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By: Mahdiyah Johnson,
Noor Emrech, Sanaa Bhatti
and Aeshah Mughal
What is the Skeletal System?
The skeletal system is the framework of the
body. Its consist of bones and other
connective tissues which protect and
supports the body tissues and internal
organs. The human body has 206 bones.
Six of them are tiny bones of the middle ear
that function the hearing. The largest bone is
the Thigh bone which is also called femur.
Major Parts of the Skeletal
Cranium: Which is also the skull. It protects
the brain from damage. It’s made of eight
different bones.
Mandible: Also the lower jaw is the bone
that forms the lower part of the skull and
along with the maxilla.
Ribcage: protects the vital organs and blood
vessels. It expands and contracts along with
the lungs to allow efficient breathing.
Radius: Also the radial bone is one the two
Major Parts of the Skeletal
Femur: Also the biggest bone in the body. It
supports the weight of the body, allowing
motion of the lower extremity.
Fibula: The long, thin and lateral bone of the
lower leg. Runs parallel to the tibia, or shin
bone, and plays a significant role in stabilizing
the ankle and supporting the muscles of the
lower leg.
Scapula: Attached to the upper arm to the
thorax, or the trunk of the body. It stabilizes the
arm and provides for arm movement at the
Tarsal: also called tarsus is a cluster of
Major Parts of the Skeletal
Vertebrae: Protection for the spinal cord. It also
provides stiffening for the body and attachment
for the pectoral and pelvic girdles and many
Pelvis: a sturdy ring of bones that protects the
organs of the abdominopelvic cavity while fixing
the powerful muscles of the hip, thigh, and
Patella: Knee extension. It increases the
leverage that tendon can exert on the femur by
increasing at which it acts.
Tibia: also known as the shinbone, is a long
Fun facts
-  Babies have more bones than adults.
-  Some people have an extra rib which can
cause them health issues.
-  Ancient Egyptians developed the world’s
first functional prosthetic bone.
-  Humans have been dealing with bone
tumors for 120,000 years
-  Bones are not the hardest substance in
the body.