point downward. Place
strong magnets on a table so that the north pole points upward. When the object is placed above the
magnets on the table, the magnetic force between the magnets will push the object up and make it
appear to float in the air.
17. Earth’s moon has no atmosphere and has a cool, solid core. Would you expect to see auroras on the
moon? Explain your answer.
I would not expect to see auroras on the moon. It has a cool, solid core and therefore would not have
a strong magnetic field to guide charged particles from the sun. The moon has no atmosphere and
therefor would have no gas atoms for the charged particles to hit.
18. Describe what happens when you hold a compass close to a wire carrying a current.
The needle may deflect and NOT point north. It may spin out of control.
19. Look at page 437 in your textbook. Explain what a galvanometer is and how it works.
A galvanometer measure current. A galvanometer has a small electromagnet and needle on a pivot
between the poles of a permanent magnet. When current passes through the electromagnet, its poles
are pushed away from the poles of the permanent magnet. The greater the current, the more the
electromagnet and needle pivot.
20. How does a generator produce an electric current?
A generator usually rotates a coil of wire through a magnetic field. This motion of the wire through
the magnetic field induces (creates) an electric current in the wire.
T-CAP Ready
21. __A__ *A student makes a closed loop of copper wire around a steel core. The student moves a magnet
back and forth over the steel core as shown in the picture.
Which of these happens when the student moves the magnet?
c. matter is created
a. current is generated
b. sound is produced
d. light is produced
22. __B__ *A student hangs a magnet on a piece of string over a wire coil as shown in this diagram.
What should the student do to get a current to flow in the wire coil?
a. cut the wire coil into two separate pieces c. attach a battery to the magnet
b. move the magnet through the wire coil d. apply heat to the magnet
23. __A__ *The device below is used to measure electric current.
Which of these is MOST likely used with the device to produce an electric current?
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. magnet
d. electromagnetism
b. magnetic pole
e. electric motor
c. magnetic force
f. electromagnetic induction
__D__ the interaction between electricity and magnetism
__C__ the attraction or repulsion created by spinning electric charges
__F__ the process of creating a current in a circuit by changing a magnetic field
__A__ any material that attracts iron or materials containing iron
__B__ one of two points, such as the ends of a magnet, that have opposing magnetic qualities
__E__ a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy